General / Population ( As per the 2001 census)
Sl No / ADA circle / Villages / No of GPs / Area
(sq Km) / No of revenue villages / Male / Female / Total / SC / ST
In Habited / Un inhabited
1 / Karimnagar / 108 / 3 / 134 / 1028.76 / 111 / 172073 / 169539 / 341612 / 73977 / 4657
2 / Husnabad / 103 / 2 / 137 / 1199.94 / 105 / 155389 / 153859 / 309248 / 61442 / 15783
3 / Huzurabad / 91 / 0 / 128 / 917.53 / 91 / 177990 / 176124 / 354114 / 76372 / 2965
4 / Jagtial / 129 / 1 / 154 / 1364.93 / 130 / 161603 / 168596 / 330199 / 60996 / 8427
5 / Mallial / 85 / 0 / 112 / 813.82 / 85 / 120303 / 122941 / 243244 / 49517 / 2644
6 / Metpalli / 82 / 4 / 91 / 926.58 / 86 / 105423 / 110569 / 215992 / 35897 / 7913
7 / Sircilla / 116 / 4 / 131 / 1341.87 / 120 / 145264 / 147158 / 292422 / 63804 / 13574
8 / Peddapalli / 103 / 1 / 116 / 1096.09 / 104 / 148753 / 149246 / 297999 / 52122 / 4611
9 / Manthani / 124 / 8 / 105 / 1353.06 / 132 / 117762 / 116265 / 234027 / 49932 / 4275
10 / Mahadevpur / 102 / 22 / 62 / 980.74 / 124 / 49005 / 48410 / 97415 / 24829 / 14616
Total / 1043 / 45 / 1170 / 11023.32 / 1088 / 1353565 / 1362707 / 2716272 / 548888 / 79465
Table 2 Land Holdings (Agriculture Census 2001) (Area in ha)
Sl.No. / Name of the ADA circle / Marginal Farmers / Small farmers / Semi Medium farmers / Medium farmers / Large Farmers / TotalNumber / Area / Number / Area / Number / Area / Number / Area / No. / Area / No. / Area
1 / Karimnagar / 44077 / 18809 / 14084 / 19723 / 4475 / 10783 / 1706 / 5849 / 2091 / 13045 / 66433 / 68208
2 / Husnabad / 42053 / 20279 / 17059 / 23952 / 5500 / 13185 / 2125 / 7301 / 2788 / 18057 / 69525 / 82774
3 / Huzurabad / 38793 / 15752 / 11612 / 16331 / 4058 / 9815 / 1592 / 5459 / 1873 / 11377 / 57928 / 58733
4 / Jagtial / 51858 / 21277 / 13109 / 18302 / 4333 / 10437 / 1783 / 6148 / 2068 / 12855 / 73151 / 69019
5 / Mallial / 30157 / 13382 / 10072 / 14160 / 3116 / 7489 / 1253 / 4296 / 1237 / 7416 / 45835 / 46743
6 / Metpally / 33154 / 15162 / 11371 / 16032 / 4266 / 10243 / 1791 / 6156 / 1879 / 11055 / 52461 / 58646
7 / Sircilla / 37869 / 17479 / 14718 / 20615 / 4513 / 10772 / 1646 / 5639 / 1877 / 11685 / 60623 / 66190
8 / Pedapally / 42915 / 18302 / 13387 / 18803 / 4201 / 10106 / 1601 / 5485 / 1657 / 10096 / 63761 / 62792
9 / Manthani / 36215 / 14813 / 9857 / 13825 / 3456 / 8307 / 1335 / 4581 / 1584 / 9847 / 52447 / 51374
10 / Mahadevpoor / 22467 / 9332 / 7099 / 9992 / 2733 / 6444 / 966 / 3331 / 1254 / 8037 / 34519 / 37136
Total / 379558 / 164587 / 122368 / 171735 / 40651 / 97581 / 15798 / 54245 / 18308 / 113470 / 576683 / 601615
/ 164587 / 122368 / 171735 / 40651 / 97581 / 15798 / 54245 / 18308 / 113470 / 576683 / 601615
Percentage to total / 65.8 / 27.4 / 21.2 / 28.5 / 7.0 / 16.2 / 2.7 / 9.0 / 3.2 / 18.9
Table 3 Farming situations and their extents
Code / Farming Situation / Area in HaFS 1 / Rainfed Red soil / 105394
FS 2 / Rainfed Black soil / 80289
FS 3 / Tankfed Red Soil / 16660
FS 4 / Tankfed Black soil / 15153
FS 5 / Wellfed Red Soil / 95450
FS 6 / Wellfed black soil / 51327
FS 7 / Canalfed Red Soils / 48950
FS 8 / Canalfed Black soils / 39373
FS 9 / Tanks supported by canal Red soil / 13079
FS 10 / Tanks supported by canal Black soil / 6044
FS 11 / Wells Supported by Tanks Red Soil / 21015
FS 12 / Wells Supported by Tanks Black Soil / 12898
FS 13 / Wells supported by canal Red Soil / 27922
FS 14 / Wells supported by canal Black Soil / 12624
FS 15 / Problematic soils / 8500
Total Area / 554678
Table 4 Month- wise normal rainfall data during different monsoons
Monsoon and month / NORMAL RAINFAL(mm)
June / 151.2
July / 283.8
August / 235.8
September / 119.9
October / 89.1
November / 18.0
December / 6.0
January / 10.4
February / 7.1
March / 8.8
April / 14.3
May / 21.0
/ 965.6Table 5 Month wise temperatures in the district
Months / Min Temp (ºC) / Max Temp (ºC)January / 18 / 32
February / 19 / 34
March / 24 / 35
April / 26 / 40
May / 31 / 42
June / 27 / 39
July / 27 / 36
August / 24 / 32
September / 24 / 36
October / 22 / 32
November / 17 / 30
December / 15 / 33
Table 6 Land use classification, 2006-07
S.No. / Classification / Area (in ha)1 / Forest / 2,50,517
2 / Degraded forest land / 70,731
3 / Barren & Uncultivable Land / 84,599
4 / Permanent Pasture / 56,694
5 / Misc. tree crops and grooves / 7,387
6 / Cultivable waste / 20,004
7 / Other fallow Lands / 53,138
8 / Current fallow Lands / 2,58,584
9 / Net area sown / 3,87,350
Total geographical area / 11,89,004
Table 7 Distribution of land holdings and area by size group
S.No. / Category / Holdings / Area
No. of holdings / % of total / Area ha. / % of the total
1 / Marginal (upto 1.0 ha) / 379558 / 65.8 / 164587 / 27.10
2 / Small (1.0 -2.0 ha) / 122368 / 21.2 / 171733 / 28.27
3 / Medium (2.0 -10.0 ha) / 73268 / 12.7 / 246000 / 40.50
4 / Large (above 10.0 ha) / 1685 / 0.3 / 24995 / 4.13
Total / 576879 / 100 / 607315 / 100
Table 8 Source wise Area Irrigated in 2006-07 in ha
Sl. No. / ADA circle / Canals / Tanks / Open Wells / Tube/Bore wells / Lift Irrigation / Other Sources / Total
No / Area / Nos. / Area / Nos. / Area / Nos. / Area / Nos. / Area / Nos. / Area / Area / % irrig.
