Database: Embase <1996 to 2016 October 5>
Search Strategy:
1 prematurity/ or preterm.mp. (101868)
2 premature.mp. (130570)
3 low birth weight.mp. or low birth weight/ (37752)
4 small for gestational age.mp. or small for date infant/ (12018)
5 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 (201576)
6 pregnancy induced hypertension.mp. (3186)
7 gestational hypertension.mp. or maternal hypertension/ (13065)
8 hypertensive disorders of pregnancy.mp. (1783)
9 maternal hypertension.mp. (12904)
10 "eclampsia and preeclampsia"/ or preeclampsia/ or preeclampsia.mp. (38847)
11 eclampsia/ or eclampsia.mp. (15972)
12 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 or 11 (48281)
13 extremely low birth weight.mp. or extremely low birth weight/ (3576)
14 extremely premature.mp. (1078)
15 very low birth weight.mp. or very low birth weight/ (10508)
16 premie*.mp. (6715)
17 premature infant.mp. (3197)
18 premature neonate.mp. (511)
19 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 or 17 or 18 (23563)
20 5 or 19 (208165)
21 respiratory distress syndrome.mp. or respiratory distress syndrome/ (41218)
22 neonatal respiratory distress syndrome/ or surfactant deficiency.mp. (5329)
23 neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.mp. (5119)
24 "transient tachypnea of the newborn"/ or transient tachypnea of newborn.mp. (409)
25 chronic lung disease.mp. or chronic lung disease/ (11799)
26 bronchopulmonary dysplasia.mp. (6181)
27 artificial lung surfactant/ or surfactant therapy.mp. (1222)
28 artificial lung surfactant.mp. (482)
29 oxygen therapy.mp. or oxygen therapy/ (24799)
30 artificial ventilation/ or noninvasive ventilation/ (92180)
31 artificial ventilation.mp. (88796)
32 noninvasive ventilation.mp. (6827)
33 respiratory support.mp. or assisted ventilation/ (12854)
34 assisted ventilation.mp. (12561)
35 continous positive airway pressure.mp. (55)
36 death.mp. or newborn death/ or death/ (836737)
37 neonatal death.mp. (4089)
38 neonatal mortality.mp. (5741)
39 necrotising enterocolitis.mp. or necrotizing enterocolitis/ (8794)
40 intraventricular hemorrhage.mp. (4867)
41 periventricular leukomalacia.mp. (2190)
42 retinopathy of prematurity.mp. or retrolental fibroplasia/ (6764)
43 retrolental fibroplasia.mp. (6199)
44 neonatal morbidity.mp. or newborn morbidity/ (8196)
45 intracranial hemorrhage.mp. (9218)
46 brain injury.mp. or brain injury/ (100574)
47 mechanical ventilation.mp. (45124)
48 newborn morbidity.mp. (7283)
49 brain hemorrhage.mp. or brain hemorrhage/ (68946)
50 morbidity.mp. or morbidity/ (456849)
51 or/21-50 (1513813)
52 12 and 20 and 51 (5209)
53 remove duplicates from 52 (4962)
54 limit 53 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (4300)
Database: Epub Ahead of Print, In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, Ovid MEDLINE(R) Daily and Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1946 to Present>
Search Strategy:
1 Premature Birth/ or prematurity.mp. (27540)
2 Infant, Premature/ or preterm.mp. (83915)
3 premature neonate.mp. (525)
4 premature.mp. (161163)
5 premie*.mp. (9305)
6 premature infant.mp. (4330)
7 low birth weight.mp. or Infant, Low Birth Weight/ (35674)
8 very low birth weight.mp. or Infant, Very Low Birth Weight/ (10406)
9 Infant, Extremely Premature/ or extremely premature.mp. (1803)
10 Infant, Extremely Low Birth Weight/ or extremely low birth weight.mp. (2731)
11 Infant, Small for Gestational Age/ or small for gestational age.mp. (10139)
12 or/1-11 (218025)
13 gestational hypertension.mp. (2080)
14 maternal hypertension.mp. (627)
15 pregnancy induced hypertension.mp. or Hypertension, Pregnancy-Induced/ (5172)
16 pregnancy-induced hypertension.mp. (3404)
17 Pre-Eclampsia/ or preclampsia.mp. (26899)
18 Eclampsia/ or eclampsia.mp. (34186)
19 pre-eclampsia.mp. (30132)
20 or/13-19 (38279)
21 Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/ or respiratory distress syndrome.mp. (36719)
22 neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.mp. (738)
23 transient tachypnea of newborn.mp. or "Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn"/ (84)
24 chronic lung disease.mp. (5183)
25 bronchopulmonary dysplasia.mp. or Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia/ (6291)
26 hyaline membrane disease.mp. or Hyaline Membrane Disease/ (3123)
27 surfactant therapy.mp. (809)
28 Oxygen Inhalation Therapy/ or oxygen therapy.mp. (18418)
29 oxygen inhalation therapy.mp. (12942)
30 Respiration, Artificial/ or artificial ventilation.mp. (44082)
31 respiratory support.mp. (2888)
32 Ventilation/ or ventilation.mp. or Intermittent Positive-Pressure Ventilation/ (115531)
33 noninvasive ventilation.mp. or Noninvasive Ventilation/ (2463)
34 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/ or continous positive airway pressure.mp. (5214)
