April 21, 2008 6:30pm

Location: Cardinal Pacelli cafe


MLCC Board Members / Role / Attending? (Y/N)
Andy Park / President / Y
Mary Wagner / Vice President / Y
Matt Johnson / Treasurer / N
Tricia Eltonhead / Marketing / N
Jennifer Fairbanks / PR / N
Eric Flamme / Director at Large / Y
John Brannock / Membership / Y
Craig Coffman / Fundraising Director / N


Motion Description / # Yea / # Nay / Passage
Andy Park motioned, Mary Wagner seconded, to pass UDOD Standards for Mt. Lookout / 6 / 0 / Y
Mary Wagner motioned, Andy Park seconded, to use Wimberg for ML Square spring planting and formally re-bid ML landscaping work to Wimberg and ORP. Target contract to begin July 08. / 3 / 3 / N*

* Note: ML Square landscaping will be put on hold until project is re-bid and awarded.

Officer and Committee Reports:

1.  President – Andy Park

· Square Revitalization - Outcome of Business and Property Owner Meeting

o  Meeting attended by MLCC, MLDC, MLBA members, City Planning & Development, and City Traffic & Engineering.

o  Key discussion topics included lighting assessment and ML boundaries. Assessment will require vote by property owners late 2008 and planning work will need to account for homeowners that border square businesses.

· Quarterly Police Meeting recap

o  $300M has been made available for extra police detail, some of which is already being used to fund OT foot patrol.

· CNBDU Pre-App

o  Has been submitted.

2.  Treasurer

· No report

Membership status – 48 members.

3.  Fundraising

Golf Outing Status – Eric Flamme

o  Hole Sponsorships and Gift Certificates slowing being secured.

o  Biggest need is for Board members to rally players. Matt to check PO Box regularly. Advertising being placed in local papers / journals / magazines.

o  C3 form needs to be completed in order to have tax-exempt status. Andy to ensure C3 established by end-April via John Eilers or Greg Delev).

4.  Marketing / PR - Tricia Eltonhead / John Brannock

No report.

5.  Misc. Topics

· Speaker for Public Meeting – Martha Kelly, Eastern Corridor Project

o  Reviewed very high level plans for Eastern Corridor project and city light rail plan. Eastern Corridor project a partnership effort by OKI (Ohio Kentucky Indiana) Transportation and the City of Cincinnati, among others. Likely a 2015-2020 plan, timing to be driven by funding.

o  Contact info for questions: Martha Kelly, Principal Engineer, w: 352-3648 / email: .

· District 2 Update

o  Community remains target for auto theft, especially GPS units.

o  Police dispatch / communications center: 765-1212

o Sign up to receive neighborhood police alerts.

· Soap Box Derby

o  Mt. Lookout planning to participate. Winner receives $5M from Mayor Mallory.

Mary Wagner


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