Motor Carrier Advisory Board Meeting / Date: 10-22-2015
8:30 a.m.
Perry Port of Entry Southbound
(August Minutes approved:10/22/2015)
Meeting called by:
MCAB Committee / Board Chair: DonIpson,
Meeting conducted by Don Ipson


Attendees (those that signed in): / Duane Braegger, Tramcor, Inc
Jeff England, Pride Transport
Rand Austin, Beehive Insurance
Terry Smith, Utah Trucking Assn.
Lt. Greg Willmore, UHP
Captain. Kirk Middaugh, UHP
Chad Sheppick, Director, UDOT Motor Carrier Div
Jason Davis, UDOT
Steve Goodrich, UDOT MCD / Kelly Lund, FHWA
Neil Schultz, OWTA
Ron Butler, UDOT MCD
Christopher McClelland, Legislative Auditor
Brian Dean, Legislative Auditor
Tony Meier, Perry POE
Jeannette James, Perry POE
Kim Richins, Perry POE
Jake Glover, Perry POE


Excused: / Board member Wayne Jones, RW Jones

Item: Welcome and Approval of Minutes

Discussion: / Minutes from August 2015 meeting approved. Rand Austin moved, Duane Braeggerseconded the motion.Motion approved.

Item: Motor Carrier Division Update – Chad Sheppick – Division Director

Discussion: /
  • Welcome to the new home of the Perry Port of Entry – fully staffed.
  • In 2016, the interstate here will be expanded with an additional lane each way, we will be able to extend the length of our ramps here at the Perry port.
  • Thanks to UTA for Driver Appreciation event. MCD and St. George port of entry agent Gena Nielsen honored as UTA Partner of the Year.
  • Thanks also to UTA for generosity of their members in supporting the Truck Smart program providing trucks to school driver education classes.
  • Wendover’s inspection facility should be complete by end of November. Monticello’s inspection bay should go out to bid soon.
  • Looking to replace our Motor Carrier operating system in favor of system that is quicker, more efficient way to work with drivers when pulled in. We are in requirement gathering mode.
  • UDOT including the Division is part of a legislative audit.
  • Thanks to Jeff England and Great Salt Lake Truck Show. We appreciate that the Division and UHP are included – indicates a solid relationship with the industry.

Action Item: / None
Results & Implementations: / None
Attachment(s): / None

Item: Tow Truck Rule Change R909-19 – Chad Sheppick

Discussion: / R909-19 proposed rule was already approved but the insurance industry had questions, and the Attorney General’s office requested input, so we have a couple more changes to review – see handout.
  • 909-19-11-3c – rate for 2016, the cumulative CPI-W change for 2014 and 2015.
  • 909-19-17 – Put review process back in rule.
  • We will leave storage “as is.” Rates as currently listed. The insurance industry feels Utah rates are higher than surrounding states. Research will continue. Tow industry would like to attach storage rates to CPI-W.
  • Duane Braegger made motion to approve rule with changes, Rand Austin seconded the motion. The Board passed unanimously. It will be presented to the Transportation Commission at their November 13 meeting in Hurricane.
  • Don Ipson expressed appreciation for all the work done on this rule change, especially to Chad Sheppick and Neil Schultz.

Action Item: / Rule will be presented to the Transportation Commission
Results & Implementations: / None
Attachment(s): / One attachment – R909-19

Item: Numetrics Crash Tool Demonstration – Steve Goodrich

Discussion: / Steve and Jason Davis demonstrated the Numetrics crash mapping and analysis program to the group
Action Item: / None
Results & Implementations: / None
Attachment(s): / None


Action Item:
Results & Implementations:




Item: UHP, Lt. Wilmore

Discussion: /
  • Lt. Judd transferred to an assignment in Tooele. Lt. Bob Anderson has replaced him in Section 15. He has over 20 years experience in enforcement.
  • Moved a trooper from Uintah Basin to Carbon and Emery Co. Better used there, Still two CVSA officers in the Basin.
  • Almost finished with over 2000 school bus inspections for this fall. With do 20% spot check in the spring.
  • Participated in the Brake Check events and motorcoach inspections. Wendover enforcement found a few trucks out-of-service – don’t mind coming home empty handed when we see good things happening. An I-84/I-80 junction enforcement for speed and lane violation behaviors.
  • Thanks to UTA for involving us in Driver Appreciation event, Trooper Justin Cloward was recognized as UTA Trooper of the Year

Action Item: / None
Results & Implementations: / None
Attachment(s): / None

Item: Utah Trucking Association – Rick Clasby

Discussion: /
  • Grateful that the industry, regulators and enforcement all work together and we have a great relationship and trust between us.We are recognized as unique across the country for the trust we have with one another.
  • Driver Appreciation week – greeted over 3,500 drivers during that week at Perry, Wendover, Echo and St. George. The treat bags passed out were all donated. Thanks for all your assistance with this great project.
  • Our annual banquet had a record number of attendees. The driver of the year had 54 years of safe driving. It was great to recognize Justin and Gena.
  • There was a construction project in North Salt Lake that had potential for CMV complications. Joe Walker from UDOT put together a committee and all concerns were addressed up front rather than after the problems occurred.
  • Our SuperTech challenge is scheduled for May – We will need help with judges.
  • We sponsored a Wahington D.C. trip with all 10 of our leaders. We saw all of the Utah delegation and shared with them information on the highway bill, HOS and CSA.

Action Item: / None
Results & Implementations: / None
Attachment(s): / None

Item: FMCSA - Bob Kelleher- excused

Action Item: / None
Attachment(s): / None

Item: FWHA - Kelly Lund

Discussion: / UDOT/Motor Carrier Division Size and Weight Enforcement Plan was approved and forwarded on to Headquarters. It is a good plan. Plan certification is due January 1.
Action Item: / None
Attachment(s): / None

Item: Utah State Tax Commission, - Stacey Hammond - excused

Discussion: / Not available
Action Item: / None
Attachment(s): / None

Item: Associated General Contractors - Rich Thorn - excused

Discussion: / Not Available
Action Item: / None
Attachment(s): / None