Ecole Primaire Douglas

7668 Borden Street

Vancouver, B.C. V5P 3E1

Telephone: (604)-713-4885 FAX: 713-4887

School Website:

Administrative Assistant: Mme Monique Nixon

Annex: Vice-Principal: Mme Claudette Alain Principal: Ms. Krystyna Niziolek

Director of Instruction, Field Studies: Ellen Roberts– 604-713-4594

Trustee: Ms. Patti Bacchus- 604-713-5000

Bulletin # 2 September 14th, 2015

Bonjour! Hello!

Our first week was filled with happy faces and the excitement of being back in school permeated the hallways after a long and sunny summer. Everyone isnow settled and in their classes.Our K students are bright eyed and ready to learn. They will be staying with us all day startingWednesday September 16th.

On behalf of all the staff at Douglas Annex we are excited about the year ahead and wish you a wonderful beginning as we move into the 2015/2016 school year.


Mme Claudette Alain

Welcome to all our new and returning teachers

We forgot to mention two important teachers from our team in our first newsletter.

Resource Teacher:Nicole Hellyer

Reading Recovery:Rachel (Klein) Stern

Please welcome our new K teacher Arielle Rykiss here for Mme Ashley. Mme Ashley while be at the main school until December as acting-Vice Principal.

Meet the Teacher: September 17th, 2015 from 6:00 to 7:00

Dear Families,

Meet the Teacher night is coming up very quickly. **please note there will be no supervision or child minding.

Teachers will speak about their program, class expectations and the shape of the day for the 2015/2016 school year. At this time, we ask that you please refrain from asking specific questions about your child’s learning needs. Our Goal Setting Conferences happen in October, and is the perfect platform for your individual questions. If you have an urgent matter that you want to discuss, please make an appointment with your child’s teacher.


6:00-6:15: Introductions in the gym

6:15-6:35: Group 1

6:40-7:00: Group 2 (to accommodate siblings)

7:00: Staff meeting

Children's Safety

“Safety Over Convenience”

As we start this new school year, we urge you to be cautious and consider the safety of all children. To ensure that the traffic flows smoothly in the morning and the afternoon please obey the school signs. The city will be sending a traffic controller periodically, possibly as soon as this week. Let’s be safe.

Photo Day (Individual Student Photos)

Photo day will be on Thursday, September 24th, 2015.

Monday, September 28th, 2015

Is s Professional Development days, there will be no school for students all day.

Monthly Calendars

You will receive a calendar to keep you up to date with the happenings of the whole school. Please keep that on hand and share the changes with your care givers.

After School Supervision

The school bell rings at 3:00. We would appreciate parents arriving at that time or earlier. However, in case you are detained in traffic, we do have supervision until 3:20 pm. As our custodian must have done his safety tour and lock down of the school by 4 pm at the latest, we, unfortunately, cannot allow students to use the bathrooms passed 3:30 pm.

Douglas Annex French Immersion Directory

Please see the enclosed information sheet and return it to school as soon as possible. Thank-you.

Student Accident Insurance

Children often get into accidents whether playing sports or simply playing on the school yard. Parents can purchase Student Accident Insurance (information & application form included) to cover some of the injuries sustained by their children that may not be covered under their own health or dental plans. The school district does not provide accident insurance for students.

Lost & Found

Our Lost & Found is located in the hallway on the north wall by the girl’s washroom on a table. Note that we will throw away all food and drink containers every Friday in order to avoid having rotten food in the school and all unclaimed, unnamed clothes will be given to charity at the end of each term. Please label your child’s items (shoes, jackets, lunch bags, backpack, etc) so that we can return them to their proper owner. Thank-you.

Cross Country

Information on this year’s Cross Country after school meets will be sent home in the near future. This is only for students in Grades 1, 2, 3.

100 KM Club

The new season is here! We would love to have you on the team. We will start on September 22ndand continue every Tuesday from 8:20 am to 8:45 am rain or shine. This club is open to all students from K to Gr 3. Parents are also welcome to join us. All cross country students are required to run with the 100 KM Club in order to practise for the event.

Terry Fox Run & Fundraiser

This year we will be holding our run on Friday, September 25that 2:30 – weather permitting. If it rains we will do it the following Friday. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately with running shoes and comfortable clothing. We will have a short assembly in the gym at 2 pm before we head out to run or walk around our school. Please join us for our run from 2:30-2:50 pm. Terry Fox is a true Canadian hero; his story continues to inspire all as cancer has touched so many lives. Let us continue to help fund cancer research and share in Terry’s dream. Pledge forms are included in your packages. Please send donations or pledge forms by the 25th. We will continue our practice of running our Terry Fox Run every Friday - weather permitting at 2:30 pm to 2:50.

Je parle Français Incentive

Prizes are given to two students once a week for having done their best to communicate in French.

Small prizes

If you have new items that you would like to donate that we could give as a small surprise for the above mentioned programs please bring them to Mme Nixon at the office. For example dollar store items, small toys, fancy pencils, pads, erasers, French books or any small prize that would be suitable for a child from kindergarten to grade three. Thank-you.

Healthy Snacks

We always encourage healthy snacks and lunches. Please help us promote nutritious eating!

We will be continuing the BC School Fruit and Vegetable Nutritional Program this year. For this program and for the safety of your child, please let us know of any allergies or other health concerns as soon as possible. If you are not interested in this free Nutritional Program please advise Mme Nixon at the office. Find attached suggestions of lunch and snack ideas.

Peanut/Nut Free Policy

We have been advised by Safe Schools that we cannot guarantee a nut free building but we encourage all parents to continue to avoid nut products in food you send to school. We have several students who have life threatening allergies and are at GREAT PERSONAL RISKif exposed to these products. Please take the time to read labels and carefully monitor what you send to school.Find attached Nut-Free Lunch and Snack Ideas.

The Lunch Bag

Is there a parent out there who doesn’t feel “lunch bag” anxiety as the school year begins? The daily task of packing an interesting, nutritious lunch that your child will eat can be daunting. Here are some quick tips:

  1. Ask your child what healthy choices he/she loves to eat for lunch, what he/she likes to eat, and what he/she prefers not to eat. Use the list when you grocery shop.
  2. Work with your child online to create her customized Canada Food Guide at RLINK"
  1. Set a time after school or dinner for you and your child to select tomorrow’s food choices. Kids are more likely to eat what they pick.
  2. Have your child help pack foods; kids are more likely to eat what they pack: “Here is a container for your cherry tomatoes and cucumber slices.”
  3. Cook dinner with lunches in mind. For example:
  4. Make extra spaghetti, stir-fry, or soup. Chill

Remember that appetites and food likes and dislikes change. By allowing your child to plan and make her lunches, there is a better chance she will eat them.

Hot Lunch Program

The parents offer the possibility of purchasing a Hot Lunch once a month. If you have time, please come meet other parents and help with the counting and serving. Information on our first hot lunch day will soon follow. Thank you.

Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting

Monday, September 21th, 2015

Douglas School Library

7:00-8:30 pm

Childcare available

New and returning parents are invited to attend.

Learn about the work of the PAC

Volunteer for one of the PAC committees or as a

member of the PAC Executive.

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