Career & Technical Education and Students receiving Special Education services

Chapter 75. Curriculum Subchapter BB. Commissioner’s Rules Concerning Special Provisions for Career and Technology Education.

§75.1023. Provisions for Individuals Who Are Members of Special Populations. (c)-- A student with a disability shall be instructed in accordance with the student's individualized education program (IEP) in the least restrictive environment, as determined by the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee. If a student is unable to receive a free appropriate public education (educational benefit) in a regular career and technology education program, using supplementary aids and services, the student may be served in separate programs designed to address the student's occupational/training needs, such as career and technology education for students with disabilities (CTED) programs.

Students may receive credit for meeting passing requirements for classes in which they are enrolled.

TEA’s General Guidelines

  • For students with disabilities, ARD committees should first consider placement in regular CTE courses to ensure instruction from appropriately certified CTE personnel.
  • Appropriate supports should be provided to students with disabilities in these CTE settings.
  • If a group of students with disabilities would be better served in a self-contained CTE program, the course may be offered as a CTED course. In this scenario, the teacher must be a certified CTE teacher for that specific course.
  • If it is determined that the needs of students with disabilities can’t be met in CTE or CTED courses, certified special education teachers with the appropriate knowledge and skills could teach special education courses that are modified versions of CTE courses focusing on selected TEKS from CTE courses listed in the C022 course code table.
  • The special education teacher would have to meet the HQ requirements to teach selected TEKS from a CTE course that satisfies a specific graduation requirement in a core academic subject area.
  • Students with significant cognitive disabilities who need extensive modifications in the TEKS or who need specially designed instruction to meet alternate academic standards should be the only students considered for participation in special education courses that provide instruction in selected CTE TEKS.

Provided by ESC Region 11 – September 2015