1 / Karimnagar / - / 17238 / 767 / 5139 / 31125 / 44794 / 210 / 755 / 12 / 0 / - / 0 / 67926 / 12.4
2 / Huzurabad / - / 27604 / 714 / 9200 / 27903 / 43763 / 285 / 775 / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 81342 / 14.8
3 / Husnabad / - / 0 / 727 / 144 / 31647 / 44730 / 3195 / 8658 / 3 / 0 / - / 0 / 53532 / 9.8
4 / Jagtial / - / 24948 / 524 / 10829 / 24953 / 29024 / 317 / 877 / 0 / 0 / - / 228 / 65906 / 12.0
5 / Metpally / - / 13172 / 342 / 12399 / 23184 / 30187 / 2604 / 6932 / 0 / 0 / - / 0 / 62690 / 11.4
6 / Sircilla / - / 0 / 424 / 0 / 16969 / 24520 / 9198 / 25033 / 65 / 0 / - / 0 / 49553 / 9.0
7 / Mallial / - / 5254 / 366 / 1658 / 21377 / 24592 / 1082 / 2729 / 0 / 0 / - / 114 / 34346 / 6.3
8 / Peddapally / - / 34597 / 833 / 9098 / 18772 / 26818 / 0 / 0 / 139 / 211 / - / 114 / 70837 / 12.9
9 / Manthani / - / 17013 / 405 / 10031 / 9891 / 12871 / 446 / 2900 / 250 / 125 / - / 0 / 42940 / 11.8
10 / Mahadevpoor / - / 346 / 216 / 8700 / 2179 / 3839 / 479 / 6119 / 2 / 0 / - / 0 / 19004 / 3.5
Total / 140172 / 5318 / 67198 / 208000 / 285138 / 17816 / 54778 / 471 / 336 / - / 456 / 548076
Percentage to total irrigated area / 25.6 / 12.3 / 52.0 / 10.0 / 0.06 / 0.08
Table 9 Contribution of sub-sectors of agriculture to the district GDP
Sl.No. / INDUSTRY / 2000-2001 / 2001-2002 / 2002-2003 / 2003-2004 / 2004-20051 / Agriculture / 23.19 / 18.17 / 13.89 / 17.59 / 9.66
2 / Livestock / 4.28 / 6.67 / 7.14 / 6.63 / 5.43
3 / Fishing / 0.73 / 0.72 / 0.57 / 0.45 / 0.36
Total / 28.19 / 25.55 / 21.59 / 24.67 / 15.45
TABLE 10 Land utilization by ADA circle, 2005-06 (Area in ha.)
SL.NO / ADA circle / Geographical Area / Barren cultivable land / Land put to Non- Agri. Use / Permanent Pastures and G.L. / Forest / other follow lands / current fallow / Gross cropped / net area sown / Net cropping intensity
1 / Karimnagar / 104900 / 5706 / 5211 / 6809 / 170 / 10803 / 17737 / 83862 / 56140 / 149.4
2 / Husnabad / 127181 / 12021 / 8627 / 11754 / 3609 / 10035 / 21543 / 71500 / 57341 / 124.7
3 / Huzurabad / 96379 / 6135 / 8212 / 5018 / 690 / 6472 / 10345 / 89165 / 56309 / 158.3
4 / Jagtial / 139027 / 7456 / 9287 / 4286 / 33032 / 848 / 11490 / 94282 / 70297 / 134.1
5 / Mallial / 83346 / 7976 / 5938 / 6187 / 9719 / 724 / 10072 / 50878 / 42259 / 120.4
6 / Metpally / 103264 / 8551 / 6745 / 6174 / 17374 / 1918 / 6172 / 74987 / 55325 / 135.5
7 / Sircilla / 131091 / 16209 / 11253 / 3906 / 26018 / 8888 / 12425 / 53653 / 48574 / 110.5
8 / Peddapally / 109767 / 7680 / 6170 / 4972 / 6148 / 2485 / 18002 / 101358 / 60341 / 168.0
9 / Manthani / 127581 / 6415 / 14781 / 3806 / 39576 / 3983 / 18634 / 52350 / 36149 / 144.8
10 / Mahadevpur / 165963 / 6001 / 3905 / 1940 / 114074 / 1795 / 20819 / 21712 / 15525 / 139.9
Total / 1188499 / 84150 / 80129 / 54852 / 250410 / 47951 / 147239 / 693747 / 498260 / 139.2
Percentage to geographical area / 7.08 / 6.74 / 4.62 / 21.1 / 4.03 / 12.4 / 41.9
Table 11 Soil Fertility index Karimnagar district
Year / No of soil
Samples analyzed / P.H / E.C / Organic Carbon / Available N / Available P2o5 / AvailableK2O
Acidic / Neutral / Alkaline / Low / Medium / High / L / M / H / L / M / H / L / M / H / L / M / H
2000-01 / 17739 / 9 / 6922 / 10808 / 16024 / 1715 / 0 / 7044 / 8922 / 1773 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 3454 / 6283 / 8002 / 1311 / 4687 / 11741
2001-02 / 15872 / 15 / 6792 / 9065 / 14730 / 1142 / 0 / 12342 / 2426 / 1104 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 5991 / 5688 / 4193 / 2115 / 5886 / 7871
2002-03 / 19219 / 131 / 3267 / 15821 / 18370 / 831 / 18 / 13676 / 3300 / 2243 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 2841 / 6709 / 9669 / 1869 / 5716 / 11631
2003-04 / 27718 / 135 / 11838 / 15745 / 25375 / 2193 / 150 / 17405 / 5635 / 4678 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 3819 / 5606 / 18293 / 5680 / 11318 / 10720
2004-05 / 24771 / 226 / 6079 / 18466 / 23651 / 997 / 123 / 6782 / 6654 / 3339 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 334 / 1559 / 22878 / 575 / 5970 / 18226
2005-06 / 22621 / 0 / 16966 / 5655 / 20359 / 2262 / 0 / 10720 / 5347 / 6554 / 1025 / 375 / 0 / 2314 / 5171 / 15136 / 8570 / 3319 / 5732
