IAIMS Release
Organization Name Dodge/Jefferson Healthier Community Partnership (DJHCP)
Community/Region A 501©3 organization designed to develop healthier families throughout Dodge and Jefferson Counties.
Street Address 1 P.O. Box 27, Watertown Health and Wellness Center
415 South 8th Street, Watertown, Wisconsin 53094
City, Wisconsin Watertown, Wisconsin
Zip 53094
Contact Person* Ms. Meaghan McHugh
Phone* (920) 206-7797
Fax (920) 206-7798
Website Address www.djhcp.org
Briefly describe your interest in this partnership.
DJHCP is very pleased to submit this request for consideration.
The mission of DJHCP is, “to enhance the health and well-being of all individuals, families and communities in Jefferson and Dodge Counties. DJHCP will operate as a collaborative catalyst, identifying needs and linking the necessary resources to achieve its mission.” This mission statement is the result of a two-day strategic planning session with the Board of Directors followed by a strategic planning session with the general membership. DJHCP believes that it is through networking and partnering that the health and well being of communities in Jefferson and Dodge County can be achieved.
During our September DJHCP Board of Director’s meeting, a motion was made to pursue this opportunity with UW-IAIMS. According to the board, the project complements the mission of the organization and specifically addresses the organization’s goal as a catalyst and vehicle to link community resources.
Briefly describe the geographical location your health planning structure
represents (e.g., counties, cities, etc.) and include the population
Dodge and Jefferson are rural counties between the larger Metropolitan communities of Milwaukee and Madison. The community encompasses the service areas of many cities, villages, school districts, hospitals and insurers.
Jefferson County ……..…….. …………………………………………….73,375 residents[1]
Dodge County ..…………………..……………………………………….. 82,422residents[2]
Age Distribution [3] Dodge Jefferson
Under 18 yrs 26.1% 25.4%
Age 65-84yrs 12.6% 11.5%
Age 85+ 2.1 % 1.6%
Hispanic Origin 1.6% 2.4%
Other nonwhite <1% <1%
Health Status Indicators
According to the recent Community Health Status Indicators[4] for Dodge and Jefferson Counties, the health issues of greatest concern are: breast cancer; cardiovascular disease; colon cancer; motor vehicle accidents and suicide.
In 1995 a small group of individuals from Dodge and Jefferson public health, human services, the University of Wisconsin Extension, area hospitals, and schools came together to form the DJHCP. The group’s motivation to initiate the process was due in part to a state mandate requiring that all Wisconsin Public Health Departments conduct a statistical assessment of local health status and develop a corresponding community plan to address identified needs. This group recognized the potential for the process to make positive change – change that would not only improve health status, but also address social issues and ultimately reduce the cost of health care services.
Over several years, the organization grew to a board structure of twenty-one members. Ten members are mandated in the articles of incorporation and eleven are members at large of the community selected by the membership of DJHCP. The general membership of the partnership consists of over 100 individuals (see Appendix B – Community Membership).
The DJHCP holds monthly meetings in Watertown, Wisconsin. Watertown is unique in that it has a portion of its land in Dodge County and a portion in Jefferson County. It represents a fair and convenient location for the headquarters and monthly meetings of DJHCP. DJHCP is housed within the Watertown Health and Wellness Center (HAWC). This strategic location is also home to the Watertown Family Center, the Woman’s Center, the Jefferson Head Start, and the Rainbow Hospice.
The DJHCP Community and Board of Director meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. Meetings last approximately 1.5 hours and invitations are distributed via postal mail, fax and e-mail transmission. Minutes are composed and disseminated by the Secretary and are reviewed and approved before the start of each meeting. The discussions during the Community meetings are lively and informal. Networking and additional discussion follow the scheduled agenda.
Briefly describe your community health planning structure including the
length of time it has been in place and a list of stakeholders represented
on the planning group.
DJHCP has been in place since 1995 with Article of Incorporation completed in 1998. The organization has a dynamic Board of Directors representing 22 organizations in both Dodge and Jefferson Counties. The community membership is approximately 100 individuals. The DJHCP has recently hired a full-time Director of Operations to expand and strength its membership. The Director has a degree in Economics and a Masters in Public Health.
List of Attachments
I. Board of Directors (Appendix A)
II. Community Membership (Appendix B)
III. By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation (Appendix C)
Appendix A DJHCP Board of Directors
First Name / Last Name / Organization / Title /Steven / Breitlow / Plumbers 75 / Marketing Director
Gail / Chamberlain / Jefferson County Health Dept / Director/Health Office
Larry / Creamer / Friendship Baptist Church / Pastor
Kaye / Ebert / UW-Extension, Dodge / Program Coordinator
Dave / Edwards / Wis Dept of Natural Resources / Hazardous Waste Spec.
Steven / Fitzgerald / Dodge County Sheriff's Dept / Sheriff
Michael / Grajewski / Watertown Healthcare PHO / Medical Director
Mary / Gruenewald / UW-Extension, Jefferson / Family Living Agent
Roger / Klein / Watertown High School / School Psychologist
Jody / Langfeldt / Dodge Human Services & Health Dept /
Public Health Officer
Mary Beth / McDonald / FT Atkinson Memorial Health Services / Vice PresidentMarla / Noordhof / Beaver Dam Community Hospital / Wellness Director
Amy / Palm / Beaver Dam Senior Center / Director
John / Pfister / WI State Laboratory of Hygiene / Epidemiologist/Microbiologist
Carol / Quest / Watertown Dept of Public Health / Health Officer
Kathryn / Ryan / Dodge Human Services & Health Dept / Division Manager
Tom / Schleitwiler / Jefferson County Human Services Department / Director
Shannon / Semmelhack / PAVE / Children's Advocate
Tim / Strauch / Watertown Memorial Hospital / Manager-MIS, Medical Records
Jake / Taylor / AD TECH Industries, Inc / General Manager
Mary Anne / Weiland / Head Start – Jefferson County / Director
[1] US DHHS. Health Resources and Services Administration. Community Health Status Indicators Project 2000
[2] Same as above
[3] Same as above
[4] Same as above