Goal and Strategies: Status Update October 2011

Strategic Plan Goal 7: Develop a culture of strategic planning and assessment

Strategy 7.1: Develop a planning and assessment organization that identifies the individuals and offices responsible for

continuing planning and for regular academic and administrative assessment

Completed; since fall 2006, the components of what has become the Framework for Institutional Assessment have been


Strategy 7.2: Develop and implement academic and administrative assessment processes

Ongoing; the Framework for Institutional Assessment commits to integrated use of assessment to address both program and

unit goals and broad questions of institutional effectiveness. Templates and timetables have been established for the

assessment of student learning and institutional effectiveness.

Strategy 7.3: Develop and implement strategic planning processes based on assessment outcomes


·  The Framework for Institutional Assessment commits to inclusion of assessment plans in annual goals set by vice presidents and the documented use of the results of academic and administrative assessment and program reviews in budget and line requests.

·  The Middle States Periodic Review Report (PRR) was submitted on May 25, 2011 and a response report was sent to Nazareth College on August 1, 2011. The conclusion of the report states, “The PRR of Nazareth College offers and excellent analysis by which to gauge the progress of the institution. A new tradition—good assessment and planning—has merged with traditional strengths in the area of prudent financial management to promote the betterment of the Nazareth community and its students. The PRR is a commendable conclusion to the excellent work that has gone on since visitors last evaluated the institution on behalf of MSCHE.”

·  The College of 2020 strategic planning process was initiated in January 2010. Five subcommittees comprised of faculty, staff, students, and trustees met on a regular basis to consider the overriding goals of the plan. The Steering Committee received the work of the five subcommittees and developed a draft of goals and initiatives. Following the final spring 2011 semester meeting of the Steering Committee, the president and vice presidents edited the goals and initiatives. This version of the plan will be submitted to the Steering Committee and the Nazareth community for further discussion in fall 2011. In accordance with the original charge to the Steering Committee, during the fall 2011 semester the Committee will also develop recommendations for assessment processes to measure outcomes. It is anticipated that the College of 2020 strategic plan will be presented to the Board of Trustees in April 2012 for endorsement.

Strategy 7.4: Update the campus master plan and the facilities capital action plan

Campus Master Plan

·  Completed; the final plan was endorsed by the Board of Trustees in August 2008.

Facilities Capital Action Plan

·  Ongoing:

§  FCAP (Facility Capital Action Plan) is initiated by Sodexho to prioritize and plan for capital improvement projects several years in advance.

§  Sodexho routinely surveys the campus in regard to Americans with Disabilities Act guidelines. A study found that the campus is in compliance with current regulations; however opportunities for improvements in the older buildings exist.

§  An engineering firm evaluated existing fire protection coverage (alarms and sprinklers) throughout the campus and prioritized future projects and upgrades.

Commitment to a Climate Neutral Campus

·  Ongoing:

§  A task force of faculty, staff and students was charged in spring 2008 to (1) inventory current status, and (2) formulate a plan for what Nazareth can accomplish within the next five years to reduce its carbon footprint.

§  GREENprint@Naz, the Campus Sustainability Report, was issued in May 2009. Through analysis of the AACU Presidents Climate Commitment Letter, The College Sustainability Report Card, and GHG emissions inventory, Nazareth established a customized sustainability plan. Development and implementation of initiatives are ongoing.

§  The Nazareth College Bike Project, “Bikes@Naz,” opened September 2011 through a collaborative effort between Student Activities and the Greenprint@Naz sustainability initiative. The Bike Project provides bike rentals to Nazareth students, faculty, and staff at no cost. It promotes improving the environment as well as health and wellness.

Plan and Assessment Goal 7 Updated – pdg 10/31/2011 page 2 of 14

Administrative Assessment: Program Level

Planning Form

Department/Program: Strategic Plan Goal 7: Develop a culture of strategic planning and assessment.

