Minutes of the meeting of the barrington countryside fire
OCTOBER 17, 2016
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Barrington Countryside Fire ProtectionDistrict(BCFPD) was held on Monday, October 17, 2016 at 6:30pm at Station #1, 22222 N Pepper Rd., Lake Barrington, Illinois.
1)Pledge of Allegiance
2) Call to Order by Presiding Officer–Trustee Hanson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm, upon roll call the following answered:
Present Trustees: Hill, Hanson, Long, Heinze
Absent Trustees: Struck
Trustee Long moved to appoint Trustee Heinze as secretary pro tem due to the absence of Trustee Struck. Second by Trustee Hill and approved by a voice call of all Trustees present.
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
3) correspondence
3a) contact cards –Asst. Chief Motisi stated 5 contact cards were received, all withoverall ratings of 5, one had a 4 in regards to delay in dispatch. Asst. Chief Motisi stated the District receiveda thank you card expressing gratitudefor the care that was given by the paramedics.
3b) lEGISLATIVE UPDATE- Trustee Hill stated thelegislative summit is on October 28 and the District will work with Chief Kreher in regards to the dry hydrants. Trustee Hill stated the District will support the issue regarding smoke alarms.
4) Minutes
4A) READING and approval of the meeting minutes for September 19, 2016. Trustee Hill moved to approve the September 19, 2016 meeting minutes, second by Trustee Heinze and approved by a voice call of all Trustees present.
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson,Heinze
Nays: None
4b) READING and approval of the executive session meeting minutes of September 19, 2016. - Trustee Hill moved to approve and keep closed the September 19, 2016 executive session meeting minutes. Second by Trustee Long and approved by a voice call of all Trustees present.
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
4c) report from recording secretary- Nothing to report.
5) Public comment –Trustee John Schaller, Barrington Hills, invited the Trustees to the Barn Stomp at the Freier Farmthis Saturday from 4-8 pm
6) attorney report – Mr. Curran provided a written report, stating the State Statute on non-resident billing has changed and will prepare an amended ordinance for next month to accommodate this change. Rich Curran stated the District is required to have a travel and education reimbursement policy by Jan 1, 2017, and will provide examples to staff. Rich Curran stated he received a letter from the seller’s attorney regarding the pool table and beds, the seller responded those items would be left and if there are any other items please talk directly with the seller. The only things the seller would like to take, would be the mounted hose by the door and possibly removing a tree near the driveway. Rich Curran will respond that the staff and board had no objections to the removal of these items. Rich Curran stated Cook County does have substantial requirements that pertain to the seller. Rich Curran is working with the Sellers attorney and staff to obtain all the documents that Cook County is requiring for the special use permit. Rich Curran stated this process will take all of the 90 days in the contract.
7) Financial report
7A) - purchase requisitions from 9/19/2016-10/16/2016 - Trustee Long moved to approve the purchase requisitions from 9/16/2016-10/16/2016. Trustee Heinzesecond. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
7B) treasurers report and fund transfer– Trustee Hill moved to approve the Treasurersreport, with total receipts of $390,224.19, disbursements of $442,401.02, and transfers of $100,000 from the Money Market to the checking account and $30,800 from the Ambulance fund to the Money Market account. Trustee Longsecond. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
Trustee Hill moved to approve the disbursements and transfers as stated on the Treasurers report. Trustee Long second. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
8) DIVISION Reports
8A) Public Information report –Mr. McKeon provided a written report and will send out the draft on the Fire Chief’s Association PresidentAnnouncement in the next couple of days.
8b) report by Chief, deputy Chief AND Asst. Chiefs –Chief Kreher provided a written report, andthankedthe Board for attending the Fire Chiefs Meeting and the Prevention Luncheon. Chief Kreher stated they had a train derailment tabletop exercise with explosions and pesticides, our station was used as the operation center and everyone worked well together. Chief Kreher stated there is a Trustee meeting inWonder Lake, Trustee Long will be attending. Trustee Heinzestated Barrington Hills hadtheir “Hills Are Alive”program and our crew interacted very well. Deputy Chief Wenschhof provided a written report, stating Willow Creek had a small roof fire andthe damage was minimal. Deputy Chief Wenschhof stated there were issues because Willow Creek staff used a dry chemical extinguisher and the powder went into their AV equipment. There was another call a couple of days later for a smell of smoke, nothing was found, then later in the evening Willow Creek Staff found out that under the flashing of the heating and airconditioning units there was smoldering material. Deputy Chief Wenschhof stated the transition to Northwest Central Dispatch is going very well and it looks like March 1, 2016 will be the new goal. Trustee Long received an e-mail from a company regardingthe protection of e-mail’s. Deputy Chief Wenschhofstated this is the new spam software, and logging into this is not mandatory. Asst. Chief Motisi provided a written report stating Max Quinnett obtained is IDPH paramedic’s license and Fred Berg is now a northwest system paramedic. This month Lt. Mandel and Firefighter Travis Wolthausen conducted 6 classes on the new patient care reporting software. Asst. Chief Motisi stated the Northwest Central training has been completed and the ride along portion is about a thirdcomplete. Asst. Chief Motisi stated Matt Reibel, Sean Wagner, Matt Sadowski, Simon Scholesand Dustin Baniqued attended the Fire Fighter apparatus engineer course. An 80 hour orientation course was conducted for Simon Scholes and Dustin Baniqued. Asst. Chief Motisi invited the Board to attend a 2.5 hour combined Union Pacific & Canadian National Railroad emergency response to rail incidents training program on Oct 25, 26 and 27. Trustee Heinze suggested inviting Ryan McKeon so a press release can be written. Trustee Hill asked if the District is given notification of the train manifest. Asst. Chief Motisi stated they don’t provide the manifest, but if there is an incident the District does have access to acquire that manifest. The staff explained the various responses to a railroad accident. Asst. Chief Motisi introduced Shaun Wagner, Dale Bridges, Justin Canyon, Chris Moore, Brett Haller and Byron Johnson who were in attendance.
