Students may use book or notes when taking any daily grade. Students may not use books or notes when recording any quiz or test. Students may study quiz and test sentences before they record them however. Quizzes and tests are to have a proctor when taken. No ASLpro assignment will be accepted with more than 3 errors. When signing sentences you must fingerspell any underlined word. Homebound or EPIC students will need their instructors to initial each assignment as it is completed.All students must watch the lecture on the course introduction regardless of where they start this course.


Watch this lecture online to understand course expectations, signs that you will need to review and what materials are needed for this course.


1)Watch the power-point about ear parts and functions. While you watch, complete the ear diagram/functions worksheet.

2)Ear part/function crossword.______

3)After you receive your papers back from me graded, you will take the ear parts and function quiz when you are ready (no notes allowed).______


1)Watch the hearing loss power-point.Using the information from the power-point complete the worksheet. Turn this in for grade.______

2)Ear diseases crossword._____

3)After you have received assignments 1 and 2 back, review and study for your ear disease quiz. You will take it without notes.______

4)Power-point presentation______

5) You may take the Ear test after your PowerPoint has been received. The test will cover all aspects of the ear (parts, functions and diseases). No notes allowed.______


1)You review ASL level 1 vocabulary for units 1-12 by completing all 4 of the ASLpro ASL I end-of-year review assignments and turning them in all together. No assignment can have more than 3 missed. ______

2)I will sign 10 sentences from Units 1-6. Write them down and turn in._____

3)I will sign 10 sentences form Units 7-12 for a daily grade.______


You will need the Signing Naturally Level 2 book and DVD. You will need to follow the course as it is set-up on my ASL 2 webpage. Anything on this Study Guide that is hi-lighted yellow means that you will be viewing that assignment on the Signing Naturally DVD. All other assignments will be viewed on my ASL 2 webpage. Words in red are signs that you may not be familiar with. You should find these signs on the internet before starting the DVD assignment. ASLpro is a good place to start but remember, it is not the only ASL dictionary online. Red words that are finger-spelled loan signs (FSLS) will probably be difficult to locate on the internet but you will recognize them when you encounter them during an assignment.


Watch me sign the Unit 13 key phrases and vocabulary.The vocabulary will be interpreted (dubbed). Go to ASLpro and do the Unit 13 quiz. Send your score to me via email.______

1)First read pp. 2-3 in workbook about room arrangements. Then watch my lecture about describing the arrangement of a room. You will draw 2 rooms and then place furniture in them using locative classifiers. ______

2)Assignment 2 has two parts. First you will print pages 4 and 5 in the workbook(Room Description). Follow the instructions and turn in. Signs you need to know are middle, really, cool/neat

Second, print Where Do You Keep It on pp 8-9. Complete this assignment and turn in together.Signs to know before you start do-you-mind (this is located in the Unit 14 Key Phrases), busy, last/final, mean/reason, fix (FSLS), curious, exactly, statue/shape______

3)Daily grade where I sign 10 sentences from the Unit 13 vocabulary. ______

4)This assignment has two parts. First, watch how the numbers 101-109 are signed by Malcolm and Ramona (p.12). Second, do Number Practice (p.12) and write the number(s) signed in each sentence. You do not need to write the topic for each sentence. ______

5)Quiz over Unit 13. You may not use your book. ______

6)You will sign a quiz to me. Please record and send them to me. You will find the sentences online.

7)Test. Do not take until all other assignments for this unit are completed. You can not use your book during the test. ______


Watch me sign the Unit 14 vocabulary and key phrases. The vocabulary will be interpreted (dubbed). Go to ASLpro and do the Unit 14 quiz.Send your score to me via email.______

1)Nine sentences (# 5 was omitted) for a daily grade. ______

2)Verb inflection. Read p.37 in book and watch my lecture. ______

3)Next, watch the demonstration on the DVD of verb inflections (p.38) and do the assignment on p.38. You do not need to write the sentence only how each verb was inflected. ______

4)Watch me sign 5 sentences. Write the sentenceand how the verb was inflected (continuous, recurring or non-inflected). ______

5) Clock Numbers. First watch how they are produced on the Signing Naturally tape. Next, do the workbook activity on page 42. You only need to write the clock number(s) not the topic of the sentence. ______

6) Daily grade over clock numbers. Write the entire sentence with the time ______

7) You will sign a quiz to me over Unit 14. Please record and send it to me via email. The sentences are posted online. You can not use your book while signing the sentences.

8)Unit 14 test. You may not use your book and you must write the entire sentence. ______

9)SONG (part1): You will turn in your song lyrics and music to be approved by me at this time. Songs are to be standard length (2 1/2 -4 min. long) and free of any profanity or explicit lyrics. Songs that are overly repetitive or too fast will also be rejected. Turning in these materials will count as a daily grade.______

10) SONG (part 2):Song lyrics, once approved, are to be written out completely in gloss. Be sure to use conceptually correct signs and no fingerspelling (except fingerspelled-loan signs) will be permitted. Facial expression and classifiers should be used when possible. Name signs may be used for any characters in your song. Songs may be performed in either ASL or PSE (pidgin signed English). Gloss will be due in one week after you song has been approved by me (part 1) and the gloss will be a quiz grade.______

11)SONG (part 3): You will record your song and turn it in to me via email for a test grade within 2 weeks after your gloss has been graded (part 2). Your grade will be determined by the following items:

  • Conceptually correct signs
  • Clarity of signs
  • Errors in song production (This includes omissions or obvious production errors).
  • Facial expression is appropriate for the song selected
  • Correct use of any classifiers used ______

ASL 2 MIDTERM: You will sign 15 sentences located online. Record and send to me via email. No book or notes allowed.