Date: 10/31/11 Submitted by: Pat Genthner

Significant Objectives/Outcomes / Evidence and Criteria / Findings / Recommendations and Follow-up / Costs
Program level objectives that are meaningful and measurable.
Column 1 / What evidence are you going to look at?
How often will it be collected and analyzed?
Be specific about information to be collected, what method will be used, schedule for collection and analysis.
Column 2 / What are you going to look for?
Expected level of performance, list the specific criteria (percent of successful activities, or positive feedback) that will indicate success or positive outcome.
Column 3 / Describe the findings garnered from the analysis of the evidence that address the levels of performance listed in the Planning Form.
Column 4 / List specific actions that grew out of the findings, including a timeline for monitoring, implementation or follow-up, and the person(s) or committee responsible for follow-up.
Column 5 / Proposed/
Estimated Costs / Approved
Budget Allocation
Column 6
1. Develop and implement systematic and documented processes for assessing institutional effectiveness
Strategy 7.1
Strategy 7.2 / Identify an administrative structure at Nazareth that supports academic and administrative assessment, includes a system for documenting assessment activities and supports reporting to individual academic and operational units, and to divisions, schools and the institutions.
·  Academic assessment of student learning outcomes; cyclically by dept/program
·  Administrative assessment of processes and initiatives; annually by division of one or more services/initiatives as designated by Vice President
National surveys of students and faculty:
·  National Survey for Student Engagement (spring 2007)
·  Faculty Survey of Student Engagement (spring 2007)
·  Cooperative Institutional Research Project (fall 2007)
·  Your First College Year (spring 2008)
·  HERI Faculty Survey (spring 2008) / ·  Use of assessment to prioritize and focus efforts for improvement
·  Use of assessment in institutional planning and resource allocation
·  Use of assessment as a resource for innovative practices and projects
·  Ability to identify and communicate our successes
·  Improved accountability to stakeholders / Many departments and administrative units have engaged in ongoing assessment; however these past efforts have lacked systematic documentation and institutional coordination. Examples: (1) 12 of 23 academic departments have programs with national accreditation, but until recently the connection between their assessments and institutional expectations and goals has not been documented; (2) annual changes to academic and administrative operating budgets have historically been a percentage across the board without assessment documentation playing a significant role in resource allocation. / 1. Recommendations and status:
·  Create an assessment plan and organization
Since fall 2006, the components of what has become the Framework for Institutional Assessment have been adopted:
(1)  Assessment Vision Statement
(2)  Committees charged with oversight of assessment – Senior Staff; Academic Assessment Committee; Administrative Assessment Committee; Accreditation Committee
(3)  Statement of administrative responsibility for ongoing assessment
(4)  Timelines for the implementation of the assessment plan, including all-college academic assessment workshops
·  Provide more access to information for the campus regarding assessment
(1)  Conversion of a single user analysis database to MS SQL in summer 2006
(2)  Contents of the Fact Book were expanded
·  Initiate new assessment activities
The Framework commits to integrated use of assessment to address both program and unit goals and broad questions of institutional effectiveness
·  Embed assessment in the implementation of the strategic plan and in annual goal setting and budget decisions
The Framework commits to inclusion of assessment plans in annual goals set by vice presidents and the documented use of the results of academic and administrative assessment and program reviews in budget and line requests
·  Adopt a system for documenting the use of institution-wide assessment, and how it is used in decision-making and program/service improvement
The Framework commits to acceptance of an institutional format for assessment practices and documentation. In addition, TracDat software was purchased in June 2007. It will provide a standard format for assessment processes across all areas of the college and will readily display ways in which assessment has been used to improve programs and services.
Updates 2010:
·  A new position was created and filled 2009-2010 for a Coordinator of Student Learning Outcomes. This is a half-time faculty reassignment funded through reallocated resources.
·  Faculty approved the creation of an elected Academic Assessment committee to oversee student learning outcomes and academic program reviews.
·  Institutional Research and Assessment conducted nine in-house assessment workshops in 2009-2010, including a workshop facilitated by Dr. Barbara Walvoord, professor emerita, Notre Dame University.
·  Seventeen faculty attended national assessment conferences in 2009-2010.
Note 2010: Preparation for the Middle States Periodic Review Report is on track, with an oversight committee representing all constituents and a timetable that will present a draft report to the campus community for input during the spring 2011 semester.
Updates 2011:
