Integrated Math 2
2018-2019 Syllabus
Mr. Berri
Room #312
Yuba CityHigh School
School: 674-4900 ext. 31312
Website: (homework, review, syllabus, link to ABI grades, Big Ideas website, Remind App, etc)
Suggested Materials:Pencil
Text book
Binder to contain paper for notes, homework scratchwork, tests, scientific calculator, etc.
Please speak to me privately if assistance is needed for these basic supplies. / Grades:
HW: 30%
Assessments: 55%
Final Exam: 15%
Classroom Rules / Expectations
- Be On Time: Show up on time ready to work
- Be Prepared: BringText book, Binder with homework, Pencil
- Be On Task: Actively participate (take notes, ask questions, help out)
- Be Respectful: Respect other students and teachers in the class
- No Electronic Devices (cell phones, i-pods, etc) We have cell-holders in class
Homework Online: Each assignment should be completed with paper and pencil using our text book but your solutions will be transferred to the online portion of this course for credit. The homework problems will predominantly be directly from the book and will match the online homework. You may choose to do all work on paper and then login to your account to simply input the solutions. This is how you will earn your credit for your work. I do not accept late work (except for illness, etc). However, still make corrections and get questions answered to prepare for each test.
**I have a class set of chromebooks if you need to come in before or after school to submit your homework solutions online.
Participation: Participation includes bringing your materials daily, being on time, being productive, completing assignments, contributing to the lessons, and turning in your cellphone to the cell-holders each day.
How to access text, online homework, help, tutorials, etc.:
Notes: Will be taken daily in your binders. It is critical that you bring it each day. I might also suggest using sticky notes, highlighters, etc. Most examples will come directly from the text but are often taught from multiple approaches.
Grading Scale (Students need to get a 70% or Higher BOTH semesters in order to
move on to Integrated 3)
Goal: 100% - 90% A89% - 80% B79% - 70% C
69% - 60% D (Credits earned but does not qualify to move on)
59% and Below F (No credits earned towards graduation)
Resources: There will be free tutoring offered in the CareerCenter daily, bussing available on Mon, Wed and Thurs. I will provide lists of individual tutors if needed. I will also be available after school most days for help, no appointments necessary but a heads up is always helpful. I can usually help roughly 3:15-4:00.
Please feel free to contact me at any time with questions or concerns.
Food policy: Water only, in a closed container.
CELL PHONES are to be OFF and placed in the cell-holder that corresponds to your desk number. It will be returned to you during the last 3 minutes of class.
Classroom Management:
Order of actions taken:
1. Name the behavior and administer a warning. If necessary, contact parents.
2. On the second offense, request Strike 1.
3. On the third offense, request Strike 2.
4. On the fourth offense, request Strike 3.
Make sure you are aware of the school policies on dress code, absences, tardies, and food in the classroom.
Tardies: Students who are tardy will receive a Lunch Detention on the third tardy to any one class and on every third tardy after that. Students who fail to arrive to class before the tardy bell will be considered tardy.
Electronic Devices: All electronic devices must be turned OFF and put away into the cell-phone holders during instructional time.
Dress Code: Dress code will be enforced in every classroom. If a student is in violation of dress code, that student will be sent to the Assistant Principal’s office to call home and change clothes
Parent Signature: Student Signature:
Please keep this in your binder at all times!
Remind App Code: smartphone: @IM2YC1819 non-smartphone: text @im2yc1819 to 81010
Big Ideas Class Codes:
Period 1: RG3S-SBRH-NZZR
Period 5: YYNG-ZAXE-YN55
Period 6: XZKJ-3JRB-34GH