Watch me sign the Unit 15 vocabulary and key phrases.The vocabulary will be interpreted (dubbed). Go to ASLpro and do the Unit 15 quiz.Send your score to me via email. ______

1)Daily grade over country signs. I will sign 27 countries/continents for you to write down. I will sign 3 countries per line (example: #1 China England France). You may see some countries/continents twice. You can use the book.______

2) Watch Steve sign number examples of 110-119 (p.67). Next watch Number Practice (p.67) and write the number(s) only. ______

3)Dates and Addresses (p.68). This assignment has two parts. First, go to my website and listen to my explanation of how this is done. You willthen do the workbook activity using the DVD. You do not need to do the part about addresses at the very bottom of the page. Know these signs before you startduring, happen, become, set/founded, special, sculpt, time/period, voice, club (FSLS), make, various, people, poetry, lose/not win ______

4)10 sentences with dates for a daily grade. Write out entire sentence.______

5)Watch the conversation on p. 59. Fill in the blanks for a daily grade. Know the signfrom.______

6)Narrating Life Events p. 60 andJose’s Life Story p. 61 First, print the questions that are posted online. Next, you will need to read over Narrating Life Events (p.60) and answer those questions on your paper. Next, lookover the life events that will be discussed on page 61. This will help you understand the story when it is signed to you.Finally,view the demonstration of transitions (p.60) and Jose’s Life story on the DVD.Using this information, answer the rest of the questions that you have printed out.______

7)Telling About Unexpected Changes p. 65 Watch the DVD and answer the questions for situations 2, 3 and 4 only (omit situation 1). Know these signs before you startplan, happen, pity, know-that, warm, short/brief, hurry______

8)Lecture about map work and directions. ______

9)Unit 15 quiz over countries.You will need access to a world map (internet is fine). You must write the question and the answer. In some cases there may be more than one answer. Choose the best answer.______

10)You will sign a quiz grade to me. Please record this assignment and send it to me via email. Sentences are posted online. You can not use your book while signing the sentences.

11)Unit 15 test. No notes or book allowed. ______


Watch me sign the Unit 16 key phrases and vocabulary.The vocabulary will be interpreted (dubbed). Go to ASLpro and do the Unit 16 quiz.Send your score to me via email. ______

1)Lecture over describing small objects. You will need to print the shape worksheet located online. Complete the worksheet and turn in.______

2)Print the worksheet that is online at my webpage about Describing Things Around Us. Read pp. 88-92 and answer the questions on the worksheet.______

3)Watch “The Science Lab”p.90 for demonstration of the principles mentioned in assignment 1 and 2.______

4)Picture It (p.95).Print page 95 and draw the items described and turn in for grade. Know these signs before you startwine, line/wire, hot, earth, hole______

5)Fast forward on your textbook video and watch “Descriptionary” (p.126-127). You are to print page 127 and follow the directions on page 127. Notice how each contestant has a number assigned to them (see diagrams on p. 126). You are to match the person to the word they signed. Feel free to watch each segment several times. Some contestants will fingerspell more than one word per round.______

6)Watch how the money numbers on p. 98 are produced. Then complete the video assignment on p. 99 (Matching Costs with Objects). You will need to make a copy of this page from your workbook and turn it in for a daily grade. You need to know these signs before you start beer, worth/value, shape, toast______

7)Quiz over shapes.You cannot use your book or notes. You will need to print the worksheet that is located online.______

8)Daily grade over food signs and opinions about food (such as “delicious” or “greasy”). These signs are from pages 109-115. You may use your book.______

9)Lecture over recipes and fractions. Complete the recipe shown and turn in for daily grade.______

10)Watch “What is Sashimi?” (p.98).Answer questions 1-3 as best you can. Research these signs before you start ready, vegetable, soup, try______

11) Quiz. You will sign 10 sentences for me. Please record and send to me via email. Sentences will be posted online. You can not use your book while signing the sentences.

12) Unit 16 test. You can not use your book.______


You need to watch me sign the Unit 17 Key Phrases and vocabulary. The vocabulary will be interpreted (dubbed). Go to ASLpro and do the Unit 17 quiz. Send your score to me via email.______

1)Three Digit Numbers (p.125). Watch the examples of these number types. Then do the Number Practice and write the number(s) only not the topic.______

2)10 sentences for a daily grade.______

3)“Beginning Conversations” (p. 121) Watch and answer the questions for dialogues 1, 4, and 5. Research these signs before you start _schedule, tour, Hollywood, what's-up, history, fancy/formal, wine, wonderful, idea, warning, nothing, test______

4)“Disrupted Plans” (pp. 122-123). Watch narratives 1, 2 and 5 only. Answer all questions related to these narratives. Study these signs before you begin decide, pity, ready, honeymoon, refuse, wine, discuss, New York, struggle, success/finally, go-ahead/continue, hope, agree______

5)Quiz over Unit 17. Do not use your book or notes.______

6)Read p. 129 “Notes on the Conversation”. Watch “Living in the Hearing World” p. 128 and answer the 6 questions related to the conversation. Know these signs before you begin wait, service, explain, hope, business______

7)You will sign 10 sentences for a quiz grade. Please record this and send it to me via email. You cannot use your book. The sentences are online.______

8)Test over unit 17. You can not use your book.______


You will sign 15 sentences which will encompass the entire course. These sentences are posted online. Please record and send to me via email. No book or notes allowed.