2006-07 / 16397 / 0 / 11478 / 4919 / 14430 / 1967 / 0 / 11479 / 2834 / 2684 / 902 / 298 / 0 / 734 / 9840 / 6289 / 3970 / 8119 / 4308
144337 / 516 / 63342 / 80479 / 132939 / 11107 / 291 / 79448 / 35118 / 22375 / 1927 / 673 / 0 / 19487 / 40856 / 84460 / 24090 / 45015 / 70229
Table 12 Micronutrient status of Karimnagar district
No / YEAR / No of soil
Samples analyzed / Copper(cu) / Iron (Fe) / Manganese(Mn) / Zinc(Zn)
Sufficient / Deficient / Sufficient / Deficient / Sufficient / Deficient / Sufficient / Deficient
1 / 2000-01 / 1282 / 1243 / 39 / 1207 / 75 / 872 / 410 / 640 / 642
2 / 2001-02 / 1133 / 948 / 185 / 1056 / 77 / 854 / 279 / 602 / 531
3 / 2002-30 / 802 / 737 / 65 / 720 / 82 / 505 / 297 / 561 / 241
4 / 2003-04 / 1125 / 1121 / 4 / 1009 / 116 / 1043 / 82 / 745 / 380
5 / 2004-05 / 1570 / 1420 / 150 / 1330 / 240 / 784 / 786 / 1128 / 442
6 / 2005-06 / 2399 / 2169 / 184 / 2233 / 156 / 2255 / 134 / 143 / 2256
7 / 2006-07 / 5200 / 5078 / 122 / 4900 / 300 / 5066 / 134 / 684 / 4516
Total / 13511 / 12716 / 749 / 12455 / 1046 / 11379 / 2122 / 4503 / 9008
Table 13 Planning of soil testing program, 2007-08 to 2011-12
Item / No.of
Villages / Total samples
to be analysed / Total Soil Health
Cards to be distributed / Remarks
General Soil sample / 6000 / 6000
Special Soil sample / 6000 / 6000
Micro Nutrient Soil sample / 2000 / 2000
Soil survey sample / 0 / 0
Water sample / 300 / 300
Tissue(leaf & petiole)sample / 0 / 0
Total / 14300 / 14300
Table 14 Soil testing laboratories in district
Soil testing laboratories in the District / No of soil testing labs / Annual analyzing capacity / No of samples analyzed / No of STLs having AAS
Static / Nobile / Total
Govt Sector / 2 / 0 / 2 / 12000 / 12000 / 2
Co operative & Public under taking / 6 / 0 / 6 / 3000 / 18000 / 0
Pvt Sector / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
8 / 0 / 8 / 15000 / 30000 / 2
Table 15 Reclamation and Development of saline / Alkali Soils during XI plan
Area under Saline and alkaline soils / Area Treated (ha) up to 2006-07 / Balance area / Treatment proposed / Area to be covered during XI plan / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / TotalPhy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin
8125 / 3125 / 5000 / Open drains / 200 / 200 / 1.00 / 200 / 1.00 / 200 / 1.00 / 200 / 1.00 / 200 / 1.00 / 1000 / 5.00
Closed drains / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00
Green manuring / 200 / 200 / 0.9 / 200 / 0.9 / 200 / 0.9 / 200 / 200 / 200 / 0.9 / 1000 / 203.60
Application of gypsum / 4500 / 900 / 18.25 / 900 / 18.25 / 900 / 18.25 / 900 / 18.25 / 900 / 18.25 / 4500 / 91.25
Farm Ponds / 100 / 20 / 1 / 20 / 1.00 / 20 / 1 / 20 / 1 / 20 / 1 / 100 / 5.00
Total / 5000 / 1320 / 21.15 / 1320 / 21.15 / 1320 / 21.15 / 1320 / 220.25 / 1320 / 21.15 / 6600 / 304.85
Table 16 Data on Weather
S.NO. / MANDAL / Rain Fall / TemperatureNo of Rainy Days / Avg. Rain Fall
Sl.No / Month / 2005 / 2006
1 / Karimnagar / 40.00 / 995.00
2 / Manakondur / 32.00 / 920.00 / Minimum / Maximum / Minimum / Maximum
3 / Thimmapur / 45.00 / 964.00 / 1 / January,05 / 15.8 / 29.4 / 15.4 / 30.9
4 / Bejjanki / 34.00 / 832.00 / 2 / February,05 / 16.6 / 32.7 / 16.6 / 33.9
5 / Gangadhara / 32.00 / 915.00 / 3 / March,05 / 21.4 / 36.5 / 20.2 / 38.1
6 / Ramadugu / 32.00 / 885.00 / 4 / April,05 / 25.9 / 38.3 / 24.4 / 40.3
7 / Choppadandi / 35.00 / 911.00 / 5 / May,05 / 27.7 / 40.6 / 27.2 / 42.9
8 / Husnabad / 30.00 / 834.00 / 6 / June,05 / 26.9 / 38.4 / 26.8 / 40.9
9 / Chigurmamidi / 36.00 / 675.00 / 7 / July,05 / 24.6 / 30.6 / 24.4 / 31.1
10 / Koheda / 34.00 / 771.00 / 8 / August,05 / 24.7 / 31.0 / 24.1 / 31.0
11 / Huzurabad / 38.00 / 929.00 / 9 / September,05 / 23.3 / 30.4 / 24.1 / 31.6
12 / Jammikunta / 33.00 / 914.00 / 10 / October,05 / 20.4 / 27.6 / 27.0 / 31.8
13 / Veenavanka / 35.00 / 865.00 / 11 / November,05 / 17.3 / 38.3 / 17.7 / 30.7
14 / Kamalapur / 29.00 / 846.00 / 12 / December,05 / 13.0 / 28.1 / 12.7 / 29.3
15 / Elkathurthy / 33.00 / 895.00 / Total / 257.6 / 401.9 / 260.6 / 412.5
16 / Kesavapatnam / 39.00 / 934.00 / Average / 21.5 / 33.5 / 21.7 / 34.4
17 / Saidapur / 29.00 / 758.00 / Source : 1. Meteorological unit R.A.R.S. Jagtial.
18 / Bhimdeverpally / 35.00 / 832.00 / 2. Agrl. Research Centre, Karimnagar.
