Bayview Leaside BIA Minutes

November 27th, 2017 6:15pm at 1540 Bayview Avenue

Attendance: Trae Zammit, Debora Kuchme, Cheryl Sims, Mike Tufts, Kris Morrra, Stanley Janecek, Warren Ravinthirarajah,

Phoned In: Grant Allardyce


Quorum: Yes

Conflict of Interest: No

Approval of minutes: Motion by Debora, Seconded by Mike. Carried: Yes

Motion to adopt the agenda: Motion by Stanley, Seconded by Grant. Carried: Yes

Agenda Item / Comments/Discussion
Action Items/ Responsibility
Motion / Motioned By
Seconded By
Carried: Yes/No
Chairs Report / New phone number, nothing to report
Treasurer’s Report / The Board went over October Treasurer’s report, some cheques were cashed late.
Motion: To approve the October Treasurer’s reports / Motioned by Debora, Seconded by Stanley.
Carried: Yes
Painting our Planter Boxes and Utility Boxes / Trae suggested that we paint our concreate planters, and look into having the utility boxes painted.
Trae suggested that we have the community get involved to create designs. Stanley brought up, that many of the designs that he has seen would not fit within the BIA.
Debora said that she would prefer to keep them the way that they are if the BIA does not retain creative power.
Kris agreed that the concreate boxes were unsightly and could benefit from an update.
Mike brought up the idea of having the hydro poles covered. Debora does not agree, stating that the covers only go part way up. Trae said that the BIA would look into the options that are available. Grant agreed, stating that the street should look more elegant, and that he was unhappy with its current appearance.
The board agreed that if we keep creative control that they would be interested in learning more, depending on cost. /
Motioned by Stanley, Seconded by Debora.
Carried: Yes
Digital Main Street / Cheryl completed the Digital Main Street Starter Company Plus classes and now has a budget of 2,500$ to spend on digital updating.
Trae suggests that the board would also benefit from the class, and mentioned having our buisnesses encouraged to also do the class.
Cheryl then discussed how we would be spending the grant. Trae discussed how a smart TV would be used for presenting and could be used to prepare different seminars and hold them at the office.
Mike suggested that we communicate this to our members, and send another newsletter out to our businesses. Stanley brought up the fact that many of the businesses that would benefit the most would not be reading an email. The board discussed the effectiveness of an email, and Trae suggested that we have more of an involvement with DMS and host another class to encourage businesses to participate.
Holiday Event / The board agreed that we would create a marketing map, that would allow attendees to locate activities.
Cheryl will create posters to identify activity locations
Other Business / Debora updated the board regarding the installed tree pits, and that the west side planters would be installed tomorrow.
Debora explained that the planters will be exactly the same on both sides, the pixies will be putting the pinecones soon and saved $2,000. Stanley mentioned that he liked the planters.
Debora was looking for feedback on the creation of smaller cards for businesses to hand out for the holiday event, a 5x7 card to give to customers. Stanley liked that idea, and agreed that it would encourage businesses to participate next year. Kris mentioned that sometimes stores do not think to put the event card into a purchase, and it puts the responsibility on the store owners.The timeline would be restrictive so possibly for the next event. Debora also suggested looking into a flyer service. Grant suggested a flyer service that he had worked with in the past.
Trae liked this idea and agreed that we should move forward on this for the Holiday event.
No other business
Adjournment / The next board meeting will take place on January 8th at 6:15
Meeting Adjourned at 6:55 / Motioned by Stanley, Seconded by Debora. Carried:Yes



