COURSE TITLE: / Social Studies
GRADE LEVEL: / Grade 5

March, 2003

Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Exploration: What motivated exploration? How were the explorers financed? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 6.4.3 C /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #1 Students will learn about the exploration of the Americas ( Motivation and Purpose).
·  Power/land/resources
·  Identify motivating factors for exploration
·  Sea routes to Asia
·  Acquisition and control of land areas
·  Acquisition of resources
·  Financing of Exploration / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Trade books
·  Videos
·  Websites
·  Biographies
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Exploration: What motivated exploration? What was the impact on native populations? How were the explorers financed? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 6.4.3 C /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #2 Students will examine the purposes behind various explorations.
·  Easier routes/new kingdoms/resources
·  Impact of Exploration
·  Conquering of native cultures/kingdoms
·  Changing of Kingdoms
·  Introduction of slave trade / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Trade books
·  Videos
·  Websites
·  Biographies
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Exploration: How were the explorers financed? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 6.4.3 I /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #3 Students will examine the financing of explorers.
·  King/Queen influence / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Trade books
·  Videos
·  Websites
·  Biographies
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Globes
·  Nonfiction accounts
·  Primary documents / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Exploration: What motivated exploration? What was the impact on native populations? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 7.3.6 D; 7.4.6 B /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #4 Students will be able to explain the impact of exploration on selected…
·  cultures
·  kingdoms
·  native people
·  politics / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Trade books
·  Videos
·  Websites
·  Biographies
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Exploration: Who were some key explorers? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 8.1.6 D; 8.2.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #5 Students will be able to know and describe key people involved in exploration.
·  Explorers
Western European Explorers
·  Indigenous Peoples
Ancient North and South American
cultures / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Trade books
·  Videos
·  Websites
·  Biographies
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: A. Exploration: What motivated exploration? What was the impact on native populations? How were the explorers financed? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 6.4.3 I ; 7.3.6 D; 7.4.6 B; 8.1.6 D; 8.2.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
·  Flexible grouping
·  Use of technology
·  Essay prompt given prior to test
·  Use of outline
·  Close ended task
·  Oral activities rather than written
·  Study guides / ·  Technology presentations
·  Student as teacher / ·  Modified assignments
·  Reteaching activities
·  Student checklist for accountability
·  Teach to strength/intelligence or learning style / ·  Math-calculating distances on maps
·  Art and Media
·  Literature and novels
·  Newspapers
·  Anthology
·  Music
·  Music
·  Multiple perspectives
·  Read alouds
·  Triangular trade
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Colonization: Why did people leave their homes and come to America? What groups of people came to America seeking religious freedom? How did geography affect the colonization? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 5.1.6 B, D, M; 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 7.1.6 B; 7.3.6 C; 7.4.6 A, B; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #1
Students will learn about the colonization of the Americas.
·  List groups of people who came to the Americas.
·  Identify leaders of the groups
·  Explain impact of geographic location of colonies on development
·  Order chronologically settlement of colonies
·  Identify and explain importance of historical documents: Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, Penn’s Treaty
·  Explain conflict and cooperation between settlers and Native Americans
·  Determine factors in the success and failure of colonies
·  Explain reasons for settling in America and why they left native countries
·  Describe the types of commerce and industry in the different colonies (shipbuilding, craftmanship, tobacco/plantations, whaling, slave trade, small farming)
·  Development a system of slavery
·  Compare and contrast types of homes, education, communities (i.e.., village city, plantation), dress
·  Identify key individuals who have impact on the colonies (Hutchinson, Pocahontas, Zenger) / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive!
America’s Past; 2003
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Globes
·  Nonfiction accounts
·  Primary documents
·  Videos
·  Biographies
·  Timelines / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: B. Colonization: Why did people leave their homes and come to America? What groups of people came to America seeking religious freedom? How did geography affect the colonization? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 5.1.6 B, D, M; 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 7.1.6 B; 7.3.6 C; 7.4.6 A, B; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
·  Flexible grouping
·  Use of technology
·  Essay prompt given prior to test
·  Use of outline
·  Close ended task
·  Oral activities rather than written
·  Study guides / ·  Technology presentations
·  Student as teacher / ·  Modified assignments
·  Teach to learning style
·  Graphic aids / ·  Math-calculating distances on maps
·  Art and Media
·  Literature and novels
·  Newspapers
·  Anthology
·  Music
·  Multiple perspectives
·  Read alouds
·  Triangular trade
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Military Conflicts/Resolutions (Revolutionary War/War of 1812): What events led to the Declaration of Independence/Revolutionary War? What was the impact of these events on the United States Constitution? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 8.1.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark # 1 Students will explain the cause/effect connections of the events leading to the American Revolution. (French /Indian War, Stamp Act, Townsend Acts, Boston Massacre, Pontiac’s Rebellion, Boston Tea Party, Intolerable Acts,Thomas Paine’s Common Sense).
