PTA Meeting




Sophia Harris (Host!)

Jon Iglesius

Alice Willis

Susan Docherty

Lynsey Fielden

Vicky Casey

Ciara Tindall

Sally Parker

Shelley Henderson

Kirsty Curwen

Anne Pinches

1)Treasurer’s Report 2016-17: Lynsey

Bun sales have gone well!

Discussion re how much to charge per bun: discretionary at the moment depending on who is running the stall (25-50p acceptable).

Total amount raised in the bun sales divided between the years is £140 for each year

Summer fair: increased costs but increased profits too

Possibility of involving the children (even) more for this years summer fair

Sponsorship for the fair: Corporate responsibility in the workplace. Possibility of putting something in the newsletter about corporate sponsorship

Easy fundraising: to plug this especially with Christmas coming up!

Parentpay or equivalent: up and coming. For when there’s no money left in your pocket!

Alternative ways of paying for things e.g. magic shows, trips etc

Cheques/payments: Need 2 signatures for any payment. Add signatories onto account for ease: Anne Pinches, Ciara, and Sophia volunteered.

Shakespeare drama: for year 6 children. Mr Iglesias experienced at previous school and sounds amazing. Will hopefully be a regular annual event

RE coaches

For transporting children to religious buildings

Looking into the figures for the best value coaches (GSAL good value)

Agreed to continue to fund via WPTA but need invoices

2) Communications with school office and parents

One person to communicate re bun sales with office staff – Lynsey agreed

Class Dojo

Useful mode of communication

One representative to use as communication with classes (Lynsey to do this)

Billboard in playground: considerations of how this can be better used

Screen in the playground planned with school funds: healthy messages, information about forthcoming events

3) Volunteer sign up: Vicky

Way of signing up on an app; an alternative to “reply all”

Useful to see how it works

Potential to use it for a bun sale as a trial

Enables parents who are perhaps not around at drop off and pick up to volunteer at events

Account holder can send out a link to parents which enables parents to sign up and creates a spread-sheet for account holder

Weetwood PTA can be an account holder. No cost! (including hidden advertising charges)

4) Bun sales

Email timetable to all parents

Covered earlier in treasurers report.

Great way of making money for class teachers!

5) Process booking school hall

Email Jon Iglesius

Teachers encouraged to attend events including Christmas and summer fairs

Discussed ways of attaching things to the walls of the mezzanine

6) PTA calendar: Sophia

Useful to see it and also to be reminded of the training days!

7) Bonfire/Disco Night: Friday November 3rd


Toffee apples: Ciara

Pulled pork, buns, apples sauce: Anneliese

Hotdogs (meat and vegetarian), buns: Kirsty

Sauces/drinks: Sophia

Samosas: ask Shakira

Napkins/plates: Lynsey

Drinks Licence: Thryth

Check with Lauren as to what she has booked

? St John Ambulance

? Disco man (Mr shuffles)

? Fireworks

Glow sticks: Anne ? Number

Door: Lynsey

Face-painting and dots: Alice

Little kitchen: Checked with Mr Crawford (Callum): ok to use

Prior to event to walk about school hall in light of nursery extension and check supplies in basement

8) Christmas cards

Children have been doing designs for cards this week

Process started earlier this year to try and avoid delays like last year

Can be delivered to school

9) Christmas fair

Date agreed: 3rd of December.

Addendum:Hall booked for Christmas fair on the 3rd of December. Mr Clarkson (Darren) not available for the Christmas fair (as last year)

10) AOB

Parking! Ways of trying to decrease/limit parents parking on the zigzags and double yellow lines. Perennial problem. Mr Iglesius?to patrol/be a visible presence every so often in an effort to decrease unsafe parking.

Parcels: not to be delivered to school due to updated safeguarding rules; Christmas cards probably the only parcel planned for this year

Newsletter: Lynsey to produce content, Thryth happy to format

Date of next meeting:Monday 30th of October 2017, venue TBA