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Holocaust Film Clips Alternate Assignment
The story follows Lt. Gerstein was a scientist that was recruited into the SS. The Nazis had begun testing poison gas (engine exhaust) on people with mental disabilities in Germany. However, the Catholic Church threatened to expose what the Nazis were doing and they stopped. After Gerstein was recruited by the SS, he was taken to a camp in which he was shocked when he saw how they were using a chemical called Zyklon-B to gas Jews. Since Gerstein helped develop Zyklon-B, he was brought to Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess, who ordered him to accelerate production of Zyklon-B, since Hitler wanted to get rid 10,000 “units” by 1949. Hess referred to Jews as a unit (de-humanizing the person)
Schindler’s List
In the 1940s, Jews were being forced out of their homes and into ghettos. They were removed from their home and marched down the street by Nazi soldiers as people threw rocks at them and screamed insults at them. Once in the ghettos, German soldiers brutally treated Jews, even killing some in the middle of the street for not working hard enough or not being essential. In the camps the Nazis were equally brutal threatening to execute those not producing enough material. Eventually Jews would be put onto cramped and hot trains to be shipped off to death camps. Oskar Schindler was a German industrialist from the Sudetenland that is credited with saving almost 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust in his ammunitions factories located in Poland and the Czechoslovakia. . While witnessing a 1942 raid on the Kraków Ghetto, where soldiers were used to round up the inhabitants for shipment to concentration camps at Schindler was appalled by the conditions of the trains and convinced Nazis soldiers to at least give the people on the trains water and cooling off with a hose. Schindler began using his influence as a Nazi businessman to convince Nazis in Poland that his workers were esential to the war effort. The Jews that worked his factories were spared some of the horrors of the concentration camps in places like Auschwitz which were cold, dark and skies filled with ash. Guard dogs were barking at them and prison guards treated them poorly.