19 / Jagtial / 40.00 / 1160.00
20 / Raikal / 32.00 / 1029.00
21 / Dharmapuri / 42.00 / 1062.00
22 / Sarangapur / 38.00 / 990.00
23 / Mallial / 37.00 / 961.00
24 / Kodimial / 38.00 / 897.00
25 / Pegadapally / 34.00 / 972.00
26 / Gollapally / 39.00 / 1099.00
27 / Metpally / 33.00 / 1041.00
28 / Korutla / 38.00 / 1015.00
29 / Madipally / 36.00 / 1043.00
30 / Ibrahimpatnam / 34.00 / 1010.00
31 / Mallapur / 30.00 / 976.00
32 / Kthlapur / 43.00 / 1084.00
33 / Sircilla / 39.00 / 909.00
34 / Ellanthakunta / 38.00 / 850.00
35 / Gambhiraopet / 39.00 / 855.00
36 / Mustabad / 37.00 / 719.00
37 / Yellareddypet / 43.00 / 883.00
38 / Vemulawada / 36.00 / 1009.00
39 / Boinpally / 45.00 / 901.00
40 / Konaraopet / 32.00 / 908.00
41 / Chendurthy / 38.00 / 1028.00
43 / Srirampur / 37.00 / 1025.00
44 / Odela / 38.00 / 971.00
45 / Ramagundam / 42.00 / 975.00
46 / Sulthanabad / 36.00 / 1169.00
47 / Velgatoor / 41.00 / 1063.00
47 / Peddapally / 45.00 / 1060.00
48 / Dharmaram / 35.00 / 1038.00
49 / Julapally / 35.00 / 915.00
50 / Manthani / 44.00 / 915.00
51 / Kamanpur / 37.00 / 1149.00
52 / Mutharam (mnt) / 32.00 / 1043.00
53 / Malharrao / 26.00 / 1069.00
54 / Mahadevpur / 44.00 / 1149.00
55 / Kataram / 29.00 / 1337.00
56 / Maha mutharam / 29.00 / 1060.00
57 / Eligedu / 30.00 / 1060.00
TOTAL / 2062 / 55074.00
AVERAGE / 36 / 966.21
Table 17 Water analysis report, 2000-01 to 2006-07
S.No. / Year / No.of water samples
analyzed / Permissible / Moderately / Moderately / Unsafe
C1 / Safe-C-2 / UnsafeC-3 / C-4
1 / 2000-01 / 212 / 200 / 12 / 0 / 0
2 / 2001-02 / 245 / 229 / 16 / 0 / 0
3 / 2002-03 / 200 / 186 / 14 / 0 / 0
4 / 2003-04 / 240 / 225 / 15 / 0 / 0
5 / 2004-05 / 221 / 202 / 19 / 0 / 0
6 / 2005-06 / 121 / 115 / 6 / 0 / 0
7 / 2006-07 / 202 / 191 / 11 / 0 / 0
1441 / 1348 / 93 / 0 / 0
Table 18 Area under major crops during kharif and rabi
Sl. no / Crop / Area sownduring
kharif-06 / Area sown
during rabi-2006-07
1. / Rice / 143550 / 152850
2 / Jowar / 0 / 950
3. / Maize / 103524 / 50680
4. / Other cerels / 0
5. / Green gram / 12120 / 3513
6. / Red gram / 13265 / 284
7. / Black gram / 0
8. / Cowpea / 0 / 3339
9. / Soyabean / 518
10 / Other pulses / 0 / 7122
11 / Cotton / 131292
12 / Chillies / 6072 / 1850
13 / Sugarcane / 2341
14 / Turmeric / 18570
15 / Groundnut / 426 / 12100
16 / Sesamum / 325 / 3150
17 / Sunflower / 0 / 916
18 / Castor / 1248
19 / Other Oil seeds / 0
20 / Onion / 0 / 320
21 / Others / 1194 / 2057
TOTAL / 434445 / 239741
Table 19 Area under major crops, 2004-05 to 2006-07
(Area in lakh ha)
S.No. / Name of the crop / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07Kharif / Rabi / Total / Kharif / Rabi / Total / Kharif / Rabi / Total
1 / Rice / 0.66 / 0.18 / 0.84 / 1.47 / 1.19 / 2.66 / 1.43 / 1.67 / 3.10
2 / Maize / 0.95 / 0.31 / 1.26 / 1.34 / 0.41 / 1.75 / 0.95 / 0.45 / 1.40
3 / Pulses / 0.58 / 0.08 / 0.62 / 0.04 / 0.66 / 0.25 / 0.14 / 0.39
4 / Cotton / 1.00 / 1.00 / 1.32 / 1.32 / 1.17 / 1.17
Table 20 Production of major crops in kharif and rabi, 2004-05 to 2006-07
Production in Lakh M.Ts
S.No. / Name of the crop / 2004-05 / 2005-06 / 2006-07K / R / T / K / R / T / K / R / T
1 / Rice / 1.48 / 0.5 / 1.98 / 5.02 / 4.11 / 9.13 / 5.21 / 5.49 / 10.7
2 / Maize / 2.16 / 1.09 / 3.25 / 5.27 / 2.03 / 7.3 / 3.13 / 2.16 / 5.29
3 / Pulses / 0.32 / 0.05 / 0.37 / 0.39 / 0.07 / 0.46 / 0.14 / 0.01 / 0.15
4 / Cotton / 1.75 / 1.75 / 2.69 / 2.69 / 2.23 / 2.23
Table 21 Area, production and yield of major crops in irrigated /rain fed conditions during kharif 2006-07
Sl. No. / Major Crops / Area in ha. / Production in MT / Yield Q/ha.
Irri. / % / RF / % / Total / Irri. / % / RF / % / Total / Irri. / RF / Avg.
1 / Rice / 135707 / 94.90 / 7293 / 5.1 / 143000 / 504590.75 / 96.85 / 16409.25 / 3.15 / 521000 / 37.18 / 22.50 / 36.4
2 / Maize / 64030 / 67.40 / 30970 / 32.6 / 95000 / 206927.75 / 66.11 / 106072.25 / 33.89 / 313000 / 32.32 / 34.25 / 32.95
3 / Pulses / 9250 / 37.00 / 15750 / 63 / 25000 / 4786.25 / 34.19 / 9213.75 / 65.81 / 14000 / 5.17 / 5.85 / 5.60
4 / Cotton / 66105 / 56.50 / 50895 / 43.5 / 117000 / 172868.43 / 77.52 / 50131.58 / 22.48 / 223000 / 26.15 / 9.85 / 19.06
Total / 275092 / 104908 / 380000 / 889173.18 / 181826.83 / 1071000
Table 22 Area, Production and Yield of Major crops in Irrigate/Rain fed Conditions during Rabi 2006-07
Sl. No. / Major Crops / Area in ha. / Production in MT / Yield Q/ha.Irri. / % / RF / % / Total / Irri. / % / RF / % / Total / Irri. / RF / Avg.