9) unfinished business
9a) facility planning & PLACEMENT –To be discussed in closed session.
10a) – The appointment of the Fire Chief – Trustee Hill moved to appoint Acting Chief Kreher to Chief, Trustee Long second. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
10b) – surplus vehicles – Chief Kreher recommended declaring 2 vehiclesas surplus and putting them up for sale. Trustee Hill moved to declare the 2001 Black Ford Expedition and the 1998 Ford pickup truck as no longer necessary or useful and authorizes the sale of the vehicles. Trustee Heinze second. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
10c) – station 2 bathroom remodeling – Deputy Chief Wenschhofstated the staff would like to refurbish the bathrooms at Station 2 into the small individualized style. Staff is recommending 4 rest rooms, with a preconstruction meeting around November 3, bid opening on December 2 and final action by the Board would be at the December Board meetings, with a cost of approximately $63,000. Deputy Chief Wenschhof stated one bathroom would be taken out of service for construction, once complete, the new constructed bathroom would be available before they would take the second bathroom out of service. The project would take approximately 60 to 90 days. Trustee Hill asked about sleeping quarters. Deputy Chief Wenschhof stated the sleeping quarters are adequate, some minor renovations might be made regarding access to the bathrooms.
10d) – Workers’ compensation insurance – Chief Kreher stated the District no longer has any employees, so unemployment insurance is no longer needed, which would save the District $22,000 a year. Chief Kreher provided a letter for signature.
10e) – annual audit – Rich Curran has reviewed the audit and recommends approval. Trustee Hill moved to approve the annual audit as presented, second by Trustee Long. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
Trustee Hill stated all the filings regarding the audit and Treasurers report with the counties will be completed.
10f) – 2016 tax levy and set tax levy determination. – Rich Curran stated the tax cap is 7% and the Board received a memo from Doug Taveirnerecommending 4.9% to capture any new growth. Trustee Hill moved to set the 2016 tax levy determination at a 4.9% increase over last year’s extension as recommended. Trustee Heinze second. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
10G)-other business designated by PRESIDING officer– Trustee Heinze stated there is a lot of activity in Barrington Hills regarding the boarding of additional horses. Trustee Heinze stated he is being contacted by residents in Barrington Hills requesting training or information on heat detectors, video surveillance and safety training. Trustee Hill suggested working with insurance companies.
11) EXECUTIVE session- Trustee Hillmoved torecess to closed session at 7:37pm for the purposes of lease, sale, trade and/or purchase of District properties pursuant to 5ILCS 120/2 © (6) I(lease or sale), (c) (5) purchase of real property, (c) (11) litigation and (c) (1) personnel issues,requesting Chief Kreher, CarolSellner and Rich Curranattend the closed session. Second by TrusteeHeinze. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill,Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
The meeting resumed at 8:10 pm. In attendance: Trustees: Long, Hill,Hanson and Heinze
12) possible action regarding matters discussed in executive session -Rich Curran recommends the District pay the two outstanding invoices from the Village of Barrington for legal fees that were incurred for PSEBA claims for $3,262.50 in 2014 and $12,194.29 in 2015. Trustee Long moved to pay the 2 outstanding invoices for legal fees as recommended by the attorney. Trustee Heinze second. Trustee Hill wants to verify the proper percentage is being paid. Rich Curran will verify those percentages. Upon roll call the following answered:
Ayes: Trustees: Long, Hill, Hanson, Heinze
Nays: None
13) ADJOURnMENT – Upon the motion by TrusteeHill, second by TrusteeLongand approved unanimously by a voice call of all Trustees present, the meeting was adjourned at 8:13pm
Respectfully submitted
Secretary– Pro tem