Hospitals & Asylums
Customs House Act St. Elizabeth HA-26-2-11/HA-5-9-11
By Anthony J. Sanders
To amend all references to Homeland and Domestic Security throughout Title 6 of the United States Code, and Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regulations, and elsewhere in the Civil Code to better respect local “Customs”.
To amend HA Chapter 4 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital 24USC(4)III§225 at (a)(1) so “are currently” is amended to read “have been” and at (a)(5) “currently” to read “that were” and at (b)(3) “from the present system” is repealed and a new clause is added,
(c) In January 2010 U.S. Customs acquired all real property of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital under 19USC(10) §2081(a)(1)(A)
To amend 24USC(4)III§225a to append at (10) the term “Customs” means the occupants of St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. §225f Property Transfer is repealed at (a) “exclusion of certain real property” and (a)(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2). At (a)(2) is appended “until Customs assumed liability for the intellectual “rent” under 40USC(II) (D) III§8141, 17USC§201(a, c, e, d), and the Mental Health Bill of Rights 42USC((102)IV§9501 (A,i,D)
To repeal Information as Confidential; exception, of the Census statute under 13USC(1)§9 at (a)(1) “or section 210 of the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998 or section 2(f) of the Census of Agriculture Act of 1997”.
To recognize “Customs” as the occupiers of what was St. Elizabeth’s hospital and to succeed the executive department of Homeland Security under 6USC§111(b)(1)(G) for Congress under 40USC§8141
To rename U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) US Naturalization Service (USNS) eliminate the discriminatory disclaimer on FOIA naturalization papers and authorize SSA, DMV, USPS and other identification providers to file USCIS Freedom of Information/Privacy Act Form G-639 so as not to burden clients with Fraud and related activity in connection with identification documents, authentication features, and information under 18USC(47)§1028
To limit Transportation spending to $75 billion in FY 2012 and $77.7 billion in FY 2013 and 3% annual growth thereafter under the Anti-Deficiency Act 31USCII(13)III§1341(a)(1)(A)
To implicate Harvard law in the use of weapons of mass destruction 18USC(113B)§2332a and require a national hazardous substance response plan be drafted regarding styrene chemicals under 42USC(103)I§9605
To transfer FEMA to White House and pay $7 billion for Hurricane Irene in OMB tables under 42USC(68)IV§5170 and 5USCIIIB(35)I§3503
To remove NPPD Federal Protective Service and State and Local Law Enforcement Training to DoJ Criminal Division in OMB tables and reality under 18USCII(232A)§3681 and 5USCIIIB(35)I§3503
To fine NPPD the $1.3 million cost of the cyber-mission integration program under 18USC(47)§1030
To grant proceeds to FEMA for the costs of Hurricane Irene and USCIS if needed to process freedom of information/privacy act claims swiftly and without interference whereas the USCIS budget has declined from the previous year and USCIS is on strike in regards to mailing naturalization papers to the author of this brief
To question the moral hazard of lawyers in consular, executive, legislative office, or in this case, traffic judge and diplomats in domestic security operations, and punishing TD for their graft by recusing lawyers from the role of traffic judge, the busiest jurisdiction, and replacing the docket with a licensed social worker to ensure Americans receive the just compensation they deserve for their automobiles and for the Federal Court of Claims to appoint a social worker to prove the 20th century professional can judge civil claims in writing, and begin protecting Americans from the prosecution of civil claims in state courts against 18USC(11)§205
To question the beauty of amending Title 6 of the United States Code and Code of Federal Regulation from Domestic Security to Customs and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to Customs
To relieve the author of private ownership of government work, including the only balanced federal budget FY 2012 HA-28-2-10 and Annotated Constitution of the United States HA-16-7-11, under 17USC§105, §201(a, c, e, d), §501 and §106A
Be Customs billed $5 a night for the HA bicentennial of the Naval Hospital Act of Feb. 26, 1811 under 6USC§345 and 41USC§255(a)(1)
Table of Contents
Part I Customs Reform 2011
Art. 1 Contract Financing Hospitals & Asylums (HA) Bicentennial
Art. 2 Compensating SSI Class $666; $700 or $1,000 a month
Art. 3 A Customs Court for the Land of Title 22 Foreign Relations (FR-ee)
Art. 4 US Naturalization Service $500-$1000 Withholding for U.S. Work Visas and Free Tourist Visas
Art. 5 International Personality of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Art. 6 Trade Agreement Importing Antibiotics Without a Prescription
Part II Social Work and International Relations: Inheritors of Psychiatric Adversity
Art. 7 Abolition of Civil Commitments and Termination of all but Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals
Art. 8 Compensation for Victims of Torture, False Arrest, Biological Experimentation and Excessive Taxation
