To Define the Appropriate Allowed Actions

From Object Management Configuration (P98230) select the option for Allowed Actions. Within the Allowed Actions form, select the Form Exit for SE Security Settings. Within the Advanced Solution Explorer Transfer Security form, enter the User Profiles for the users that should be allowed to transfer All Inclusive Task Views and/or All Solution Explorer Records. An option of ‘1’ indicates the user is allowed to perform this transfer. Only User Ids can be entered. Roles are not valid within this program. The Advanced Row Exit option of SE Setting in Object Management Workbench will only be enabled for users that are defined within this Advanced Solution Explorer Transfer Security form.

To Transfer All Solution Explorer Records

With a Category of Solution Explorer and Search Type of Task ID, search on the value of ALL*. Then open the Tasks folder. This will show a task with the value of ALL SOLUTION EXPLORER RECORDS. Add this task to your project.

When a project with this ALL SOLUTION EXPLORER RECORDS task is promoted, all records within Solution Explorer will be promoted from the From Location to the To Location based on the defined activity rules for the project status change.

When focused on the ALL SOLUTION EXPLORER RECORDS task under Objects and selecting the Row Exit for Advanced/SE Setting within Object Management Workbench an option is provided to have all records in the target data source deleted before transferring records from the source. This is helpful when deletes of tasks from the source location have occurred. The row exit will only be enabled for User Profiles that have the appropriate Allowed Action to promote all Solution Explorer objects.

To Transfer an All Inclusive Task View

With a Category of Solution Explorer and Search Type of Task View, inquire on the desired task view by typing in the appropriate Task ID for the Task View. Add the Task View to your OMW project.

To make the transfer of the Task View all inclusive so it will include Tasks, Task Relationships and Fine Cut information that exist under that task view, focus on the Task View and select the Row Exit for Advanced/SE Setting. Select the option to make the Task View transfer all inclusive. When the project is promoted, all Solution Explorer tasks, relationships, rules and variants will be transferred along with the task view based on the defined activity rules for the project status change. The row exit for SE Setting is only enabled when the user has the appropriate allowed action to promote an all inclusive task view.