/ Chevron Technical Scholarship Program
/ A Technical Scholarship Program with the Kazakh National Technical University (KNTU) for selected full-time students to develop themselves through enrollment in defined academic programs /
Chevron Munai Gas Inc.
240 G, Furmanov Street CDC Center One,
8th floor
Almaty 050059, Kazakhstan
Attn: Chevron Technical Scholarship Program/HR
Tel: +7 727 320 3607
Fax: +7 7272 505 805

Chevron Technical Scholarship Program Application Form


This brochure describes the Chevron Technical Scholarship Program at Kazakh National Technical University (KazNTU). This program is sponsored by Chevron for selected full-time students with full or partial financial support to develop themselves through enrollment in defined academic programs. The program was established to support Chevron’s commitment to the Kazakh students’ development. Renewable scholarships are offered each year contingent to strong academic performance.


To be eligible for consideration under the Chevron Technical Scholarship Program at Kazakh National Technical University, the applicant must:

§  Be a full-time enrolled undergraduate (BS), graduate (MS), or PhD student at the KazNTU. Undergraduate students are eligible to apply after 2nd year of studies.

§  Strong academic performance. Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher

§  No longer be obligated under another full/partial scholarship program conducted by non-state companies or individual sponsors

§  Completing an undergraduate(BS), graduate (MS), or PhD degree in technical academic programs such as:

o  Automation and management

o  Geology & exploration of mineral deposits

o  Oil and gas processes

o  Materials and technology of new materials

o  Electrical power engineering

o  Process machinery & equipment oil machines & equipment

o  Construction: design of oil & gas pipelines and oil and gas tank storages

o  Safety and environment protection


Provided that all criteria for participation in the scholarship program are met, an applicant is to submit the following documents to Chevron Technical Scholarship Program/HR application address prior to OCTOBER 29, 2010:

1.  Completed Chevron Technical Scholarship application form

2.  Copy of Identity Card

3.  Copy of diplomas and certificates for study programs completed, and

4.  Current transcripts of records (mark sheets) for the last four years of all studies completed.

5.  Letter of recommendation and Applicant’s Assessment form.

6.  Documents justifying you studying in the University or copy of University Ticket

All submitted information is regarded to be confidential. Only the appointed Education Committee and HR personnel are allowed to see the documents.

Applications are evaluated on the information supplied; therefore, it is important to answer all questions as completely as possible. All information received is considered confidential and is reviewed only by Chevron Education Committee and Human Resources.

Any cases of falsification or distortion of facts will result in excluding the application from the review and selection process.


Scholarship recipients are selected on a competitive basis, using academic records, participation in extracurricular activities, work experience, essays describing educational and career goals and special family or personal circumstances, need for financial assistance and an outside recommendation (required on application form).

Applicants will be notified by Chevron Human Resources whether or not they have been selected to receive an award.


Scholarship payments are authorized and processed by Chevron. Payment is made in KZT The check is delivered to each recipient's home address and is made payable to the student to his bank account/ bank card.


Recipients have no obligation to Chevron. They are, however, required to supply with current transcripts and academic progress reports.


Chevron reserves the right to review the conditions and procedures of this scholarship program and to make changes at any time including termination of the program.


Questions regarding the program should be addressed to:

Chevron Munai Gas Inc.

240 G, Furmanov Street CDC Center One,

8th floor

Almaty 050059, Kazakhstan

Attn: Chevron Technical Scholarship Program/HR

Tel: +7 727 320 3607


Application for

Chevron Technical Scholarship Program


If space provided in any section proves inadequate, information may be continued on additional sheets of paper and attached to the application.

Application must be received by the Chevron Technical Scholarship Program/HR by October 29, 2010.


Applicant NAME: Family ______First ______Middle Name ______

Data ADDRESS ______

City ______Country ______Postal Code ______

DATE OF BIRTH: Day ______Month ______Year ______Telephone Number ______

o Male o Female E-mail (REQUIRED) ______Country of Citizenship ______


School Please list all educational institutions attended, including the one you are currently attending. Account for every year since age 14 and explain any gaps in study.


Age(s) Name of Institution Country Dates of Attendance Name of Diploma or Certificate Year of From To Awarded (in original language) Completion

14 - ______







Name of post-secondary school program you are attending ______

Major course of study you plan to pursue (e.g., civil engineering, history, business) ______

Name of the certificate or degree you will earn at the post-secondary school you plan to attend (e.g., Bachelor’s, Master’s) ______

Anticipated date of completion of the post-secondary certificate or degree (month/year)______

Chevron Technical Scholarship Program Application Form

ESSAY- 1. In 200 to 300 of your own words, describe personal characteristics and accomplishments that will allow readers to form a complete view of you.

Goals and


(If more space

is needed,

please attach

an additional



2. In 200 to 300 words, describe your plans as they relate to your educational and career objectives and future goals.

Work Describe your work experience during the past two years. Indicate dates of employment in each job and approximate number of hours worked each week. List

Experience income earned at each job.

Company/Position Dates (month/year) Hours per Week Amount Earned

From To






Activities, List all school activities in which you have participated during the past four years (for example, school government, music, sports, etc.). List all volunteer

Awards and community activities in which you have participated without pay during the past four years. Indicate all special awards, honors, and offices held.

Honors Activity Dates of Participation Special Awards, Honors Offices Held






Letter of Please provide separately at least one (1) letter of recommendation to be completed by a school master, professor, counselor, advisor, instructor or supervisor who Recommen- knows applicant

dation well.

(Required) Recommender’s Name ______Title ______

Institution ______Telephone Number ______

Business Address ______City ______Country ______Postal Code ______

Please request from your recommender to fill out separately the “Chevron Scholarship Applicant’ Assessment form” (See attachment A) along with the Letter of recommendation.


Financial Aid Have you applied for any other scholarship or award? oYes oNo If yes, list award name ______and

Assistance notification date (month/year)______The scholarship is full o or partial o

Have you received a Chevron Technical Scholarship in the past? oYes oNo If yes, please provide the date (month/year)______

In 200 words, describe why you are applying for Chevron Technical Scholarship Program


Application This application for scholarship becomes complete and valid only when you or your school (if transcripts are not released to the student) have returned the following:

Checklist 1. Scholarship application in English, or Russian. Forms filled out in English will allow for an expedite review of the application by the Chevron Committee

2. Clear and legible photocopies of all original educational documents:

a. Current transcripts of records (mark sheets) for the last four years of all studies completed,

b. Diplomas and certificates for study programs completed, and

c. Copy of Identity Card

d. Letter of recommendation

e. University Ticket

Mail all materials to: Chevron Technical Scholarship Program/HR The student is responsible for ensuring that all

240 G, Furmanov Street CDC Center One, materials are received by Chevron HR

8th floor by the application deadline of October 29, 2010.

Almaty 050059, Kazakhstan.

Or via E-MAIL at:


Certification In submitting this application, I certify that the information provided is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. If requested, I agree to give proof of the

information I have given on this form. Falsification of information may result in termination of any scholarship granted.

Applicant’s Signature ______Date ______