Case Study

Project Managing the Delivery of Cleaning Services to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games

During the summer of 2012 Cleanevent were proud to complete the service delivery of our sixth Olympic and Paralympic Games. Cleanevent provided Cleaning and Housekeeping Services to 18 competition venues, 3 Athletes Villages, 18 training venues, the public domain and the International Broadcast Centre / Media & Press Centre.

The Challenge

An award of this magnitude was not only a significant contract win for Cleanevent but also presented the substantial challenge in how to deliver the multi venue contract, alongside the 3,300 apartment Athletes Village contract, without impacting on the day to day requirements of the business.

Cleanevent commenced a three year mobilisation period in July 2009.

Project Team

During the tender process Cleanevent built an experienced and knowledgeable Project Team who could immediately respond as soon as the contract was awarded.

The dedicated Project Team consisted of operational managers and support staff from within the business; all of whom had previous experience in project managing, mobilising and delivering large scale event contracts. To ensure the day to day business continued as normal staff not involved in the project were appropriately trained and up skilled to cover any openings created.

The Project Team was lead by Darren Raczkowski, Chief Operating Officer. Having previously delivered both Olympic and Commonwealth Games contracts around the globe Darren’s expertise provided the obvious credentials for the role. Darren was dedicated to the London 2012 project from contract award and a suitably qualified and experienced individual was seconded into his day to day role.

Mobilisation Plan

As Project Manager, Darren Raczkowski agreed a detailed Mobilisation Plan with the London Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG).

Timelines for all aspects of the project were agreed and owners assigned. A simple and clear communication path between Cleanevent and LOCOG was established and Progress Meetings were scheduled at regular intervals with a suitable level of management involved at appropriate stages.

Service Delivery

Cleanevent recruited approximately 4,200 staff for the delivery of our cleaning and housekeeping services to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Staff were recruited from the local area and through local voluntary groups specifically for this contract to ensure day to day operations were not affected.

Members of the Mobilisation Team transitioned to operational management roles providing consistency of delivery and maintaining the relationships made through the contract implementation.

The Outcome

Following our Games delivery Cleanevent was contracted to provide post Games cleaning services at the Olympic Park.

Cleanevent delivered a successful and efficient cleaning operation to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games with minimal disruption to our day to day business. Permanent workload was not affected negatively by our operations at any of the Olympic venues.

Our delivery of cleaning and housekeeping services has provided our day to day business with an additional pool of highly trained staff, that have been instilled with our company values and have the experience of delivery world class cleaning standards.