Step on Step-off Training (SST)
Application for a Deferred Start to GP Training
Deferments give successful applicants the opportunity to defer GP training (for a maximum of 12 months) before the GP training programme starts. This is to facilitate early options for Step on Step Off Training (SST), subject to approval by the Postgraduate Dean. Applications for deferment must be made within two weeks of acceptance of the GPST programme offer.
Please complete sections 1 – 4 and send the form to GP Programme Manager, Fenella Williams, Health Education England, Wessex, Southern House, Otterbourne, Winchester, SO21 2RU. ()
PART 1: Applicant DetailsLast Name / First Name
GMC Number / Oriel PIN no:
Address for Correspondence
Mobile No. / E-mail address
PART 2: GP Training Programme Details
Original start date / Programme appointed to
PART 3: Deferral Details - Deferral may only be considered for periods of 6 months or 12 months in order to tie in with usual rotation dates.
Start date / Anticipated end date
Please give reasons for your request to defer the start of your GP training.
PART 4: Declaration
a)I confirm that I have accepted an offer of a place on the Health Education England, Wessex GP training programme.
b)I must return to the training programme offer that I have accepted. I understand that failure to do so will mean that I will have to relinquish my entitlement to that programme and will have to re-apply for GP Specialty Training.
c)I will liaise closely with the GP Programme Manager and my Training Programme Director so that the start of my training programme can be facilitated.
d)I understand that I am required to confirm a date for the start of the deferred programme at least six months before the planned start date; or a minimum of three months’ notice where the duration of the period out of programme is less than six months. I understand that my placement may depend on availability at that time.
e)I agree that the information given in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature / ...... / Date
Print Name
PART 5: To be completed by the GP Director
I confirm this application is appropriate and approve this application to defer the start of GP training.
GP Director Name: / Date:
GP Director Signature