1 / Rice / 152850 / 100.00 / 0 / 0 / 152850 / 549000 / 100.00 / 0 / 0.00 / 549000 / 35.92 / 0.00 / 35.92
2 / Maize / 50680 / 100.00 / 0 / 0 / 50680 / 216000 / 100.00 / 0 / 0.00 / 216000 / 42.62 / 0.00 / 42.62
3 / Pulses / 14258 / 100.00 / 0 / 0 / 14258 / 15000 / 100.00 / 0 / 0.00 / 15000 / 10.52 / 0.00 / 10.52
Total / 217788 / 0 / 217788 / 780000 / 0 / 780000
Table 23 Area, Production and Productivity Trend of Main Crops in the District Karimnagar
Sl. No. / Name of the Crop / Normal 2004-05 to 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 (Projected) / 2009-10 (Projected) / 2010-11 (Projected) / 2011-12 (Projected)
Area (A) / Production (P) / Productivity (Y) / Area (A) / Production (P) / Productivity (Y) / Area (A) / Production (P) / Productivity (Y) / Area (A) / Production (P) / Productivity (Y) / Area (A) / Production (P) / Productivity (Y) / Area (A) / Production (P) / Productivity (Y)
1 / Rice / 215283 / 727000 / 3377 / 280000 / 956606 / 3416 / 285000 / 976529 / 3426 / 291000 / 1007304 / 3462 / 295000 / 1023918 / 3471 / 305000 / 1059277 / 3473
2 / Maize / 151735 / 528068 / 3480 / 215000 / 975514 / 4537 / 221000 / 1006163 / 4553 / 205000 / 933776 / 4555 / 182000 / 848650 / 4663 / 188000 / 888650 / 4727
3 / Pulses / 43214 / 21667 / 501 / 48750 / 25096 / 515 / 41000 / 21212 / 517 / 38850 / 20297 / 522 / 39650 / 20797 / 525 / 39880 / 20985 / 526
4 / Cotton / 116097 / 34963 / 301 / 170000 / 93500 / 550 / 165000 / 95700 / 580 / 162000 / 98820 / 610 / 162000 / 102060 / 630 / 162000 / 110160 / 680
Table 24 Planning of Agricultural Inputs in the Karimnagar district - A) Seed
Sl. No. / Name of the Crop / Area under Crop (ha) / Present SRR % / Proposed SRR % / Total seed Required in the District (Q) / Expected Seed Availability (Q)Public Sector / Pvt. Sector / Village Seed Production Program / Total Seed
1 / PADDY / 280000 / 60 / 77 / 210000 / 48115 / 158100 / 5485 / 211700
2 / MAIZE / 215000 / 100 / 100 / 43000 / 0 / 43000 / 0 / 43000
3 / COTTON / 170000 / 100 / 100 / 3400 / 0 / 3400 / 0 / 3400
4 / GREENGRAM / 24000 / 50 / 60 / 3600 / 1080 / 1010 / 70 / 2160
5 / REDGRAM / 20000 / 50 / 60 / 4000 / 2280 / 0 / 120 / 2400
6 / BENGAL GRAM / 4275 / 50 / 80 / 2500 / 1700 / 0 / 800 / 2500
7 / SOYABEAN / 200 / 100 / 100 / 150 / 150 / 0 / 0 / 150
8 / CASTOR / 3000 / 60 / 100 / 300 / 250 / 50 / 0 / 300
9 / GROUNDNUT / 15000 / 35 / 50 / 22500 / 10000 / 0 / 1250 / 11250
10 / SUNFLOWER / 2500 / 100 / 100 / 125 / 0 / 125 / 0 / 125
11 / SESAME / 5000 / 60 / 100 / 400 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL / 289975 / 63575 / 205685 / 7725 / 276985
Table 25 Infrastructure available on government seed farm / trial cum demonstration farm
Name of the TSF / TCD / Total area (ha) / Cultivable area (ha) / Irrigated area (ha) / Infrastructure available
Animals (Nos) / Implements (Nos) / Farm Pond / well / lift , pump (Nos) / Seed Processing plant (Nos) / Godown capacity tones / Temporary Shed Average sq. ft. / Other
KothapallyState Seed Farm / 19.97 / 18.00 / 0.00
Table 26 Seed Production at TSF / TCD
Name of the TSF / TCD / Total Area (ha) / Cultivable Area (ha) / Irrigated Area (ha) / Crop / Seed production during 2006-07 / Proposed Seed Production (Qtls.)2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
KothapallyState Seed Farm / 19.97 / 18.00 / 0.00 / Red gram / 14.83 / 20.00 / 30.00 / 30.00 / 30.00 / 30.00
Castor / 41.30 / 25.00 / 40.00 / 40.00 / 40.00 / 40.00
Bengal Gram / 20.90 / 0 / 20.00 / 20.00 / 20.00 / 20.00
Table 27 : Crop wise NPK Consumption (Total)
ADA circle / Major Crops / Fertilizer Consumption Kg/ha
N / P / K / Total
Karimnagar / Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Ground nut / 204 / 140 / 120 / 464
Hazurabad / Paddy, Maize, Cotton / 188 / 160 / 132 / 480
Husnabad / Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Ground nut,Pluses / 204 / 163 / 145 / 512
Jagitial / Paddy, Maize, Pulses,Cotton / 216 / 149 / 109 / 474
Metapally / Paddy, Maize, Cotton / 230 / 125 / 133 / 488
Sircilla / Paddy, Maize, Cotton / 216 / 138 / 136 / 490
Malliyal / Paddy, Maize, Cotton, Ground nut / 174 / 132 / 150 / 456
Peddapally / Paddy, Maize, Cotton / 202 / 143 / 120 / 465
Manthini / Paddy, Maize, Cotton / 173 / 138 / 129 / 440
Mahadevpur / Paddy, Chillies, Cotton,Pluses / 177 / 151 / 126 / 454
Table 28 Planning of Fertilizer Requirement
Sl. No. / ADA circle / 2006-07 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-2010 / 2010-11 / 2011-121 / Karimnagar / 38874 / 41626 / 43925 / 46057 / 48337 / 51117
2 / Huzurabad / 44128 / 47250 / 49861 / 52284 / 54872 / 58027
3 / Husnabad / 38957 / 41713 / 44020 / 46156 / 48441 / 51226
4 / Jagtial / 42197 / 45182 / 47679 / 49996 / 52470 / 55487
5 / Metpalli / 45508 / 48729 / 51422 / 53919 / 56590 / 59843
6 / Sircilla / 26770 / 28664 / 30248 / 31718 / 33287 / 35203
7 / Mallial / 27830 / 29801 / 31445 / 32975 / 34605 / 36595
8 / Peddapalli / 35455 / 37964 / 40063 / 42009 / 44090 / 46625
9 / Manthani / 21787 / 23328 / 24618 / 25811 / 27091 / 28649
10 / Mahadevpur / 14937 / 15994 / 16878 / 17699 / 18572 / 19641
TOTAL / 336443 / 360251 / 380159 / 398624 / 418355 / 442413
Table 29 Fertilizer requirement by type
Urea / DAP / MOP / SSP / Complex / TOTAL2006-07 / 175028 / 49142 / 20501 / 8400 / 83372 / 336443
2007-08 / 185529 / 52092 / 21936 / 8987 / 91707 / 360251
2008-09 / 192950 / 54174 / 22814 / 9345 / 100876 / 380159
2009-10 / 198739 / 55799 / 23497 / 9626 / 110963 / 398624
2010-11 / 204702 / 57475 / 24203 / 9915 / 122060 / 418355
2011-12 / 212890 / 59773 / 25171 / 10311 / 134268 / 442413
Table 30 Availability of farm implements / equipments / machinery in Karimnagar district
Sl No / Name of the ADA circle / Farm Implements / Farm equipmentCage wheels / Disc plough / 9 tyne cultivator / 3 tyne cultivator / Total / Hand sprayer / Power sprayer / Taiwan sprayer / Total
No / farmers / No / farmers / No / farmers / No / farmers / No / farmers / No / farmers / No / farmers / No / farmers / No / Farmers
1 / Karimnagar / 703 / 703 / 75 / 75 / 1046 / 1046 / 19930 / 19930 / 21754 / 21754 / 23252 / 23252 / 1329 / 1329 / 66 / 66 / 24647 / 24647
2 / Husnabad / 733 / 733 / 78 / 78 / 1095 / 1095 / 20858 / 20858 / 22764 / 22764 / 24334 / 24334 / 1391 / 1391 / 70 / 70 / 25794 / 25794
3 / Huzurabad / 836 / 836 / 65 / 65 / 912 / 912 / 17378 / 17378 / 19192 / 19192 / 20275 / 20275 / 1159 / 1159 / 58 / 58 / 21491 / 21491
4 / Jagtial / 1020 / 1020 / 82 / 82 / 1152 / 1152 / 21945 / 21945 / 24200 / 24200 / 25603 / 25603 / 1463 / 1463 / 73 / 73 / 27139 / 27139
5 / Mallial / 639 / 639 / 52 / 52 / 722 / 722 / 13751 / 13751 / 15163 / 15163 / 16042 / 16042 / 917 / 917 / 46 / 46 / 17005 / 17005
6 / Metpally / 732 / 732 / 59 / 59 / 826 / 826 / 15738 / 15738 / 17355 / 17355 / 18361 / 18361 / 1049 / 1049 / 52 / 52 / 19463 / 19463
7 / Sircilla / 846 / 846 / 68 / 68 / 955 / 955 / 18187 / 18187 / 20056 / 20056 / 21218 / 21218 / 1212 / 1212 / 61 / 61 / 22491 / 22491
8 / Peddapally / 1033 / 1033 / 83 / 83 / 1167 / 1167 / 22224 / 22224 / 24507 / 24507 / 25928 / 25928 / 1482 / 1482 / 74 / 74 / 27483 / 27483
