Fashion gurus

How has fashion changed over the years and what events and people have shaped these changes?

Focus Questions

1]  What are some of Yves Saint Laurent’s achievements?

2]  Describe some of the changes in fashion.

3]  Who was the first fashion designer?

4]  What influence did the First and Second World Wars have on fashion?

5]  Why did fashion become important to some people?

6]  Describe how fashion was used by groups of people in the 1960s.

7]  What influence do celebrities have on fashion?

8]  Why is fashion sometimes described as an art form?

9]  What is the greatest influence on your own sense of style and the clothes you wear?

10]  How has your thinking changed about fashion after watching the BtN story?

The changing face of fashion

Use the following questions to generate discussion:

§  What is fashion?

§  Who dictates fashion?

§  Which artists or celebrities most influence how young people look now?

§  What significant events or people have impacted on fashion over the years?

§  How is fashion a form of communication?

§  What are the cultural influences on fashion?

Students can investigate one of the questions discussed or generate their own question. Students will collect a range of images about their chosen topic. The images can be either a hard copy or electronic (or a combination of both). Students will then use the images to construct a visual text about the topic. Work can be displayed as:

§  A sequence of photographs

§  Power point presentation

§  Video

§  Poster

Student self evaluation

Describe the investigation in your own words.

List the things that were good about the investigation.

What were some of the problems you encountered?

Describe how you overcame the difficulties.

Further investigations

Future fashion trends – What clothes do you think will be fashionable 10 years from now? Illustrate your ideas.

Write a job description for a fashion designer.

Create a timeline that shows significant moments in fashion history.

8 Related Research Links
ABC News – Yves Saint Laurent dies

ABC News – Local designers farewell Yves Saint Laurent

CBBC Newsround – Do celebrities influence what you buy?

Fashion time line

The history of fashion

Fashion trends and cultural influences

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