Art. 9 Technical Amendments to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital Statute
Art. 10 Original Text of Subchapter III Mental Health Services for the District of Columbia
§225 Findings and Purposes
§225a Definitions
§225b Development of a Plan for Mental Health System of the District
§225c Congressional Review of System Implementation Plan
§225d Transition Provisions for Employees of Hospital
§225e Conditions of Employment for former Employees of Hospital
§225f Property Transfer
§225g Financing Provisions
§225h Buy American Provisions
Part III Labor Day Graduation of Homeland Security in Separation of Customs and Domestic Emergency Management Functions
Art. 11 Dissolution of Homeland Security
Art. 12 Regulating Styrene, Harvard law reparation of Hurricane Irene and other Natural Disasters
Art. 13 Impoundment of rude Ray Lahood (R-IL) Transportation Secretary
Art. 14 Getting Syria about Drought Relief and Palestine
Art. 15 Peach Season in Obama Nation
Art. 16 Adjusting to U.S. Customs
Evidence of Infringement: Title 24 CFR Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Table: Department of Homeland Security, Leader, Workforce, and Budget FY 2010-2012
Table: Immigration 2000-2010
Image: Chemical Structure of Styrene
Table: Department of Transportation Budget Requests FY 2008 & 2012
Table: Department of Transportation Spending including One Time Cost of the Recovery Act 2008-2012
Table: North East African Table, July 2009
Chart: Unemployment Rate August 2011
Table: Employment Statistics 2007-2011
Table: Department of Labor Spending 2008-2012
Table: Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumer (CPI-U) Inflation 1920-2011
Table: OMB Customs Revisions FY 2012
Table: Foreign Assistance Related Statistics, by Nation, 2007 to Help the Census Account for $1.5 billion in US Aid to Somalia and East Africa, 2011
Work Cited
Part I Customs Reform 2011
Art. 1 Contract Financing Hospitals & Asylums (HA) Bicentennial
2011 is Hospitals & Asylums (HA) bicentennial. HA is nearly so old as the 222 year undercover investigative operations of the U.S. Customs Service under 19USC(10)§2081. HA statute was first enacted in the Naval Hospital Act of Feb. 26, 1811. Since 1855 St. Elizabeth’s Hospital has been operated as a psychiatric institution in Washington D.C. The federal district hospital was codified in 1924, in Chapter 4 of Title 24USC(4)§161-225h. Only Subchapter III Mental Health Services for the District of Columbia remains at 24USC(4)III§225-225h and is preserved un-amended, at the end this document, that amends Article 10 of Book 4: State Mental Institution Legal Education (SMILE) that imported Hospitalization of Mentally Ill Nationals returned from Foreign Countries 24USC(9)§321-329, from what is now Book 9 Drug Regulation (DR) Wherefore Customs shall succeed Homeland and Domestic Security throughout Title 6 of the United States Code, and Title 6 of the Code of Federal Regulations, that is under development, and elsewhere in the Civil Code at a later date, shall be amended to read “Customs”.
Hospitals & Asylums Best Medicine Monographs HA-14-2-11 promote the longevity of U.S. citizens who die in greater numbers in electoral years, more than the previous year in 2004 and life expectancy declined in 2008 while we anxiously await the results of the 2010 Census, to repeal all exceptions to confidentiality under 13USC(1)§9 . Since DHS was institutionalized in St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in 2010 Customs was witnessed by HA, author of the only balanced federal budget, accepting $600 million theft or bribery concerning programs receiving federal funds under 18USC(31)§666 right after every torturer in Washington embezzled $6.6 billion ultra vires the US Supreme Court opinion, in theft or embezzlement related with health care 18USC(31)§669 causing a $3 billion state deficit and nationwide economic slowdown. The Federal Tort Claims Act, 20CFR429.101 as amended, 28USC(171)2671-2680 must redress both individual cases of compensation for torture and the institutional medical ethics committees created under the Tort Reform Act of 2009 HA-9-9-9
The Officer of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties (OCRCL) shall review and assess information concerning abuses of civil rights, civil liberties, and profiling on the basis of (sex), race, ethnicity, or religion, by employees and officials under 6USC§345, Neither the Incompetent to Stand Trial defense nor Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI) plea, people serve five times longer in prison for the same crime for, excuses the un-parliamentary language of the Department of Homeland Security and Foreign Service. Contempt of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 5USC§552 Section of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration (USCIS) in a Washington border town was negligent to email naturalization papers or when the postal fraud was intolerable commission a Customs Court (CC) to break the HIV/AIDS pandemic of the United States of Apartheid instead of the South African Government and Metalworker Unions Strike HA-27-8-10 by September, and too abusive to disclose a home mailing address under the Privacy Act of 1974 5USC§552a.