9 / Manthani / 732 / 732 / 59 / 59 / 826 / 826 / 15734 / 15734 / 17351 / 17351 / 18356 / 18356 / 1049 / 1049 / 52 / 52 / 19458 / 19458
10 / Mahadevpur / 482 / 482 / 39 / 39 / 544 / 544 / 10356 / 10356 / 11420 / 11420 / 12082 / 12082 / 690 / 690 / 35 / 35 / 12807 / 12807
TOTAL / 7756 / 7756 / 660 / 660 / 9245 / 9245 / 176101 / 176101 / 193762 / 193762 / 205451 / 205451 / 11741 / 11741 / 587 / 587 / 217778 / 217778
Sl No / Name of the ADA circle / Farm machinery
Maize shellers / Power tillers / Tractors / Combined harvestors / Total
No / farmers / No / farmers / No / Farmers / No / Farmers / No / Farmers
1 / Karimnagar / 47 / 47 / 266 / 266 / 1514 / 1495 / 48 / 29 / 1874 / 1836
2 / Husnabad / 49 / 49 / 278 / 278 / 1444 / 1564 / 14 / 14 / 1785 / 1905
3 / Huzurabad / 41 / 41 / 232 / 232 / 1898 / 1303 / 180 / 144 / 2351 / 1720
4 / Jagtial / 51 / 51 / 293 / 293 / 1718 / 1646 / 24 / 14 / 2085 / 2004
5 / Mallial / 32 / 32 / 183 / 183 / 1131 / 1031 / 12 / 11 / 1359 / 1258
6 / Metpally / 37 / 37 / 210 / 210 / 1174 / 1180 / 11 / 8 / 1432 / 1435
7 / Sircilla / 42 / 42 / 242 / 242 / 882 / 1364 / 5 / 4 / 1172 / 1653
8 / Peddapally / 52 / 52 / 296 / 296 / 2157 / 1667 / 74 / 51 / 2579 / 2066
9 / Manthani / 37 / 37 / 210 / 210 / 1280 / 1180 / 22 / 13 / 1549 / 1440
10 / Mahadevpur / 24 / 24 / 138 / 138 / 420 / 777 / 2 / 6 / 584 / 945
TOTAL / 412 / 412 / 2348 / 2348 / 13618 / 13207 / 392 / 294 / 16770 / 16262
Table 31 Status of farm implements and projections for XI plan
Sl No / ADA circle / Name of the improved farm implements / Present status (Nos) / projections (requirement of farm implements)2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin
1 / Karimnagar / Cage wheels, Cultivators, Disc plough / 21754 / 435 / 22 / 435 / 22 / 435 / 22 / 435 / 22 / 435 / 22
2 / Husnabad / do / 22764 / 455 / 23 / 455 / 23 / 455 / 23 / 455 / 23 / 455 / 23
3 / Huzurabad / do / 19192 / 384 / 19 / 384 / 19 / 384 / 19 / 384 / 19 / 384 / 19
4 / Jagtial / do / 24200 / 484 / 24 / 484 / 24 / 484 / 24 / 484 / 24 / 484 / 24
5 / Mallial / do / 15163 / 303 / 15 / 303 / 15 / 303 / 15 / 303 / 15 / 303 / 15
6 / Metpally / do / 17355 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17
7 / Sircilla / do / 20056 / 401 / 20 / 401 / 20 / 401 / 20 / 401 / 20 / 401 / 20
8 / Peddapally / do / 24507 / 490 / 25 / 490 / 25 / 490 / 25 / 490 / 25 / 490 / 25
9 / Manthani / do / 17351 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17 / 347 / 17
10 / Mahadevpur / do / 11420 / 228 / 11 / 228 / 11 / 228 / 11 / 228 / 11 / 228 / 11
TOTAL / 193762 / 3874 / 193 / 3874 / 193 / 3874 / 193 / 3874 / 193 / 3874 / 193
Table 32 Status of farm machinery and projections for XI plan
Sl No / ADA circle / Name of the improved farm machinery / Present status (Nos) / Projections (requirement of farm machinery)2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12
Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin / Phy / Fin
1 / Karimnagar / Tractors, Power tillers, maize shellers, Combined Harvestors / 1836 / 51 / 15 / 51 / 15 / 51 / 15 / 51 / 15 / 51 / 15
2 / Husnabad / do / 1905 / 53 / 16 / 53 / 16 / 53 / 16 / 53 / 16 / 53 / 16
3 / Huzurabad / do / 1730 / 48 / 14 / 48 / 14 / 48 / 14 / 48 / 14 / 48 / 14
4 / Jagtial / do / 2004 / 55 / 17 / 55 / 17 / 55 / 17 / 55 / 17 / 55 / 17
5 / Mallial / do / 1258 / 35 / 10 / 35 / 10 / 35 / 10 / 35 / 10 / 35 / 10
6 / Metpally / do / 1435 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12
7 / Sircilla / do / 1653 / 46 / 14 / 46 / 14 / 46 / 14 / 46 / 14 / 46 / 14
8 / Peddapally / do / 1783 / 49 / 15 / 49 / 15 / 49 / 15 / 49 / 15 / 49 / 15
9 / Manthani / do / 1440 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12 / 40 / 12
10 / Mahadevpur / do / 945 / 26 / 8 / 26 / 8 / 26 / 8 / 26 / 8 / 26 / 8
TOTAL / 15989 / 443 / 133 / 443 / 133 / 443 / 133 / 443 / 133 / 443 / 133
Table 33 Service Centres in the District (Agriculture & Allied Sectors)
Sl. No / Name of ADA circle / No. of Service Centres / Classification
Seed/ fertilizer supply / Irrigation systems / Farm equipments and machinery / Agriculture consultancy / Diagnostic services provided
1 / Karimnagar / 199 / 148 / 24 / 19 / 5 / 3
2 / Husnabad / 82 / 70 / 0 / 10 / 1 / 1
3 / Huzurabad / 168 / 132 / 14 / 17 / 2 / 3
4 / Jagtial / 113 / 80 / 12 / 18 / 1 / 2
5 / Mallial / 72 / 51 / 4 / 15 / 1 / 1
6 / Metpally / 88 / 60 / 10 / 18 / 0 / 0
7 / Sircilla / 82 / 59 / 4 / 17 / 1 / 1
8 / Peddapally / 145 / 111 / 12 / 19 / 1 / 2
9 / Manthani / 66 / 48 / 2 / 16 / 0 / 0
10 / Mahadevpur / 46 / 39 / 1 / 5 / 0 / 1
TOTAL / 1061 / 798 / 83 / 154 / 12 / 14
Table 34 Farming Situations and the areas under them
Code / Farming Situation / Area in haFS 1 / Rainfed Red soil / 105394
FS 2 / Rainfed Black soil / 80289
FS 3 / Tankfed Red Soil / 16660
FS 4 / Tankfed Black soil / 15153
FS 5 / Wellfed Red Soil / 95450
FS 6 / Wellfed black soil / 51327
FS 7 / Canalfed Red Soils / 48950
FS 8 / Canalfed Black soils / 39373
FS 9 / Tanks supported by canal Red soil / 13079
FS 10 / Tanks supported by canal Black soil / 6044
FS 11 / Wells Supported by Tanks Red Soil / 21015
FS 12 / Wells Supported by Tanks Black Soil / 12898
FS 13 / Wells supported by canal Red Soil / 27922
FS 14 / Wells supported by canal Black Soil / 12624
FS 15 / Problematic soils / 8500
Total Area / 554678
Table 35 Monetary and non-monetary interventions proposed in rice
Monetary / Non-monetary1 / Use of quality seed / 1 / Maintenance of plant population
2 / Adoption of IPM / INM / 2 / Proper water management
3 / Use of Green manure / bio fertilizer / 3 / Timely sowing
4 / Proper weed control / 4 / Proper nursery management
5 / Correction of micro nutrient deficiency / 5 / Maintenance of proper spacing
Table 36 Monetary and non-monetary interventions proposed in pulses
Monetary / Non- monetary1 / Use of Quality certified seed / 1 / Maintenance of optimum plant population
2 / Seed treatment with Rhizobium/PSB / 2 / Timely sowing
3 / Application of Phosphorous fertilizers / 3 / Proper weed management
4 / Adoption of IPM / INM / 4 / Timely irrigation
Table 37 Monetary and non-monetary interventions proposed for cotton
Monetary / Non-monetary1 / Adoption of IPM, INM practices through Extension methods / 1 / Crop rotation
2 / Application of micro nutrients since 90% area is under Bt.Cotton / 2 / Maintenance of plant population
3 / Application of fungicides for disease management / 3 / Basal application of Phosphatic fertilizers
4 / Providing irrigation facility to increase the yield / 4 / Top dressing of N & K fertilizers only
5 / Timely weed management
Table 38 Information on natural calamities
Sl No / Name of the mandal / Occurrence of calamities / Year in which affected / Severity M/S/VS / % Cropped area affected / Live stock mortality (No of animals) / % of Farm families affected1 / Karimnagar / Drought / 1997, 2001,2002,2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005,2007, 2008 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
