Sunday 3rd December 2017
Diocese of Northampton / Registered Charity No: 234091Bishop / Rt Rev Peter Doyle
Pastoral Area of St Luke / Corby, Kettering, Oundle, Thrapston, B. Latimer, Rothwell, Raunds, Desb’ro
Dean / Canon John Koenig
Safeguarding / Joan Currie (Tel No. 07854 123636)
Parish Secretary / Maggie Cleary (Kay Priest on Thursdays)
Parish Office Hours / Monday – Friday 09:15 am – 12:30 pm
Kettering General Hospital / If you know of a Catholic in hospital please ring: 01536 512497
Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School / (St Luke’s Academy) Headteacher: Mrs Maire Hayes: 01536 203805
Our Lady’s Catholic Social Club (KK) / 01536 264753
Parish Website /
Over 50’s Club / Tuesday afternoon in the Club
Fr Gerard Byrne / St Brendan’s Church: 01536 202879
“Cross Stitch” Knitting Group / Fridays 10:30-12:30 pm.
“O.L.Y.” / Our Lady’s Youth meet monthly on Saturday mornings.
Weekend Mass Times in Corby
Saturday Vigil Mass Times
St Brendan’s: 6:00 pm
Our Lady’s 6:30 pm
Sunday Mass Times
Our Lady’s 10:15 am
St Patrick’s: 9:00 am
St Brendan’s: 11:00 am
St John Ogilvie: 5:00 pm
St Joseph’s (Polish) 11:00 am
4:00 pm
Year of Prayer and Vocation
begins today with a Visual or Audio Presentation from Bishop Peter. Don’t forget to take your free bookmark too.
On Wednesday Evening we welcome some local schools to our church for their early Christmas Carols Service. /
Advent Sunday
Welcome to Katarzyna Nina Szynk,
who joined the Family of God today.
Wednesday Mass in School, 9.30am. All welcome, includes the blessing of the
Advent Wreaths.
Solemnity of The Immaculate Conception.
Mass here in Our Lady’s on Friday at 10am.
Also evening Mass in the Cathedral in Northampton at 7pm. All welcome / Sunday 10.15 am
Readers Today: Daniil & Mary Ann
Next Week: Sophie and Peter C
Eucharistic Ministers Today:
Margaret & John
Next Week: Jane and Renee
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
08:00 am - Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament
08:45 am - Benediction
09:00 am - Rosary
09:30 am - Mass
NB No Mass at St John Ogilvie this Friday or Saturday
Advance Notice
Saturday 23rd December
2pm-4pm Church Open for Adoration and Confessions (three priests)
6.30pm Vigil Mass (Advent IV)
Sunday, 24th December:
10:15 am Mass at Our Lady’s (Advent IV)
4:00 pm First Mass of Christmas at Our Lady’s
6:00 pm Christmas Vigil Mass at St John Ogilvie’s
8:30 pm Christmas Vigil Mass at Our Lady’s
NB Please note, no Advent Sunday IV Mass at St John Ogilvie’s
Monday, 25th December:
08:30 am Christmas Dawn Mass at St John Ogilvie’s
10:00 am Christmas Day Mass at Our Lady’s
Our Lady’s School Open Day, Friday, 8th December. Appointment not necessary; prospective parents are welcome to come in any time! / Your ‘Walk with Me’ booklet is available today for only £1. Hurry, because they always go very quickly. Foreword by Cardinal Vincent Nichols and daily prayers for the season. Advent Is Here! A beautiful season of anticipation, often overlooked because we can run headlong into Christmas too early. The best things in life are woth waiting for, as Advent teaches us
Giving Tree
Thank you for taking a tag off the tree and for bringing in the item. (There is still plenty of time to bring things in). Our S.V.P. will see that it gets to someone who will appreciate it. Thank you!
May He Rest In Peace.
John McKechnie, late of Cornwall, formerly of Corby whose Requiem Mass is on Friday at 11.45am.
Parish Advent Raffle. Next Weekend For One Weekend Only we urge you to buy a raffle ticket or two for our Parish Draw. You might win a nice prize, or you might not. But you will be contributing to our Parish Christmas Fund Raiser. ONE WEEK END ONLY / Cakes & Crafts Last Week Many thanks to the bakers and crafty people who raised £474.40 for parish funds from last weekend’s sale.
The Knights of St Columba raised £923 from their recent presentations in all four Corby parishes.
Exciting News. New Paid Position: Area Catholic Youth Worker – Corby.
The Catholic Parishes of Corby (that’s us!) are currently seeking a youth worker to help shape the Catholic youth programme in the town: inspiring and developing youth leaders, integrating young people into the life of the parish and deepening their relationship with God. The ideal applicant should be a practising Catholic with konwledge and understanding of Catholic Teaching with some form of Youth Ministry experience. Closing date for applications: 5th December 2017. For full details of salary, hours, etc visit or call Paula Wynn (HR) on 01604 714840
Did you ever dream that you would read a notice like this? This project is only possible because of the generosity of the Sisters of the Holy Cross who are funding this paid position for two years.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 10:15 Mass. We now have two new volunteers to add to the team. Would you like to make it three? Please see Fr Michael and ring our Parish Safguarding Rep Joan who will help you complete the DBS forms (as in keeping with good practice, everyone who works with young people or vulnerable adults in the church are DBS cleared). No experience required, just a heart for young people.
Masses and Services
Saturday / 6:30 pm / Mary Glen RIP / Laurie McCahill RIP / 1st Sunday of Advent
Sunday / 10:15 am / Michael Crosby (A) / Teresa & John Rowley RIP
Monday / 10am / Helen Kerr and Jean Flynn RIP
Tuesday / 09:30 am / Willie Lafferty RIP / Mark Britt RIP
Wednesday / 09:30 am / Billy Graham RIP / John Tierney RIP
Also 9.30am Mass in School
Friday / 09:30 am
10am / Eileen Dellot A/ George Johnston RIP
Liz Clarke Int; 11.45am Requiem John McKechnie / St Ambrose
Immaculate Conception
Saturday / 5:30-6:10 pm / Confessions
6:30 pm / Ina Murphy RIP/ Jeanette Savage RIP
Sunday / 10:15 am / Hugh and Matthew Hackett A / Francis Laabgharte / 2nd Sunday of Advent
May God Bless Us All, Fr Michael and Fr Wilson