The OCRCL is requested to buy this e-Motion dated, as a flourish by the author, the exact day of the HA bicentennial, 26 February 1811. Whereas Congress gave notice that a contract shall not be made for the rent of a building, used for the purposes of the Federal Government in the District of Columbia until Congress enacts an appropriation for the rent under 40USC§8141. And Congress has not yet amended HA Chapter 4 of Title 24 of the United States Code to recognize the new occupants. HA has taken the liberty to commend to the Lord the poetry of Customs to succeed the Department of Homeland Security as the occupants under 19USC(10)§2081(a)(1)(A) for $5 a day, payable $150 a month, contract financing of this e-Motion by the OCRCL under 41USC§255 before being subjected to any undercover investigations of the Secretary when she owes back “rental” payments from January 2010, $1,800 a year, before any secondary transmission of this e-Motion may be made to Congress regarding any Customs issue but her impeachment. This should not be cause for alarm, but for disarming. Bar certified attorneys in the executive and legislative branches of the Obama Esq. administration have a conflict of interest between the duty to the legislative or executive branch and the generic bribe they pay to the Bar of the Supreme Court(s) under 18USC(11)§201. As the most prosecuting Secretary at level I of the Executive pay schedule, the DHS Secretary is most in need of being officially disbarred or resigning from executive office, to uphold the separation of duelists ruled in Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. (1 Cranch) 137 (1803) We recuse all bar certified attorneys who are elected or appointed to the executive or legislative branch.
An elder complained to the Tea Party that was deaf to the injustice of the Tobacco Tax in 2009 HA-10-10-10 that the Secretary scares her. The Secretary hails from Arizona where Rep. Giffords (D-AZ) suffered traumatic brain injury and Chief Judges John Rolls and five neighbors of the Arizona 111th Military Intelligence Brigade, were killed. The Secretary has not definitively terminated Operation Merida and having failed to bring peace to the territorial integrity of all of Mexico, must completely abolish the transnational war contract under 41USC(2)§101(f). And most recently the Secretary shamelessly embezzled $600 million under 18USC(31)§666 using my identity under cover of the Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010 HR5875. Opinion writers and public library writing contest have expressed deep moral misgivings regarding the Border Bills in the peaceful border states of Washington and Florida. The Secretary abetted the repeal of civil and criminal penalties for torture, by the 111th Congress that violate Articles 2, 4 & 14 of the Convention against Torture (CAT) , seriously damaging the economy, neglecting the mission of her executive department at 6USC§111(b)(1)(A,C, E, F, & G).
Whereas the metronidazole I had ordered on the first of the year from arrived the day after I wrote OCRCL, I forgive OCRCL the Pneumocococcal infection, that captured my endocarditis, when the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act P.L. 111-148 (2010) bribed Customs and Border Patrol $600 millionunder the Emergency Border Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010 HR5875, using my naturalization papers, lost or stolen from the U.S. Mail without regard for the privilege of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) to email these documents to homeless people, and people able to identify themselves who do not want to be tortured during Customs incessant home invasions.
The bills were passed with reckless disregard for the fact that one of the few issues upon which Congress and the Federal Budget in Balance: Comparison of Bush and Obama HA-28-2-10 agree is that the Customs Secretary is a greedy pig who could be deputy Secretary of State for $100 billion evenly split between two Secretaries appointed to Executives Level I Pay Schedule under 5USCIIID(53)II§5312 to be joined at the Cabinet by the self-sufficient Directors of USCIS, FEMA and the Customs Commissioner, who commands the Border Patrol and Coast Guard. Wherefore, my faith in the human rights of the undocumented U.S. citizen who authored this e-Motion are conditionally vested in OCRCL on the rational basis of (1) $150 a month beginning now and (2) $3,600 to forgive the Secretary “back payments for staying at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital” or (3) $50,000 one-time payment by OCRCL, with due process of the stupid student loans under Astrue esq., Commissioner of Social Security v. Ratliff No. 08-1322 June 14, 2010, and her excellency the Secretary, submits this CHASE Act for Customs to treat the national economic depression by securing this cash advance on the HA bicentennial under 41USC§255, 17USC§201(a, c, e, d); Chapter 4 of Title 24USC(4)§161-225h