·  Identify the key players of the Declaration of Independence. (Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock) / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive!
America’s Past; 2003
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Videos
·  Trade books
·  Primary source
·  Biographies
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Military Conflicts/Resolutions (Revolutionary War/War of 1812): What events led to the Declaration of Independence/Revolutionary War? What was the impact of these events on the United States Constitution? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 8.1.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark # 2 Students will describe key people and events of the battles of the American Revolution.
·  Lexington and Concord (Paul Revere and William Dawes)
·  Ticonderoga I and II (Cannons)
·  Bunker Hill (Whites of their eyes)
·  Brandywine
·  Germantown/Princeton
·  Explain how the Battle of Saratoga was the turning point of the War
·  Yorktown
·  Identify the key players on the American side in the Battles (George Washington, Marquis de Lafayette, John Bugoyne)
·  Identify the key players on the British side in the Battles (William Howe, Charles Cornwallis)
·  Explain the significance of the winter at Valley Forge
·  Identify key concepts and terms (mercenaries, militia, minutemen, redcoats, “shot heard around the world,” boycott, “taxation without representation.”, treason, First Continental Congress) / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Videos
·  Trade books
·  Primary source documents
·  Biographies
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Military Conflicts/Resolutions (Revolutionary War/War of 1812): What events led to the Declaration of Independence/Revolutionary War? What was the impact of these events on the United States Constitution? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 8.1.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark # 3 Students will understand and explain the events, documents and important political and cultural figures of the early United States.
·  Key Events (Articles of Confederation, Constitutional Convention, War of 1812, Technological advances)
·  Key Political leaders (Dolly Madison, James Monroe)
·  Key cultural figures (Francis Scott Key, Benjamin Banneker)
·  Constitutional Convention
·  Bill of Rights / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive!
America’s Past; 2003
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Videos
·  Trade books
·  Primary source
·  Biographies
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Military Conflicts/Resolutions (Revolutionary War/War of 1812): What events led to the Declaration of Independence/Revolutionary War? What was the impact of these events on the United States Constitution? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 8.1.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Benchmark/Skills / Assessment / Aligned Materials/
Resources/Technology / Instructional Strategies /
Benchmark #4 Students will understand and explain the important people, places and events leading up to and through the expansion of the Early United States.
·  Key events (Louisiana Purchase, Indian Removal Act, Trail of Tears)
·  Key political leaders (Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, James Monroe, Osceola)
·  Key cultural figures (Daniel Boone, Sacajawea, Merriwether Lewis and William Clark, Sequoia)
·  Impact on Native peoples, family structure, political structure
·  Impact on growth of the nation (Appalachians, Wilderness Road, Cumberland Gap) / ·  Maps
·  Quizzes
·  Diaries
·  Essays
·  Projects
·  Oral presentations
·  Tests
·  Newspaper
·  Dioramas / ·  History Alive! America’s
Past; 2003
·  Maps
·  Atlases
·  Videos
·  Trade books
·  Primary source documents
·  Biographies
·  Globes / ·  Outlining
·  Students as teachers
·  Student pair share
·  Videos
·  Charts
·  Mapping
·  Letter writing
·  Posters
·  Electronic field trips
·  Compare/Contrast
·  Summarizing
·  Drama
·  SQ4R
·  Simulations
·  KWL charts
Essential Question, Concept or Theme: C. Military Conflicts/Resolutions (Revolutionary War/War of 1812): What events led to the Declaration of Independence/Revolutionary War? What was the impact of these events on the United States Constitution? / Approx. Time Allotment: /
PA Standards: 6.3.3 B, C, D, E, F; 6.4.3 C ; 7.3.6 D; 7.4.6 B; 8.1.6 A, B, C, D; 8.3.6 A, B, C, D /
Adaptations/Inclusion Techniques / Enrichment Strategies / Remediation Strategies / Multicultural/Interdisciplinary
Connection /
·  Flexible grouping
·  Use of technology
·  Essay prompt given prior to test
·  Use of outline
·  Close ended task
·  Oral activities rather than written
·  Study guides / ·  Technology presentations
·  Student as teacher / ·  Modified assignments
·  Teach to learning style
·  Graphic aids / ·  Math-calculating distances on maps
·  Art and Media
·  Literature and novels
·  Newspapers
·  Anthology
·  Music
·  Multiple perspectives
·  Read alouds
·  Triangular trade