Professional Activities Form - Lab Instructors 2017-18

Dean for Academic Affairs

Professional Activities Form for Lab Instructors 2017-2018

Return completed form and c.v. to and to your department chair.

Name Department______Date______

I. Labs

A. Please list the labs you have directed this year.

Semester / Course / Lab section / Enrollment / Remarks*

* Please indicate the number of hours per week for each lab. If the lab was jointly taught, note other instructor(s).

B.  Please describe any lab development activities you pursued this year.

II. College committee service

Please list your committee responsibilities during this academic year, noting committees you chaired.

III. Professional activities

A. Attendance at meetings of professional organizations, workshops, training sessions, etc.

Indicate name of organization or meeting, date, and place.

B. Presentation of papers, workshops, sessions, etc. at meetings of professional organizations or other institutions.

Indicate title, name of organization or meeting, date, and place of presentation.

C. Offices held in professional organizations.

Indicate date of election or appointment.

D. Other professional activities not listed above.

For example: consultancies; grants, awards, and fellowships received.

IV. Scholarly and creative activities

Publications and works of art which have appeared in print or electronic format or been produced, performed, or displayed since your last report (or, if this is your first report, since July 1, 2017). Work that has been submitted, but not yet accepted for publication may also be included; please clearly indicate, however, that work has not yet been published.

Please give complete bibliographical information in the correct format for your discipline. Note if an item is a review, reissue, edited or co-authored work. For works of art, please indicate the date and place of performance or display and note the nature of your contribution.

V. The future

Please describe in a few sentences the nature of your plans or aspirations for professional advancement in the next one to three years, indicating particularly ways the College might be in a position to help.

Please return to and your department chair.