·  Middle States Periodic Review Report (PRR): The PRR was submitted to the Middle States reviewers on May 25, 2011 and a response report was sent to Nazareth College on August 1, 2011. The conclusion of the report states, “The PRR of Nazareth College offers an excellent analysis by which to gauge the progress of the institution. A new tradition—good assessment and planning—has merged with traditional strengths in the area of prudent financial management to promote the betterment of the Nazareth community and its students. This PRR is a commendable conclusion to the excellent work that has gone on since visitors last evaluated the institution on behalf of MSCHE.”
·  Administrative Assessment and Planning: Administrative assessment has been ongoing in all divisions of the College. Each division and the president’s office have documented assessment processes appropriate to the work of the division. A standard template for reporting on administrative assessment has been implemented. In addition, a template form for planning has been initiated by Institutional Research and Assessment that will be completed annually in September by each vice president and administrative director. The purpose is to link annual goals at the divisional and department levels to the mission, strategic plan, annual institutional goals, and/or divisional goals for assessment and planning. / MS SQL:
TracDat software:
FY07 and
$7,000 annual licensing fee / MS SQL:
$35,662 FY07
$7,000 annual fee
2. Develop and implement strategic planning processes based on assessment outcomes.
Strategy 7.3 / Processes and documentation that meets requirements of Middle States.
·  Institutional strategic plan that is tied to the mission and vision of the college and includes metrics for success in all divisions of the college.
·  Annual institutional goals that are tied to the mission and vision and the strategic plan.
·  Budgeting and planning integrated with strategic plan initiatives. / ·  Rationale for strategic plan initiatives that includes benchmarking and assessment data.
·  Metrics for strategic plan success that are useful and used in the budget planning process. / While the Nazareth assessment processes are moving forward, the College will be required to provide evidence to Middle States in the 2011 Periodic Review Report that assessment is documented and directly linked to institutional goals and planning.
·  Next reiteration of the strategic plan will come out of preparation of the 2011 Middles States Periodic Review Report. The refreshed strategic plan will include input from community constituents.
·  Next reiteration of the strategic plan requires funding for initiatives projected for three years. / ·  The Vice Presidents agreed in July 2008 that all budget and position requests will cite assessment data when available as well as anticipated assessment processes in follow-up if approved.
·  Recommendations: (1) hold a minimum of two open forums for faculty and staff discussion and input to strategic plan drafts; (2) develop a plan for gathering outside constituent input; (3) develop a plan for gathering student input from a representative group of students. (4) develop a plan to budget strategic plan initiatives for a three year time period – what are the expected costs and where will that funding come from.
Update 2010: A renewed strategic planning process was initiated in January 2010. Naz 2020: Vision for the Future is undertaking a campus wide discussion of our responses to factors that will affect the College over the next decade. Discussion was initiated by an outside speaker at an assembly for faculty and staff held Jan 8, 2010. Discussions of the faculty (Jan 8), staff (Feb 11), students (Jan 16), and trustee (Jan 24) groups took place. Notes from these sessions are available from the office of the President and the office of IR & Assessment. A Steering Committee was named to guide the College in data collection and synthesis, as well as planning. The work of the committee will inform the Middle States Periodic Review and result in a new rendition of the College’s strategic plan. Five subcommittees were formed for each of the divisions of the College: Academic Affairs; Enrollment Management; Finance & Administration; Institutional Advancement; Student Development. Subcommittee membership includes administrators, faculty, staff, students and trustees, and is intracampus by design. The charge to the Steering Committee is found on the Nazareth network at \\Naz-fs1\Group\College of 2020. There is a deliberate effort to link the creation of the Naz 2020 strategic plan to assessment data and to specify the parameters of outcome data as the plan is implemented.
Update 2011, College of 2020 Strategic Planning Process:
Five subcommittees, comprised of over 100 faculty, staff, students, and trustees, met on a regular basis to consider the overriding goals of the plan. The Steering Committee received the product of the hard work of the subcommittees and developed a draft of goals and initiatives. Following the final spring semester meeting of the Steering Committee, the president and vice presidents edited the goals and initiatives. This version of the plan will be submitted to the Steering Committee and the Nazareth community for further discussion in fall 2011. In accordance with the original charge to the Steering Committee, during the fall 2011 semester the Committee will also develop recommendations for assessment processes to measure outcomes. It is anticipated that the College of 2020 Strategic Plan will be presented to the Board of Trustees in April 2012 for endorsement.