Cornwall Wine Tasting Group

Minutes of Annual General Meeting 2008

Held at the Assembly Room, Hall for Cornwall, Truro at 7.30pm on March 13th 2008.

Present: 25 members.

  1. Apologies: Ann & Ray Curtis-Clarke, Morene & Pat Fleming, Don Macleod.
  1. Minutes of 2007 AGM: Agreed as a true and accurate record: proposed by Fred Horth, seconded by Alison Vaughan and carried unanimously.
  1. Matters Arising: None.
  1. Chairman’s Report:
  • Membership of the group remained stable with around 60 active members.
  • Attendance at tastings during 2007 showed an increase over 2006, averaging 25.

45 members attended two or more tastings.

  • The most popular event was the tasting of Champagne and Sparkling Wine; the least popular was ‘World Cup Wines’.
  • The year began with the Annual Dinner held, for the first time, at Tabb’s Restaurant. It was well attended and much enjoyed.
  • Attendance at the tutored tasting given by Xenia Irwin MW at St Austell Brewery was disappointing. The committee will need to consider the viability of future ‘away’ events.
  • The alfresco evening had been successful in spite of the torrential rain. Thanks were extended once again to Carol and Fred Horth for opening their house to those attending.
  • The 2008 alfresco will be held in the Courtyard Restaurant at Trelissick, giving us the option of being indoors or outdoors, depending on the weather.
  • Members were reminded that the continued wellbeing of the group depends on regular attendance from members and a continuing influx of new people. We are grateful to members who have introduced guests and potential new members. Our website should be live soon, aiming to point other wine enthusiasts in our direction.
  • Suggestions are welcomed for future tastings, as are offers from members to present a tasting on a theme in which they have a particular interest.
  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  2. The Balance Sheet presented to the meeting revealed a balance of £2407 at end November, with a surplus of £422 having been accrued during the year.
  3. The Profit and Loss spreadsheet presented to the meeting showed that all tastings had made a profit.
  4. Income had increased during the year with the raised tasting fee; the effect of this was offset by the Hall for Cornwall’s increased charges.

Questions were invited. In replies the Treasurer explained that the ‘wines in hand’ on the balance sheet were those bought in preparation for Fine Wine Tastings. He then invited suggestions from members, in response to an enquiry as to plans for the group’s ‘expanding balance’. ‘Spending more on the wines’ met with general approval.

A proposal that the accounts be accepted was made by Val Macleod, seconded by Richard Cranage and agreed unanimously.

  1. Election of Officers and Committee:

The Chairman informed the meeting that the current officers and committee were willing to continue for the coming year and that Val Macleod had been nominated to join the committee. He invited other nominations; there being none, it was proposed by David McWilliam and seconded by Geoff Ward to accept the committee and officers as proposed. This was carried unanimously. Phil concluded by announcing his intention to retire as Chair at the next AGM, having then concluded his eleventh consecutive year as Chairman.

  1. Any Other Business:

It was remarked that a number of the glasses had not been properly washed at recent tastings. This would be taken up with the Hall for Cornwall.