September 18, 2017Winslow Junior High School


  • WJHS 2017-2018 Yearbooks Hardcover $25, Softcover $15, Prepay for your copy today! Prices will go up $5 after December
  • Calling all BULLDOGS! We need YOU to design the cover of our 2017-2018 Yearbook. Please pick up the guidelines in the library. All Entries are due December 22, 2017. The winner will receive a FREE Yearbook!
  • Students remember we are participating in the Ultra Fun run fundraiser. On Tuesday any student who has sent out at least 6 emails will receive up to 6 pixie sticks. By Weds you must have 12 emails sent in order to receive a set of magic thumbs. You must fundraise at least $25.00 to participate….. get that money raised so you can WIPEOUT and not be LEFT OUT!
  • Lego League will meet in the Art Room today from 2:40-3:30
  • Planning to go out for Volleyball or Wrestling? These sports will begin on Monday October 16; you must have a physical on file in the office to tryout. Please make sure to get this done right away, don’t wait until the last minute.
  • Our volleyball coaches will be holding a free Volleyball Camp during fall Break. Camp will be October 9 – 13, 3:30pm to 5:30pm, this camp is free to any 7th or 8th grade girls that are interested. Please sign up in the office by Wednesday if you plan to attend. Each camper will get a T-Shirt.
  • Honor Society will meet on Wednesday at 9:15 in Ms. Maine's room. Don't forget, we are going to be doing trash pick-up after school on Wednesday 9/20!
  • Drama Club will meet Friday after school until 3:30.
  • Spirit Day – Friday spirit day is COLOR DAY – 7th grade wear BLUE and 8th grade wear GREEN.


  • Please remind your students of the importance of wearing their student ID every day.
  • NO ONE, student or adult, should be on campus without ID. IF you see someone without an ID please direct them to the office.