SCPPOA Meeting Agenda

November 6, 2014


City of Santa Clarita

Ø  Welcome

Ø  Call the meeting to order at: 11:43 a.m.


Ø  Introduce MYSELF

Ø  Introduce 2013-2014 SCPPOA Board Members:

o  Past President- Pete McJunkin Present

o  Vice President- Dara Sandoval Not Present

o  Secretary- Ashley Aranda Present

o  Treasurer- Kim Freed Present

o  Member-At-Large- Jeff Kirby Present

o  Webmaster- Paul Graves Present

o  Introduce Heather Woodland as the new President Present

Ø  Introductions around the room- Please say your name and where you are from.

Ø  Ashley Aranda, Erin Barrows, Taylor Belina, Gloria Bowman, Ron Bravo, Rich Carr, Tymeri Cuervo, Kelly Cullen, Heinz Davilla, Tina Dittmar, Mike Dopson, Stephanie Dunn, Taryn Flatt, Kim Freed, Paul Graves, Leslie Greasby, Britteny Jass, Mark Jordan, Sean Kakumu, Jaye Lynn Kann, Jimmy Karren, Jeff Kirby, Kathryn Lasick, Cherie Lovato, Pete McJunkin, Debbie Miles Dutton, Michael Morehart, Lance O’Keef, Dee Pearson, Evan PLotz, Thom Prevost, Monday Regan, Chris Rhyne, Cheryl Salazar, Jen Smith, Jaci Stephens, Clint Svatos, Nayeli Trejos, Rick VanHoorn, Xavier Volgenau, Thomas Ware, Heather Woodland, Seeloong Young, Alina.

Ø  11:45am Dismiss for Lunch

Ø  12:15pm – Professional Development –Mike Dopson, Consumnes Recreation & Park District

At this time, we are going to move into the business portion of the meeting.


Ø  Call for approval of the meeting minutes. Minutes were emailed and copies are available at the front table. Are there any corrections or additions? Motion made to approve minutes by Gloria Bowman and seconded by Taryn Flatt. Minutes approved.


Ø  Kim Freed will give the treasurer’s report. October Report- Account balance started at $4544.98 and ended with $5223.49by the end of the month. Motion to approve the Tresurers Report was made by Taryn Flatt and seconded by Lance O’Keef. Treasurers report approved.


Ø  Speakers and Meeting Locations- Dara: Final List of locations and speakers should be available at the front. Next meeting will be in La Mirada, Heather Woodland will be speaking on Title 22 updates, Past Presidents recognition and 2 scholarship presentations. February will be held in Santa Barbara covering Shallow Water blackout.

Ø  Nominations & Elections- Ashley: Ballots will be available in March, collected in April, and the new board will be announced in May. 3 positions will be open: Member at large, Secretary and Treasurer. Please see me if you have any questions.

Ø  Scholarship- Ashley: The scholarship process will be different and going back to the original process in the bylaws. Forms will be handed out in December collected in January. Interviews will be conducted at the workshop at the end of January and recipients will be announced at the February meeting. There will be no partial scholarships given this year.

Ø  Salary/Fee- Ashley: Salary and fee has been put up on wufoo and is due by December 1st. Please don’t forget to submit yours today!

Ø  Directory- Ashley: Please submit your membership forms ASAP. Directories will be distributed at the December meeting.

Ø  Workshop- Heather: The workshop will be held January 24th in Carson. Speakers are still being obtained, main topic will be interview experience and resume building for young professionals.

Ø  Lifeguard Competition-Pete: LaMirada will be hosting this year’s Lifeguard Competition

Ø  Awards- Jeff/Heather: Please see me if you are interested in nominating someone for an award for their contribution to SCPPOA or the industry. We are looking to hand out awards in each category this year so please nominate someone!

Ø  Website- Paul: The website has been updated with the current flyer.


Ø  By-laws: Review proposed changes to the by-laws, announce that by-laws will be emailed to members for review, we will vote on them in December. The board will be meeting again in November to continue to work on the revisions and will be ready to present in December for review.

Ø  Sponsorship- There are several sponsorship opportunities available this year, including the Lifeguard Competition, May Social, Workshop, and Salary/Fee Survey. Please pick up information in the back or speak with Paul if you are interested.

Ø  Moving forward the only emails SCPPOA will be sending out will be the meetings, workshop information and Lifeguard Competition information. All other information will be posted on the website and/or via social media

Ø  Title 22 update information will be reviewed in December.

Ø  A survey on SCPPOA membership, what you would like to see will be emailed this week. We are hoping to make meetings more beneficial for you so please fill one out and turn in as soon as possible.


·  Ashley Aranda- 2 positions, 1 full time and 1 part time position are available now so please apply.

·  UCLA – currently has a job opening, please apply online.

·  Nayeli- Agencies are able to post ARC classes on the website for all to search.


Ø  December 4th, LaMirada Past Presidents Meeting, scholarship presentations and Title 22 update.


Ø  Is there a motion to adjourn? Kim Freed Second? Jeff Kirby. All in favor say aye… opposed? Meeting is adjourned at: 1:15 p.m.