Designation / Sr. Assistant Professor
Email /
Contact Number / 9866201537
Date of Joining the Institution / 12.06.12
Qualification with Class/ Grade / M.Tech (VLSI) – I class, B.Tech (ECE) – Distinction
Research Areas/Specialization / VLSI System Design
Total Experience in Years / Teaching 5 Industry Research
Papers Published / National - International -
Papers Presented in Conferences / National - International -
PHD Guide? Give field & University / Field - University -
PhDs/ Projects Guided / PhDs - Projects at Masters level 6
Subjects taught at Under
Graduate Level / · VLSI Design
· Linear Integrated Circuits
· Microprocessor & Interfacing
· Probability & Random Variables
· Analog Communication
· VLSI & Embedded Systems
· Computer Organization
Subjects taught at Post
Graduate Level / Random Process & Information Theory
Books Published/ IPRs/ Patents / -
Professional Memberships / VSI
Consultancy Activities / -
Awards / -
Grants fetched / -
Interaction with Professional Institutions / -
Seminars / Workshops Organized
1. Organized A One-Day National Seminar on “Wavelet Applications and Recent Trends in Digital Image Processing” delivered by Dr. M. Madhavi Latha, Prof & HOD, JNTUH, 26th December 2011.
2. Organized Guest Lecture on “FPGA Architectures for Signal Processing Application” delivered by Dr. N. S. Murthy, Professor, NIT Warangal on 30th July 2011.
3. Organized Seminar on “Basics of VLSI Design” delivered by Dr. N. S. Murthy, Professor, NIT Warangal on 10th and 11th May 2011.
4. Coordinator for “A Two Day Workshop on Embedded System Design on Xilinx FPGA” conducted during 8th and 9th July 2011.
5. Two day workshop on VLSI/Embedded Systems was conducted by ADM and Optima Technologies on 25.09.2010 and 26.09.2010. Mr. Shireesh Kumar, Director, ADM, Mumbai
6. Coordinator for National Symposium on Advanced Communication Technologies (NSACT-2009) held on 30th Jan 2009.
Seminars / Workshops Attended
1. Short Term Training Programme on “Hands-On Experience of Virtual Instrumentation Applications in Engineering and Technology” held during 07th – 13th December, 2009 organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.
2. One Day National Seminar on “Wavelets and its Applications” organized by V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada on 9th August 2009.
3. A Two Week Staff Development Programme on “Signal Processing & Wireless Communications” organized by V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada during 13th – 25th July 2009.
4. Faculty Updation Training on “System Design using FPGA” organized by CDAC HYD in collaboration with JNTU, Hyderabad during 22nd June to 3rd July 2009.
5. A Two Day Workshop on “CMOS VLSI and ASIC Designs” conducted by JNTU College of Engineering, during 10th to 11th August, 2007.
6. A Two Day National Level Workshop on “FPGA Based System Design” organized by Sir C R Reddy College of Engineering , Eluru, on 28th & 29th September, 2007.
7. One Day National Level Workshop on “Antennas and Developments” held during 7th September, 2007 at V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
8. One Day Seminar on “Signal Processing and its Applications” conducted by IETE, Vijayawada Local Centre on 25th March, 2007
9. National Seminar on “Challenges in VLSI Design” conducted by R V R & J C College of engineering, Guntur during March 23-24, 2007
10. A two-day workshop on “VLSI Design” conducted by Department of ECE and IEEE Student Branch, Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru on 9th and 10th February, 2007.
11. National Workshop on “Wireless Communications (WWC-2006)” held during 29th & 30th December, 2006 at V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
12. A two-day refresher course on “Effective Teaching Methodology” conducted on 8th and 9th December 2006 at V R Siddhartha Engineering College, Vijayawada.
13. A two-day workshop on “Nano Electronics” conducted by IIPC, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad on 25th and 26th November, 2006.