Institution types & Credentials:

Types of higher education institutions:

State University

Private University

State Higher Institute

Private Higher Institute

State Middle (Intermediate) Institute (Post-secondary)

Private Middle (Intermediate) Institute (Post-secondary)

State Academy

Private Academy

Military Academy

Open University

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Technical Education School Certificate

Thanaweya Am'ma

Primary-School Teacher's Certificate

Technician's Diploma



High Diploma


Diplôme d'Etudes professionnelles approfondies



Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 14

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Primary School

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 6 to: 12

Certificate/diploma awarded: Primary School Certificate


Type of school providing this education: Preparatory School

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 12 to: 15

Certificate/diploma awarded: Basic Education Completion Certificate

General Secondary

Type of school providing this education: General Secondary School

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 15 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Thanaweya a' Amma (General Secondary Education Certificate (GSEC)

Technical Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Technical Secondary School (for technicians)

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 15 to: 18

Certificate/diploma awarded: Technical Education Diploma


Type of school providing this education: Technical Secondary School (for high level technicians)

Length of program in years: 5

Age level from: 15 to: 20

Certificate/diploma awarded: Advanced Technical Diploma

School education:

Compulsory education lasts for nine grades and is known as "basic education", split into two stages, primary school (Grades 1 -6) and preparatory school (Grades 7-9). It leads to the award of the Basic Education Completion Certificate. Following the nine-year basic education, pupils have the choice of entering a general secondary school (academic option) or a technical option including three- and five-year technical schools as well as experimental schools teaching languages, education and physical education. Only general secondary school graduates (academic option) may be admitted to university after obtaining their General Secondary Education Certificate (GSEC) or an Advanced Technical Diploma with scores above 75%. However, since 1991, some graduates from technical schools have been allowed to enter higher education.

Higher education:

Higher education is provided by some 20 universities and by higher institutes of technical and professional training, both public and private. Responsibility for higher education lies mainly with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Organization and administration, as well as academic programmes, are determined by laws, decrees and government regulations. The State universities are under the authority of the Supreme Council of Universities. Universities have full academic and administrative autonomy. They also carry out scientific research. The higher institutes of professional and technical training award qualifications equivalent to the first qualification conferred by the universities. Open college education was introduced at the universities of Cairo, Alexandria and Assiut in 1991. Private universities are entitled to implement their own criteria of admission and to set fees without intervention from the Ministry.

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Law 101/1992 Year: 1992

Concerns: Private Universities

Decree: Law 49/1972 Year: 1972

Concerns: Universities

Decree: Law 52/1970 Year: 1970

Concerns: Higher Institutes

Academic year:

Classes from: Oct to: Jun

Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 30 Sep

Languages of instruction: Arabic, English, French

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level:

Non-university level post-secondary education is offered by industrial, commercial and technical institutes providing two-year courses leading to a Diploma in Accountancy, Secretarial Work, Insurance, Computer or Health Sciences and Electronics. Holders of a Technical Education Diploma in commercial, industrial and agricultural fields may be admitted to these technical institutes. Holders of an Advanced Technical Diploma, whose score is 75% and above may be admitted to Higher Institutes of similar specializations. Studies last for four to five years.

University level studies:

University level first stage:

The first stage of higher education consists of four to six years of multidisciplinary study in basic subjects. They lead to the award of the Baccalaureos degree. In Medicine, studies last for six years, with one additional year of practical work.

University level second stage:

The second stage is more specialized and comprises two to five years of training in individual research work culminating in the submission of a thesis. The degree awarded is that of Magistr.

University level third stage:

The third stage leads to the Doktora (PhD) after at least two years' study following the Magistr (Master's Degree). Students must have obtained the mark "good" in the Master's Degree. It is awarded for advanced research work culminating in a thesis. In Medicine, a Doktora in Medical Sciences may be prepared concurrently with the professional Doctor of Medicine Degree.

University level fourth stage:

In certain rare cases, after the Doktora, a degree of Doctor of Science is awarded. It is reserved for researchers who have undertaken a substantial body of research work.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Primary school teachers must hold a qualification from a University Faculty of Education. There is also a distance learning programme to upgrade, through the medium of Arabic, primary school teachers who do not hold a degree.The course leads to a BEd in Primary Education.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers are trained in the Faculties of Education of the universities in four years and in higher teacher-training colleges. Both preparatory and general secondary teachers follow the same course which leads to the Bachelor Degree. Graduates who hold a four-year university degree can also teach at secondary level after following a one-year postgraduate course at the Faculty of Education where they are awarded the General Diploma. Teachers of technical education are trained at special faculties.

Training of higher education teachers

Higher education teachers are required to hold at least a Magistr in the field of higher education.

Non-traditional studies:

Distance higher education

The Egyptian University for Distance Learning is being established.

Lifelong higher education

In some ministries full- or part-time in-service training is organized periodically. Non-formal studies are offered by universities in the form of refresher courses and evening or correspondence courses.