«Contact_Add3» / «Caseworker_Add1»
«Caseworker_Add3», «Caseworker_Pcode»
«Contact_Add4» / Telephone: / «Case_tel»
«Contact_Postcode» / E-mail: / «Case_Email»
Contact: / «Caseworker»
My ref: / «Child_Id»/«Child_Area»
Your ref:
Date: / «Letter_Date»

Dear «Addressee»

Notification of Transfer Review – conversion of Statement of Special Educational Needs to an Education, Health and Care Plan


The SEN Service wrote to you in August 2014 to explain that from the 1st September 2014, the law for children and young people with special educational needs has changed following the implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014.

The local authority has now started the process of transferring Statements of Special Educational Needs to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPlans) – that is an EHCPlan assessment in accordance with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. I want to ensure that you are fully involved in this process and understand what is happening.

I have asked your child’s school/setting to arrange with you the date of the meeting that will be held to inform the transfer review (conversion) process. This meeting will replace the usual annual review. You should already have the date of this meeting.

In preparation for the transfer review meeting I will contact you to make sure that you are happy with the information and advice that is being collected as part of the conversion process, and to discuss what should happen at the meeting. Based upon information from the school, I am expecting the transfer review meeting will be held within 2 weeks of the receipt of this letter.Please let me know, as a matter of urgency, if you have not been contacted by your child’s school/setting or if you have any other concerns about the arrangements made.

We expect that for most children, the transfer review process will result in an Education, Health and Care Plan. We want to make sure that no child or young person should lose their statement of SEN and not have it replaced with an EHC Plan simply because the system is changing.

You will receive a draft EHC Plan within 10 weeks of receipt of this letter. However, should the transfer review process indicate that an EHC Plan is not required, I will also let you know within 10 weeks of the date of this letter and work with you on alternative arrangements.

If you have any questions or would like further information do not hesitate to contact me. Further advice can be obtained from Parent Partnership Service Hertfordshire Information, Advice and Support Servicecan also provide information about the availability of independent advice and support.

Parent Partnership Service Hertfordshire Information, Advice and Support Servicecan be contacted on 01992 555847 or emailed at

Following completion of the transfer review process you will have the right to appeal to the First Tier Tribunal (Education and Disability). HM Courts and Tribunal Service contact details are 1st Floor, Darlington Magistrates’ Court, Parkgate, Darlington, DL1 1RU or .

Under the Children and Families Act 2014, I must advise you that before you register your appeal, you must contact a mediation advisor. The purpose is to consider whether mediation is a means of resolving your disagreement with the Local Authority. This service is independent and free to access. The mediation service is provided by KIDS SEN Mediation Service, and you can contact KIDS SEN Mediation Service at 020 7359 3635.

Yours sincerely

SEN Officer (EHC Coordinator)

Area SEN Team

Children’s Services


Enc: ‘Explaining Personal Budgets’ leaflet





Explaining personal budgets

What is a personal budget?

Personal Budgets are available to children and young people who have an Education, Health and Care plan.

A personal budget is the amount of money available for services to make sure that families can obtain choice, control and flexibility over the way funding is used to meet the outcomes for their child.

When are personal budgets provided?

Personal budgets may be allocated when a child or young person has complex support needs which cannot be met without additional specialist services.

Using person centred planning we will work with you to consider how the funding can help you to find solutions that work for your child and family.

How are Personal Budgets managed?

Personal Budgets can be managed as follows:

  1. As a direct payment. This is an amount of money paid directly to parents/carers and young people (over 18) to source their own support services.
  2. An organised arrangement where the Local Authority or Health Services arranges services for outcomes specified in the EHC plan.
  3. A combination of the above.

How it will work for each child and their family

If you have requested a personal budget as part of an Education Health and Care Plan you will be able to access Personal Budgets if your child or young person has an eligible social care need. In the coming months we hope to increase the range of support services across Education, Health and Care that can be offered as part of a Personal Budget.

How can I find out more information?

For information and advice relating to personal budgets within Social Care please contact the Customer Call Centre on the number below and asked to speak to a member of the Disabled Children’s Team East or West:

Customer call centre 0300 123 4043

Or alternatively visit offer which will have up to date information and advice as to the progress Hertfordshire is making towards personal budgets.