2 / Manakondur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2006 ,2007 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
3 / Ramadugu / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
4 / Gangadhara / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006,2007 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
5 / Choppadandi / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
6 / Thimmapur / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
7 / Huzurabad / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
8 / Jammikunta / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
9 / Venavanka / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, , 2004,, , 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
10 / Kamalapur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2007 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
11 / Shankarapatnam / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2007 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
12 / Elkathurthy / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2007 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
13 / Husnabad / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
14 / Chigurmamidi / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
15 / Koheda / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
16 / Bejjanki / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
17 / Saidapur / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
18 / Bhimdevarpally / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
19 / Jagtial / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
20 / Sarangapur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
21 / Raikal / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2005, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
22 / Dharmapuri / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003,2005, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
23 / Maidipally / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004,2005, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
24 / Gollapally / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
25 / Metpally / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
26 / Mallapur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
27 / Ibrahimpatnam / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
28 / Kathlapur / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
29 / Korutla / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
30 / Chendurthy / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
31 / Sircilla / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
32 / Yellareddipet / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
33 / Gambhiraopet / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
34 / Mustabad / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
35 / Ellanthakunta / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
36 / Konaraopet / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
37 / Mallial / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
38 / Pegadapally / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2006, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
39 / Kodimial / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
40 / Boinpally / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
41 / Vemulawada / Drought / 1997, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2007 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
42 / Peddapally / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
43 / Dharmaram / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
44 / Julapally / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2003, 2004,2005, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
45 / Sulthanabad / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / ,2005 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
46 / Odela / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004,2005, 2006 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
47 / Srirampur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
48 / Velgatur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2007 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
49 / Eligedu / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004, 2006, 2007 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
50 / Manthani / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004,2005, 2006 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
51 / Ramagundam / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
52 / Kamanpur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
53 / Mutharam(mnt) / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004, 2006, 2007, / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
54 / Mahadevpur / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / /S/ / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
55 / Mutharam(maha) / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
56 / Kataram / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / VS / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004, 2005 / /S/ / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
57 / Malhar / Drought / 1997, 2002, 2003, 2004 / /S/ / > 50 / > 50
Heavy Rains / 2005,2006, 2007 / VS / 15% - 25% / 15% - 25%
Hailstorm / 2004, 2005 / VS / 10%-20% / 10%-20%
Table 39 Mandal wise yield gap analysis in cotton
Name of crops / Commodity / Name of Mandal : KarimnagarAverage yield (Kgs/ha)Q/ha / Yield gap % (with respect to FLD) / Reasons for GAP in yield
Mandal / District / State / Frontline Demonstration
Cotton / 352 / 324 / 381 / 550 / 56.25 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal : Veenakvanka
Cotton / 330 / 324 / 381 / 525 / 59.09 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal Elakaturty
Cotton / 362 / 324 / 381 / 585 / 61.60 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal : Kataram
Cotton / 365 / 324 / 381 / 536 / 46.85 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal : Kathlapur
Cotton / 450 / 324 / 381 / 625 / 38.89 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal : Boinpally
Cotton / 425 / 324 / 381 / 595 / 40.00 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal : Peddapally
Cotton / 475 / 324 / 381 / 612 / 28.84 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal : Siricilla
Cotton / 341 / 324 / 381 / 542 / 58.94 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal Boinapally
Cotton / 300 / 324 / 381 / 449 / 49.67 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal karimnagar
Cotton / 312 / 324 / 381 / 485 / 55.45 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Name of Mandal Kamalapur
Cotton / 324 / 324 / 381 / 511 / 57.72 / Not adopting IPM, INM Practices
Table 40 Organization and Strength of ATMA Model
Registration of ATMA / No. of Members of Governing Body / No. of Different Organizations at Block Level / Responsible Officer & Staff
Official / Non-Official / BTT / FAC / FIAC (Location) / FIGs / WFIGs / No. of Departments involved / Post / No.
