Parents, we know you all want to drop off your kids safely in the morning and be on your way as quickly as possible. We would like your help in working together to make our parking lot safer AND more efficient!

As you know, our parking lot is extremely busy! There are over 350 cars dropping off students every morning. You might also notice that on some days, traffic moves more quickly. I think we can all agree that when our parking lot “flows,” you can get in and out quicker and help keep our students safe.

What can we all do to create “flow”?

Maximize the “Unloading Zone” directly in front of the school (SEE MAP). We can fit 8-10 cars in the green area.

How does dropping off before the “Unloading Zone” affect the “flow” of the parking lot?

-  When parents drop off before the “Unloading Zone,” the cars at the front of the “Unloading Zone” (10-12 cars ahead) are already exiting the parking lot.

This means that by the time the cars who are unloading too soon stop to unload, our “Unloading Zone” is not being utilized. When this happens repeatedly throughout the morning, EVERYONE’S drop off time is extended.

-  When cars unload before the “Unloading Zone” and then attempt to exit by passing in the left lane (past the cars in the “Unloading Zone”), they create congestion for everyone trying to exit. This also disrupts “flow” for the supervisor trying to safely cross the pedestrians through the crosswalk.

How do I know if I’m in the “Unloading Zone”?

-  There will be orange cones placed along the curb to signal approximate drop off spots. If your car has not yet reached an orange cone, please wait until you can pull forward into the “Unloading Zone.”

We hope you join us to create a smoother, more efficient and safer parking lot at Rosa Parks!