Granite Education Association

AR of the Year Self-Reporting Survey

April 2017



The purpose of this survey is to give all ARs an opportunity to give additional information that may help the Member Committee make the difficult decision of who will be the AR of the Year.

Please take a few minutes to fill out this form. To ensure the timely completion of plaques for AR of the Year, please return this form to GEA no later than Tuesday, April 28 by 5:00 p.m.

  • How many monthly AR meetings did you attend this year? (It counts if you sent someone in your place.) ______meetings.
  • Please check the events in which you participated this year:

August 2016 AR training.

New Teacher Orientation(s)

Will you attend the House of Delegates?

Other ______


  • Did you hold at least two monthly 10-minute meetings for your members following AR meetings?

Approximately how many?

  • Did you participate on your school’s Building Professional Committee?
  • Did you, or someone else on the Committee, provide minutes of those meetings for your members?
  • Did you complete a member phone tree and give it to GEA?
  • Did you hold GEA elections?
  • Did you turn in your ballots and signatures?
  • Did you, or a helper in your building, distribute all GEA materials from meetings?
  • Did you create and maintain a GEA bulletin board?
  • Do you intend to hold AR elections in your building and bring any new ARs to the May meeting?
  • Have you organized other members in your building to help you with your AR position?
  • Do you have a distribution list set up on your computer for sending information out to members?
  • Please check any of the following in which you participated:

Contacted Legislators

Attended School Board Meeting(s)

Contacted School Board Members

Worked for a political candidate

Contributed to PAC

Were called upon to advocate for a memberor referred a member to the GEA office for help

Wrote a welcome back letter to your members at the beginning of the year

Wrote thank you notes for any members who may have helped you

Contacted new hires and asked them to join the Association

Contacted previous members and asked them to rejoin

Asked non-members to join during EEL. (We realize this is an on-going event.)

  • How many non-members were you able to recruit this year prior to Early Enrollment?
  • How many non-members have you brought in so far during Early Enrollment?
  • Are you a member of any of the GEA, GEA/Granite District, or UEA committees?

Are there any other activities in which you participate that have not been mentioned on this survey? Please describe: ______.

Please describe the relationship that you feel you share with your building administrator(s).