28/1/2007 / 6 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 0 / 0 / 5 / PROJECT DIRECTOR / 1
Table 41 Convergence of Scheme through ATMA
Name of the Department / Activity wise convergence of schemes within districtFarmers Training / Extension Functionary Training / Demonstrations / Farmers Tour / Exhibitions / Individual Self Employment Generating Activities / Group Based Employment Generating Activity / Publicity / Mobility / Group Formation & Their Capacity building
T / A / T / A / T / A / T / A / T / A / Name of the Activity / T / A / Name of the Activity / T / A / T / A / T / A / T / A
AGRICULTURE / 82 / 91 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
ANIMAL HUSBANDRY / 50 / 1 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
SERICULTURE / 30 / 1 / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
TOTAL / 82 / 171 / 4 / 5 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Table 42 Planning for Strengthening of ATMA
Area in lakh ha
Name of the Block / Present Area under Agri + Hort + Animal Hus farming System / Proposed Area under Agri + Hort + Animal Hus farming System / Present Area under Key Crops / Proposed Area under crop diversification
Karimnagar / 0.12 / 0.30 / 0.32 / 0.057
Huzurabad / 0.07 / 0.12 / 0.51 / 0.091
Husnabad / 0.31 / 0.72 / 0.42 / 0.075
Siricilla / 0.06 / 0.18 / 0.46 / 0.082
Mallial / 0.02 / 0.10 / 0.35 / 0.062
Jagityal / 0.12 / 0.15 / 0.45 / 0.080
Metpally / 0.02 / 0.05 / 0.3 / 0.053
Peddapally / 0.02 / 0.05 / 0.31 / 0.055
Manthani / 0.01 / 0.04 / 0.28 / 0.050
Mahadevpur / 0.01 / 0.04 / 0.25 / 0.045
Total / 0.76 / 1.75 / 3.65 / 0.650
Table 43 Basic Infrastructure for Agriculture (Post Harvest Management)
Sr. No. / Taluka / Storage / Marketing- Nos
Rural Godowns / Cold storage / Main Market / Sub Market
Nos. / Capacity M Tons / Nos. / Capacity M Tons
1 / Karimnagar / 20 / 41800 / 1
2 / Manakondur / 1
4 / Bejjanki / 1
3 / Thimmapoor
5 / Gangadhara / 1 / 1000 / 1
6 / Ramadugu / 1 / 1
7 / Choppadandi / 5 / 4000 / 1
8 / Husnabad / 2 / 1600 / 1
9 / Chigurumamidi
10 / Koheda
11 / Huzurabad / 7 / 44000 / 1
16 / Shankarapatnam / 1
12 / Jammikunta / 10 / 55600 / 1
13 / Veenavanka
14 / Kamalapoor
15 / Elkathurthy
17 / Saidhapoor
18 / Bhimdevarapally
19 / Jagtial / 3 / 1800 / 1 / 4000 / 1
20 / Raikal / 2 / 2000 / 1
21 / Dharmapuri / 1
22 / Sarangapoor
23 / Mallial / 1
24 / Kodimial / 1
25 / Pegadapally / 4 / 3000 / 1
26 / Gollapally / 1
27 / Metpally / 4 / 2000 / 1
30 / Ibrahimpatnam / 1
28 / Korutla / 3 / 2000 / 1
29 / Maidipally
31 / Mallapoor
32 / Kathlapoor
33 / Sircilla / 1 / 600 / 1
34 / Ellanthakunta / 1
35 / Gambhiraopet
36 / Musthabad / 1
37 / Yellareddipet / 1
38 / Vemulawada / 6 / 4400 / 1
41 / Chandurthy / 1
39 / Boinpally
40 / Konaraopet
42 / Srirampoor
44 / Ramagundam
45 / Sulthanabad / 6 / 34000 / 1
46 / Velgatoor
47 / Peddapally / 8 / 54600 / 1
43 / Odela / 1
48 / Dharmaram / 2 / 1000 / 1
49 / Julapally / 1
50 / Manthani / 1 / 400 / 1
51 / Kamanpoor
52 / Mutharam (Mnt.)
53 / Malharrao
54 / Mahadevpoor / 1
55 / Kataram / 1
56 / Mutharam (Maha)
57 / Eligaid
Total : / 86 / 253800 / 1 / 4000 / 20 / 14
Table 44 Farm level storage plan (Capacity in tons and investment in Lakh)
Existing facilities (2006-07) / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / TotalType / No. / Capacity / Investment / No. / Capacity / Investment / No. / Capacity / Investment / No. / Capacity / Investment / No. / Capacity / Investment / No. / Capacity / Investment / No. / Capacity / Investment
Onion storage structures / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Zero energy chamber / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Others( Cold Storage) / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 4000 / 220 / 1 / 4000 / 220 / 2 / 8000 / 440
Rural Godowns / 0 / 0 / 0 / 10 / 500 / 100 / 10 / 500 / 100 / 10 / 500 / 100 / 10 / 500 / 100 / 10 / 500 / 100 / 50 / 2500 / 500
Table 45 Marketing infrastructure plan (Investment in lakh)