Dear Parents and Guardians of Rising 7th Graders, June 2016

The 7th grade team would like to send an early welcome to you and your child. There are a few things we would like to do to help prepare you for the upcoming 2016-2017 school year.

As a school, we value the power of reading, so we are mandating that every student has a DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) book in their book bag. Students will be asked to take out their DEAR books during all classes (not just Language Arts). Additionally, there are Summer Reading and Math Projects students need to work on before school begins. The Reading project needs to be completed by Tuesday, August 30, 2016 and will also count as a first quarter grade. Here is a link to the information:

Also, at the start of your child’s 7th grade year he or she will take Math MAD (Multiplying And Dividing) Tests. Students will be tested on their skills without using a calculator. The tests will be timed and will count for grades. We will be working a lot with those basic skills, so practicing them in advance will be very beneficial. Please visit the link on the Piedmont website for all the Summer Math Project details.

Our team of 7th grade teachers use email as our main source of communication. If possible, please provide us with your home (or work) email address. If you do not currently have an email address, please consider creating one. There are several services that provide free email accounts (,, etc.). Please be sure to provide your email address to each teacher during the first week of school so you can be added to our distribution lists. You can expect to receive weekly or bi-weekly newsletters updating you on lessons, projects, and other important announcements regarding our classes or your child.

Each year we try to take our 7th graders on an extended field trip (3-days, 2-nights). Last year we went to Washington D.C. in the spring and plan to attend that trip again this coming school year. Please note that the trip cost is $325 and the tentative dates are April 4-6. Our team would like to provide you ample time to prepare and save up for the trip so we can try to get as many of our students to attend as possible.

In 7th grade, students need to complete 25 hours of Community & Service (CS). We urge your child to work on—and even complete—his or her hours over the summer. NEW Community & Service forms and other information can be found on the Piedmont website. In addition, this summer is a good time to read up on Community and Service Project that your child will be working on as an 8th grader.

We teachers need your support to help keep our classrooms stocked with essential necessities. If you want to donate any of the following materials at the start of year—or anytime throughout, we would appreciate your help. Below are the items most in demand:

Classroom Teacher Needs / White or Colored copy paper, Dry erase markers, Construction paper, Kleenex, Post-Its, Paper towels, Pencils, Extra glue sticks and tape, Bandages, Hand sanitizer, College-ruled loose leaf paper, Highlighters, Extra magazines or newspapers, Scientific Calculators, Markers, and Colored pencils and pens

In 7th grade we want students to demonstrate responsibility by coming to class ready to learn. Part of doing so is by coming to each class with the proper materials. Below you will see the supply list for your child to start the year off right!

Basics for All Classes / Specific Subjects
□  Flash drive (a.k.a USB/ Jump drive) labeled with your child’s first and last name
□  Ear buds (for quiet use of approved technology)
□  Pencils
□  Colored pen(s) (red for math and LA)
□  Hand-held sharpener
□  White eraser (Magic Rub-or similar)
□  White out
□  Glue sticks (multiple!)
□  Scotch tape-a must!
□  Scissors
□  Dry erase marker(s) and eraser
□  Highlighter(s)
□  Markers/ Colored pencils
□  Post-it notes
□  Index cards (3x5 with case will be needed for stems)
□  Ruler
□  Colored pencils
□  DEAR book
□  Box(es) of tissue and hand sanitizer for home base class and other teachers if possible! J / * Please note that you may choose to WAIT to purchase needs for individual subjects in the event that things change over the summer.
Individuals and Societies
□  3-ring binder with a full packet of plain filler paper (150 count)
Language Arts
□  Composition notebook
Ø  (at least 80 pages/ not spiral bound)
□  CHOICE of the following systems depending on learning style:
Ø  100-200 page notebook , or
Ø  3-ring binder (be sure to have a hole puncher for new material)
□  Scientific calculator (clearly labeled with your first and last name)
□  Graph paper
□  CHOICE of the following systems depending on learning style:
Ø  100-200 page notebook , or
Ø  3-ring binder (be sure to have a hole puncher for new material)
Ø  Binder for loose leaf paper
* Notebooks need to be separate for different teachers (ex: not one 5-subject notebook) so they can be collected individually for checks.

We are confident that your child will have an unforgettable 7th grade year. As a team, we guarantee fun and creative projects, exciting trips and excellent teaching!

In August we will be calling to let you know who your child has for home base and to give you important upcoming dates. We look forward to meeting you at the Open House and Back-to-School night at the start of the school year. All of us are hoping that you have a wonderful—and restful—summer.


The 7th Grade Team J