35 Death/ or death.mp. or Infant Death/ (649021)
36 infant death.mp. (10004)
37 neonatal death.mp. (3630)
38 neonatal mortality.mp. or Infant Mortality/ (29674)
39 infant mortality.mp. (30739)
40 necrotising enterocolitis.mp. or Enterocolitis, Necrotizing/ (3160)
41 intraventricular hemorrhage.mp. (4608)
42 periventricular leukomalacia.mp. or Leukomalacia, Periventricular/ (2379)
43 retinopathy of prematurity.mp. or "Retinopathy of Prematurity"/ (6739)
44 brain injury.mp. or Brain Injuries/ (72350)
45 morbidity.mp. or Morbidity/ (308684)
46 neonatal morbidity.mp. (3642)
47 mechanical ventilation.mp. (32202)
48 intracranial hemorrhage.mp. or Intracranial Hemorrhages/ (11263)
49 or/21-48 (1197095)
50 12 and 20 and 49 (2185)
51 remove duplicates from 50 (2105)
52 limit 51 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (1249)
S43 / S16 AND S17 AND S41S42 / S16 AND S17 AND S41
S41 / S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40
S40 / (MH "Morbidity") OR "morbidity"
S39 / "neonatal morbidity"
S38 / (MH "Intracranial Hemorrhage") OR "intracranial hemorrhage"
S37 / (MH "Brain Injuries") OR "brain injury"
S36 / (MH "Retinopathy of Prematurity") OR "retinopathy of prematurity"
S35 / "periventricular leukomalacia"
S34 / "intraventricular hemorrhage"
S33 / (MH "Enterocolitis, Necrotizing") OR "necrotizing enterocolitis"
S32 / "neonatal mortality"
S31 / (MH "Infant Mortality") OR "infant mortality"
S30 / (MH "Infant Death") OR "infant death"
S29 / (MH "Death") OR "death"
S28 / (MH "Continuous Positive Airway Pressure") OR "continuous positive airway pressure"
S27 / (MH "Intermittent Positive Pressure Ventilation") OR "positive pressure ventilation"
S26 / "noninvasive ventilation"
S25 / (MH "Respiration, Artificial") OR "artificial ventilation"
S24 / (MH "Ventilation, Mechanical, Differentiated") OR "mechanical ventilation"
S23 / (MH "Oxygen Therapy") OR "oxygen therapy"
S22 / "surfactant therapy"
S21 / (MH "Hyaline Membrane Disease") OR "hyaline membrane disease"
S20 / "transient tachypnea of the newborn"
S19 / "neonatal respiratory distress syndrome"
S18 / (MH "Respiratory Distress Syndrome") OR "respiratory distress syndrome"
S17 / S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13
S16 / S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S14 OR S15
S15 / "premie*"
S14 / (MH "Infant, Small for Gestational Age") OR "small for gestational age"
S13 / (MH "Eclampsia") OR "eclampsia"
S12 / (MH "Pre-Eclampsia") OR "preeclampsia"
S11 / (MH "Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension") OR "pregnancy induced hypertension"
S10 / "gestational hypertension"
S9 / "maternal hypertension"
S8 / "extremely premature"
S7 / "extremely low birth weight"
S6 / (MH "Infant, Very Low Birth Weight") OR "very low birth weight"
S5 / (MH "Infant, Low Birth Weight") OR "low birth weight"
S4 / "premature neonate"
S3 / "premature infant"
S2 / "preterm"
S1 / (MH "Infant, Premature") OR "premature"
Database: PsycINFO <1987 to September Week 4 2016>
Search Strategy:
1 exp Premature Birth/ or prematurity.mp. (4862)
2 preterm.mp. (5276)
3 premature.mp. (12250)
4 premie*.mp. (1712)
5 premature infant.mp. (300)
6 low birth weight.mp. (2544)
7 very low birth weight.mp. (683)
8 extremely low birth weight.mp. (228)
9 extremely premature.mp. (101)
10 small for gestational age.mp. (476)
11 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 (17797)
12 gestational hypertension.mp. (64)
13 pregnancy induced hypertension.mp. (55)
14 exp PREECLAMPSIA/ or preeclampsia.mp. (254)
15 eclampsia.mp. (200)
16 maternal hypertension.mp. (25)
17 12 or 13 or 14 or 15 or 16 (493)
18 respiratory distress syndrome.mp. (171)
19 respiratory distress.mp. or exp Respiratory Distress/ (7508)
20 transient tachypnea of newborn.mp. (0)
21 chronic lung disease.mp. (182)
22 bronchopulmonary dysplasia.mp. (140)
23 hyaline membrane disease.mp. (9)
24 surfactant therapy.mp. (7)
25 oxygen therapy.mp. (211)
26 respiratory support.mp. (91)
27 artificial ventilation.mp. (57)
28 noninvasive ventilation.mp. (63)
29 infant death.mp. (897)
30 neonatal death.mp. (163)
31 neonatal mortality.mp. (231)
32 infant mortality.mp. (1011)
33 exp "DEATH AND DYING"/ or death.mp. (71782)
34 necrotising enterocolitis.mp. (8)
35 intraventricular hemorrhage.mp. (259)
36 periventricular leukomalacia.mp. or exp Periventricular Leukomalacia/ (228)
37 retinopathy of prematurity.mp. (131)
38 morbidity.mp. or exp MORBIDITY/ (19774)
39 neonatal morbidity.mp. (100)
40 intracranial hemorrhage.mp. (382)
41 exp Brain Damage/ or brain injury.mp. (31526)
42 brain damage.mp. (15819)
43 mechanical ventilation.mp. (723)
44 or/18-43 (129291)
45 11 and 17 and 44 (59)
46 remove duplicates from 45 (59)
47 limit 46 to (english language and yr="2000 -Current") (54)