Third Annual Educational Seminar
Co-Hosted By The Rocky Mountain Section of AACC
and The Rocky Mountain Point-of-Care Network and
Third Annual Educational Seminar
Monday, November 21st 2005
Sunday Evening Social Event November 20, 2005. 5:00 pm to 10:00pm at the Hilton Fort Collins
Get together with vendors and other POCC at the Hilton Fort Collins-MIX AND MINGLE. Indicate your attendance on the registration form. Early registration will be available at the Social Event.
0730-0800Registration and check-in.
0800-0815Welcome and Opening Remarks
0815-0945 Christopher S. Frings, Ph.D., CSP-Riding The Roller Coaster of Change In The Healthcare Arena- Intermediate Level-1.5 contact hours
Change has not only moved into the workplace, it’s moved in to stay. Learn how to use this new environment to your advantage in this informative and innovative program. Chris will explore specific skills that can lead to a more positive response to the many “interesting” things change brings.
Objectives: At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:
- take ownership in the process of change
- best use change to improve the company’s bottom line
- make the best use of their talents and maximize their potential
0945–1000 Break
1000-1115Jean Ball, MBA, MT(HHS), MLT(ASCP), Preparing Your Point of Care Testing for a CAP Accreditation Inspection- Intermediate Level-1 contact hour
This session will focus on the College of American Pathologists accreditation requirements for Point-of-Care Testing (POCT). The participants will understand the rational behind the requirements and will take home practical examples of solutions and recommendations for improvement that can be immediately implemented in their own institutions.
Objectives: At the end of this session, the participant willunderstand::
1.the major areas inspectors will examine to best prepare for inspection or changing POC requirements
1115 – 1245 Lunch and Roundtable discussions
1245 – 1445Rick Import, Leadership Communication for Point-of-Care Coordinators: Essential Skills for Dealing Successfully with Anyone- Intermediate Level-2 contact hours
Leadership Communication speaker targeted to Point of Care Coordinators. This presentation isolates communication challenges and enables the participant to modify reflexive responses and behaviors that are counter productive to effective, productive communication.
Sponsored by Medical Automation Systems
Objectives: At the end of this session, the participant will be able to:
- achieve faster, simpler and more positive results from tasks involving and relying on interaction with other individuals and groups with whom they work.
- understand and remove obstacles around productive communication
- gain knowledge of skills that can be practiced and improved to communicate productively with anyone.
1445 – 1530 Business Meeting
1530 – 1545 Wrap –up
Agenda may be subject to change
This program has applied for 4.5 ACCENT Credits from AACC and PACE from ASCLS.
The Southwest Regional
Point-of-Care Group
Gratefully Acknowledges
ROCHE Diagnostics for its support
of this educational program.
It would not have been possible
without their support!
Thanks to our other Sponsors:
- AACC-Rocky Mountain Section
- Abbott Laboratories POC
- ASCLS-Colorado
- The College of American Pathologists
- Hemocue
- Lifesigns
- Medical Automation Systems
- Rocky Mountain POC Network
- TriCore Reference Laboratories
- Poudre Valley Hospital
The Southwest Regional Point-of-Care Group
And The Rocky Mountain Section of AACC,
The Rocky Mountain Point-of-Care Network, and ASCLS-CO
2005 Educational Seminar Registration
Please complete below and mail with your check for $25 ($10 membership fee, $15 seminar registration fee) to Kelly Warnberg, 605 Rincon De Romos, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. Please make checks payable to the SW Regional POCG. Multiple attendees from same facility receive $5 discount per person.
Note: AACC or ASCLS members: send a copy of your current membership card and pay only the $15 registration fee). Non-member registration fee is $30.
Mail-in Registrations must be received by October 25, 2005. Late Registration at the door $35.00.
Mailing AddressState ZIP
Yes, I am a current AACC/ASCLS member and will send a copy of my current membership card.
Yes, I will be attending all events including the Sunday Evening "No-Host" Get Together
I will be attending all Monday Sessions
Roundtable discussion group I want to participate in (select your top three choices in order of preference; i.e.: 1, 2, 3) Please note there is limited seating:
CAP Inspector-Jean Ball-Please submit specific POC questions in
writing at the time of registration.
CVL and the IIb3A Inhibitor drugs
POC Connectivity
Cardiovascular Surgery/Perfusion
How to Pick Your Accrediting Agency…CAP/JCAHO/CLIA/COLA
Ins and Outs of Intensive glucose monitoring-or
"What do you mean you need 100 more meters?"
Roundtable sessions subject to change, depending on availability of moderators.
My specific question for the CAP roundtable discussion:
Please communicate any special needs or considerations:
Hotel reservations can be made
at theHilton Fort Collins!
The main event dates are November 20 - 21, 2005. Guests wishing to arrive early may do so starting November 19th, based on availability.
To reserve your room, click here.
Please check Web page periodically.