ResurrectionCatholicSecondary School

Student Information Sheet Spanish , Grade 10 Open
Department and Grade: / Spanish
10 / Prerequisite: / None
Credit(s): 1 / Teacher: / B. Wallace, M. DeMaria-Rego
Course Code and Title: / LWS AOI
Grade10, Open / Revised: / June 2004
Course Description:
This course emphasizes the concurrent development of oral communication, reading and writing skills using the broad-based theme of Youth in the Hispanic World. Students will enhance their ability to understand and speak Spanish through conversations and presentations. They will also read short stories, articles and write brief descriptions and dialogues. By examining the geographic and cultural variety of the Spanish-speaking world, students will make connections between their own life experiences and those of others around the world.
How This Course Supports Expectations for the CatholicSchool Graduate:
As students gain an appreciation of Hispanic people, their history and their culture, they will develop an intrinsic sense of racial tolerance..
How this Course Supports the competencies of Choices Into Action
Students will learn to describe a variety of volunteer, employment (including self-
Employment), educational and career opportunities. They will develop learning skills, social skills, and a sense of social responsibility. Students will apply this learning to their lives and work in the school and in the community.
Course Resources and Materials:
Ministry of Education publications – Course Profile , International Languages (Spanish) Grade 10 Open Text – Spanish for Mastery 1
Also supplementary short novels and readings.
Workbooks at a cost of $33.95 will be available for students to purchase. If a student chooses to borrow a workbook, they are required to write out all exercises.
Replacement cost of lost textbooks is $111.95

1. Expectations for Student Learning

Through this course, students will be expected to demonstrate knowledge, skills and values related to the following areas:

Category # 1 Understanding/Knowledge / Category # 2 Thinking/Inquiry
  • knowledge of language forms and conventions
  • critical and creative thinking skills

  • understanding of content
  • inquiry skills [e.g., formulating questions; planning; selecting strategies and resources; analyzing, interpreting, and assessing information; forming conclusions

Category # 3 Communication / Category # 4 Application
  • communication of information and ideas
  • application of knowledge and skills in familiar context

  • use of language
  • use of the language in new contexts

  • communication for different audiences and purposes, using various forms
  • making connections [e.g., between personal experiences and the subject, between LWS and other subjects, and between LWS and the world outside the school]

2. Expectations re: Learning Skills/Attitudes

Students will also be evaluated according to the following:

* independent work / * teamwork
* organization / * work habits
* homework / * initiative
* participation

3. Supports For Higher Learning:

Whenever accommodations are made to address student learning needs, or alternative or modified expectations are identified for a student, these accommodations, modifications, or alternative expectations will be outlined in an IEP and will be communicated to parents.

4. Course Breakdown & Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

Unit Title/Description / Assessment & Evaluation Strategies
#1 Bienvenidos
This unit examines the rich cultural diversity of Spanish speaking countries. Students will learn the Spanish sound system via basic phrases that relate to every day life. In addition, students recognize common classroom expressions and vocabulary. / Diagnostic and Formative Assessment and Evaluation
- Observation: formal and informal
- Paper and pencil tests: teacher-made
- Performance: presentations, simulations, formal written assignments
-checklists, rating scales
-reflection: teacher, peer and self assessment, writing in role, journal writing
-Summative Evaluation:
Teacher and course designed unit tests (aural, oral)
Final Project – oral performance of formal written assignment
#2 Nosotros hispanoamericanos
In this unit, students will discover the important role of Spanish in North American Society. Students will be able to talk about their likes and dislikes in and outside of class. They will learn how to express their hopes and wishes and how to write questions and answers about the above topics. / Diagnostic, formative and summative assessment and evaluation
See above
#3 Amigos y amigas
Students will talk about their immediate personal world (their possessions and their peer group). They will analyze their strengths and weaknesses as well as those of their friends. Students will be expected to write short descriptions about themselves and their peers. Students will continue to appreciate cultural differences be reviewing the opinions of various Hispanics concerning dating and friendship. In addition, students will learn to talk about past events and experiences. / Diagnostic formative and summative assessment and evaluation –see Unit 1
#4 Y ahora … México!
This unit introduces the students to Mexico the country with the largest Spanish-speaking population. Students will be able to describe their in-school and out-of-school activities both now and in the future. They will learn how to describe how they feel. Furthermore, students will state location, communicate via telephone, and talk about places in the city. / Diagnostic, formative and summative assessment and evaluation – see Unit 1
# 5 Mi Familia y yo
Students honour the important role of the family in society and talk about their families and others in their lives. They will talk about their homes, their belongings and those of others. / Diagnostic, formative and summative assessment and evaluation – see Unit 1
Final Evaluation / Worth 30% of the final mark
It could be a portfolio, exam, performance, or culminating activities.

5. Assessment and Evaluation of Student Learning

Student achievement of the learning expectations will be evaluated according to the following breakdowns:

Categories of
Knowledge, Skills and Values / term
evaluation / final Evaluation
Knowledge/Understanding / 25% / 25%
Communication / 25% / 25%
Thinking/Inquiry / 25% / 25%
Application / 25% / 25%
Work Ethic and Learning Skills/Attitudes / Checklists
Break down of marks / 70% / 30% / =100%

6. School, Department and Classroom Policies:

The following policies apply to this program area:

If a student is absent on the day of his/her presentation, the expectations from the assignment will be deemed to not have been met. The group must still present on the assigned day.
All assignments are due on the specified date. Extenuating circumstances must be discussed with the teacher in advance.
Regular homework assignments are due the next class, unless otherwise indicated. When a homework assignment is collected for correction and evaluation, students will receive an “incomplete” if it is not handed in at the time of collection.
Students are responsible for requesting extra help if needed.
Students are responsible for the care of texts, and full replacement costs if lost or damanged.
Any student who plagiarizes (submits work other than his/her own for credit) will be deemed incomplete. Any student who cheats or allows another to cheat on an exam, test, or assignment will receive an incomplete.
Students are responsible for knowing and remembering these policies and the policies outlined in the Student Agenda. Failure to do so will NOT exempt students from the consequences.

We have read and understood this Student Information Sheet.

Student: / Parent/Guardian:
Date: / Date: