Minutes of the Crescent Village Executive Board – February 22, 2011

Present: Neil Nuzie, Doug Dempsey, Enes Elia, Corinne Hodes, Bob LaRocca, Sam Cicalo, Rich Wechter.

Absent: Bryan Robik

The open meeting started at 7 p.m.

·  Unit owners were advised that they are responsible fore shoveling snow off of their decks in order to prevent weakening of the structure. They are permitted to hire someone to do their decks but must be home to let them in.

·  Rich announced that there is a new maintenance coordinator at Westford.

The board meeting regular session commenced at 7:15 p.m.

Written maintenance standards – tabled until March meeting.

2010 Landscaping: Payments by RG Builders – 2010 balance will be paid

2011 Landscaping: Payments by RG Builders – maintenance charges for each unit that is declared but unsold will be paid at the rate of $70.79/unit. This amount rises to $81.52 in April. RG builders will provide written confirmation if they agree.

Winter season 2010-2011 damage update – we are waiting for the insurance company to provide information. A new line in the budget for 2012, called Special Winter Services, will be added to accommodate activities such as roof raking when needed.

Treasurer’s report – approved.

Landscaping report – All agreed that Terra Green did a good job on the plowing considering the difficult weather in January. An extra BobCat was hired to reduce the piles at line-of-site areas so drivers could see oncoming traffic.

Social committee report – no activities last month. A suggestion was made to have a newcomer’s brunch so new and current owners can meet.

Westford Status Report

·  Fitness equipment repair. – Workmen are coming tomorrow to repair.

·  Lights – Rich reminded Terra Green that the lights at the mailboxes need to be cleared.

·  Brass numbers for the entrance (745), as selected by Westford, will be purchased in order to help visitors find the community on their GPS systems.

·  Pool Signs & New Rules – needs to be posted at the pool before summer.

·  Exterminator – payments will be made monthly.


Executive session begun at ~8:00

Minutes – approved.

Delinquency Report – Westford will have spreadsheet for next meeting.

Finished basements – Board members were asked to call their insurance companies and ask about personal coverage if the board ops out of improvements and betterments of basements. Topic will be revisited at next meeting.

63 Kyles Way: Radon – tabled until next meeting

Violation Hearing: dog fence – Fine was waived and unit owner agreed to remove fencing.

Insurance renewal – We will contract with Zurich. We will get updated information on umbrella coverage, and will add if difference is $200, but not if $1800.

Violation Hearing: dryer vent cleaning – Westford will send a letter requesting a phone call to resolve this issue.

Landscape Contract Renewal – Rich will discuss the contract with Peter of Terra Green, and then will get together with Bob LaRocca. They will discuss with the board at the next meeting.

2010 Draft Audit – Rich and Doug will review this and bring it back to the board at the next meeting.

Replacement Keys for Clubhouse – Owners will be charged $10.00 for the cost of a new key.

Meeting adjourned at ~9:30

The next regular board meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on March 23, 2010. All future meetings will be held on the fourth Wednesday of each month unless notified otherwise.

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