College of Healthcare Information Management Executives

Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes

January 20, 2017

1 | Page2017 January 20 BoardMeetingMinutes

Board Members in Attendance: Marc Probst, Russ Branzell, Marc Chasin, Cletis Earle, Dennis Gallitano, Liz Johnson, Theresa Meadows, Frank Nydam, Albert Oriol, Donna Roach, Jan-Eric Slot, Carina Edwards, Mike Martz, Zane Burke,David Finn, Myra Davis, Theresa Meadows

Board Members Not in Attendance:Shafiq Rab

Staff in Attendance: Susan Aldrich, Kevin Cleary, Chris Cook, Keith Fraidenburg, Lisa Schulte, Gretchen Tegethoff, Michelle Vibber

1 | PageFebruary 27, 2016 CHIME Board Meeting Agenda

Other Persons in Attendance – Counsel: Heidi Bauders

The meeting was called to orderat11:04 AM ET.

Consent Agenda

Mr. Burke made motion to accept the consent agenda as written.


Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Branzellreviewed the financials with the Board. He spoke of finalizing the year-end 2016 financials, which looked very good.

Mr. Branzell mentioned that a financial audit would occur prior to the February Board meeting, and that he hoped to present their findings at that time.

2017 Budget

Mr. Branzell stated at this time that no changes to the 2017 budget were anticipated.

Mr. Branzell spoke to the Board about the performance of the CHIME investments. He stated that the portfolio has performed very well. He also stated that he would be meeting with the investment firm in the following week to discuss strategies for 2017.

Balanced Scorecard

Mr. Branzell reviewedthe 2016 Balanced Scorecard with the Board, mentioning some big gains at the very end of the year.

Mr. Branzell presented the 2017 Balanced Scorecard to the Board.

Mr. Martz made a motion to accept the 2017 Balanced Scorecard as written.
Mr. Earle seconded.
Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Fraidenburg spoke to the Board about the current status of the National Patient ID Challenge, giving an update on both competitor and judge activities.

Most Wired Update
Mr. Branzell spoke of the current status of the relationship between CHIME and AHA regarding the Most Wired program. He stated that the relationship had become strained again, due to issues being generated on the AHA side. Mr. Gallitano stated that the AHA had decided, in opposition to earlier conversations, to retain many of the assets and much of the control relating to the program. Mr. Branzell stated that a decision as to whether to continue to move forward with discussions regarding the purchase of the Most Wired program would be made after the first quarter of 2017.

HIMSS-CHIME International Update
Mr. Branzell spoke to the Board about the current international activities. He stated that there was exciting growth due to the partnership with HIMSS International, as well as more intuitive growth through existing CHIME members.

Staffing / Succession Plan Update
Mr. Branzell spoke to the Board about current open positions and efforts around filling those positions with excellent candidates. He mentioned that there was work being done on succession planning, stating that a detailed report would be presented to the Board prior to the February Board meeting.

Ms. Tegethoff spoke to the Board about the changes and improvements that had occurred within the CHIME app. She said that CHIME staff has been trained to support the app.

Spring Forum Update
Ms. Aldrich spoke to the Board about efforts being made around increasing registration numbers and logistical planning.

Executive Session
The meeting went into Executive Session at 11:52AM ET.

The meeting was concluded at 12:05 PM ET.

1 | Page2017 January 20 BoardMeetingMinutes