Minutes / Notes from accountability meeting. 6pm, December 7, 2016.

Sarah Russell passed around a sign in sheet for accountability

Bradford Brags

MrMencini ran a girl scout meeting about art. The girls loved it!

Tracy McGatlin – distributed directories at the South Campus for Sarah Russell. Thank you! Amazing!

Bravo parents and students – There are SOOO many toys being collected for Pleasant View Miracle Shop!

Thank you to all who presented at the Upper Years information night. Everyone was so Impressive!

One year ago tomorrow was when we were at the Board meeting asking to become a K-8. Big difference a year makes.

PTA - Sarah Russell reported on updates from the PTA meeting today. Christina Brandt brought up the movie “screenagers” . Anna Gardner has seen it and highly recommends it. Christina and Sarah offered to look into it more.

Principal’s Report

Student Council presented to administration about connecting with the younger grades.

Sam reported that student council is doing a great job this year.

Gene reported that mid-year testing is going on right now. We will have results by next week and make changes within days, to target areas of need. It is fantastic.

Cara reported that MAPS testing happened with Kindergarten for the first time recently. They did great and do very well completing testing on the devices. It is being analyzed to see if this may replace three other separate tests that are given to kindergarten students.

WIN time has been very successful.

All ability levels are getting more targeted instruction.

Grade Level Presentation / Parent University – Librarians presentation.

Melissa Stucky and Heidi O’Leary

Environment for the Love of Learning

Safe and Loving

Collection Development

Circulating Books

Promoting Literacy

Newer part of job is collaborating with students and teachers

Collaboration, Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking. 4 content standards ( 4 C’s)

Librarians in the school are the ones who know what every grade is working on – baselines, educational levels. “Cross-polinating” / Support for entire building

Keeping things and people connected


Keeping it all running and integrated

ISTI Standards – International Society for Technology Education

Problem Based Learning – BUCK Institute – Gold Standard for Problem Based Learning. A lot of work and intense conference in Napa.

Great Presentation on Problem Based Learning

Growth Mindset books highly recommended by Heidi.

Bradford’s Voice –

Tracy Jervis was givent he floor and introduced by Cara. She has met with Cara and would like Bradford to have a Wellness Committee.

Tracy is currently getting masters degree in public health and working at Jeffco public health

Tracy referenced Jeffco Healthy schools website

Jeffco schools has an initiative – tools on website to help schools implement wellness policy

School Wellness Policy –?

School Wellness committee?

Discussion ensued about what she is looking for and to clarify if a committee can provide a recommendation or a policy.

Tracy would like to bring this to Bradford with a list of recommendations. She mentioned she has a large list.

Jeffco smart coalition – drinking water analysis was mentioned

Tracy reported that there is a no outside snacks policy at Blue Heron. Celebrations are not focused around food.

Next steps – A notification will go out in the next BITS –

A committee will be formed at the next accountability meeting -

Sarah will type up info for the BITS and Facebook

We ARE a healthy school – due to gaga pit grant… Cara and Ms. Ducan were awarded.

Cara is on the GRANT- Brenda is a co-chair.