How Do Civilizations Maintain Order

Unit 2

  1. Hammurabi is best known for
  1. His postal service
  2. His military strength
  3. His code of laws
  4. His system of roads
  1. Which of the following best describes Hammurabi’s code of laws
  1. They were fair and just
  2. They were cruel and harsh
  3. A person was innocent until proven guilty
  4. A trial included a jury of one’s peers
  1. Why did ancient Egyptians believe having social classes was a good idea?
  1. They believed there wasn’t enough money for everyone.
  2. They believed society worked when people knew their roles.
  3. They believed Egypt should focus on Egyptians rather than fight wars.
  4. They believed there would not be enough farmers without a class system.
  1. The pharaoh was at the top of Egypt’s social pyramid. Moving down the pyramid, what is the order of the classes listed below, from highest to lowest?
  1. Artisans
  2. Government officials
  3. Peasants
  4. Priests
  5. Scribes
  1. 2, 5, 4, 1, 3
  2. 4, 5, 2, 3, 1
  3. 2, 4, 5, 1, 3
  4. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3
  1. What does the social pyramid show about Egypt’s social classes?
  1. The fewest number of people were in the highest classes.
  2. There were more rich than poor people in Egypt.
  3. The largest number of people were in the artisan class.
  4. There were many people advising the pharaoh.
  1. How is the Hindu belief of karma related to the caste system?
  1. People are in a caste because of how they lived in past lives.
  2. People are in a caste because of how much money they earn.
  3. People born into a low caste can rise to a higher caste.
  4. People born into a low caste can’t improve their karma.
  1. What do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common?
  1. Belief in many gods
  2. Bathing rituals
  3. Belief in reincarnation
  4. Complicated writings
  1. Buddhism’s Eightfold path is similar to Hinduism’s
  1. Dharma
  2. Vedas
  3. Caste system
  4. Brahman
  1. Which of the following is one of the Four Noble Truths?
  1. Only Brahmins reach enlightenment.
  2. Suffering is caused by desires.
  3. Only death ends people’s cravings.
  4. Joy is achieved by praying.
  1. Which phrase best completes the following quotation?

“I am a follower of Confucius. I am the oldest of three children in my family. My younger sister and brother have to obey me. In return, I…”

  1. “have to treat them well.”
  2. “can punish them harshly if they disobey.”
  3. “have to obey their wishes.”
  4. “can do everything I want to do.”
  1. What philosophy do the statements on this list describe?
  • People are basically selfish.
  • Laws must be strict and must be strictly enforced.
  • Punishments for breaking laws must be harsh
  1. Confucianism
  2. Daoism
  3. Legalism
  4. Republicanism
  1. Why were Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism developed when they were?
  1. Because they were such good schools in China at the time
  2. Because the Zhou dynasty wanted to maintain its power
  3. Because the Zhou dynasty wanted to maintain the feudal system
  4. Because there was so much disorder in China at the time
  1. What type of government does the following list describe?
  • There is one ruler.
  • The ruler usually inherited power.
  • The ruler passed on leadership to his son
  1. Democracy
  2. Monarchy
  3. Oligarchy
  4. Tyranny
  1. How were laws developed in a absolute monarchy?
  1. The Assembly voted on them.
  2. The king made them.
  3. The aristocrats made them.
  4. There were no laws in a monarchy.
  1. Which of the following best describes a difference between a king and a tyrant?
  1. A king is elected, but a tyrant seizes power.
  2. A king is elected, but a tyrant inherits power.
  3. A king inherits power, but a tyrant seizes it.
  4. A king leads the assembly, but a tyrant disbands it.
  1. Which of the following best describes democracy in Athens?
  1. Citizens elected representatives to make decisions.
  2. Only free men could speak in the Assembly.
  3. Widows replaced their dead husbands in the Assembly.
  4. Citizens supported oligarchs, who made decisions.
  1. In ancient Greek settlements governments tended to develop in a particular order. Which form of government usually came first?
  1. Democracy
  2. Monarchy
  3. Oligarchy
  4. Tyranny
  1. Which legendary brother founded Rome and became its first king?
  1. Romulus
  2. Remus
  3. Caesar
  4. Augustus
  1. In the Roman republic patricians referred to
  1. The wealthy landowners
  2. The majority of the people
  3. Everyone but slaves
  4. Everyone who was male
  1. What was the final change that made plebeians equal to citizens
  1. The right to serve as senators and consuls
  2. The right to write down laws
  3. The right to pass laws for all Romans
  4. The right to choose their own king
  1. Why did the Roman emperors give the poor bread and circuses?
  1. So the poor wouldn’t eat meat
  2. So the poor could make more money
  3. So the poor wouldn’t rebel
  4. So the poor could learn to read
  1. Which of the following best describes feudalism?
  1. Certain rules that a knight follows.
  2. The land, buildings, and serfs of a fief; ruled by a lord.
  3. A noble who served a lord of higher rank and received protection from that lord in return.
  4. Social order where landowning nobles governed and protected the people in return for services such as fighting or farming.
  1. A grant given to a vassal which gave him land and permission to rule the people who lived on it best describes
  1. Fief
  2. Chivalry
  3. Serf
  4. Manor