To: Kirk Widdison, Department Chair of the World Languages & International Studies
Re: Michael Paul 3-hourPDL Report
Dear Kirk,
During this Spring 2013 semester I have successfully completed the objectives of my 3-hour professional development leave. I was able to study and better understand China through a 17 day research trip to Chengdu, Chongqing, Guiyang and Kunming. Knowledge gained not only helped me fulfill my role as content advisor on a book project, but also directly impacted what I did this semester in my CHIN 102 and FDINT 205 classes. Attached is my proposed project explanation with comments (in green) on what was achieved during this leave. My comments are in green.
How does the proposed leave or load reduction benefit students, your program, and the institution?
Benefit to students:
1. Better prepared and informed instructor with personal experience in China
2. Up-to-date, first-person view into rapidly changing Chinese economy and society that will valuably inform course instruction and development.
This trip to China was an incredible experience. I have never gone to China just to do research. This experience totally changed the way I looked at China and interacted with the people and environment there. It was a meaningful paradigm shift, which opened my eyes to aspects of culture that I had been overlooking.
Benefit to program:
1. Record several hours of HD video footage that can be edited into video podcasts on a number of subjects for use in updating course content.
2. Take hundreds of still photos to be used in a like manner.
3. Gain deeper understanding of the Chinese language, culture (traditional and contemporary behavioral), politics, government, history, business culture, economy, environment and social structure.
4. Up-to-date, first-person view into rapidly changing Chinese economy and society that will valuably inform course instruction and development.
I unfortunately recorded very little video, but as a team, were able to take over 2,300 pictures related to the 10 areas listed below. Close observation and additional research into those ten areas helped deepen my understanding of China today.
Benefit to institution:
1. Faculty member is better prepared to answer specific questions about China, especially involving current issues.
2. Faculty member is better equipped to provide context (pictures, first-hand examples) to classroom discussions.
3. Faculty member is developing both content knowledge and academic depth.
4. Faculty member is engaging in language maintenance activities.
I began this semester energized from my trip to China. I was able to immediately incorporate experiences and knowledge gained into my CHIN 102 and FDINT 205 classes. Students benefited directly from the research I completed.
What will be the specific outcomes for this leave?
Outcome 1: Deepen personal understanding of contemporary Chinese culture and language in 10 areas:
The Origins of Chinese Culture
The Traditional Arts and Disciplines
The Unique Chinese Character
Language and Communication
The Chinese in the Workplace
Chinese Society and Daily Life
Food and Drink
Modern Chinese Music
Movies and TV
Outcome 2: Act as content advisor to the “A Geek in China” book project. This will include reading multiple drafts, providing content feedback and editing content.
This semester I was able to outline all the chapters and content for the book. Four of the chapters have been written and I have edited and contributed to each of them. The remaining six chapters will be completed by October and I will be involved in the editing process.
What kind of public review, exhibition, or performance is planned and what access will students have to that?
Knowledge gained during this project will be shared informally with my students and used to inform my teaching.
I have done this.
What intellectual or personal property will be produced in conjunction with this learning fellowship and what portion of that will become property of your department and what remains your property?
Intellectual property produced during this project includes hundreds of photos, hours of HD video, anecdotes, cultural notes, and linguistic notes. All intellectual property produced will be property of the department/university. In my role as content advisor I will not be authoring the text. Additionally, I will not be compensated for my work in this role.
This fall I will be involved with organizing the labeling the pictures taken during this trip. The Geek in China book is now under contract, but I will not be compensated for my work on it.
Does this involve other faculty (if yes, who will it involve and how will it involve them)?
The main author, Matthew B. Christensen, is a Professor of Chinese at BYU. I have collaborated with him on previous book and pedagogy projects and he has asked me to assist him with this project.
Continued collaboration with BYU continues to provide professional development opportunities and benefits our Chinese language program here at BYU-I.
Does this involve students (if yes, explain the type of student the number that will be involved)?
At this stage in project, students are not involved. Later, however, students will be given draft copies of the text to provide criticism and feedback.
We have not reached this point in the project yet. Most likely this will occur late in the fall.
Describe how the outcomes above will have a life beyond the leave.
The first outcome is to deepen my understanding of the 10 topics listed above. Heightened mastery will inform my daily lesson preparation, as well as my ability to engage students in the material being learned. My courses will be better as a result of my study and research.
The second outcome involves acting as a content advisor on a text that is being written. This work will result in a more accurate portrayal of the Chinese. Thus informing all who pick up the text.
This is an exciting and useful project that has already deepened my understanding of China. I’m looking forward to future projects.
Describe how this leave will enhance your ability in the use of the Learning Model.
The first step in the faculty process of the Learning Model is preparation. This individual ongoing mastery of subjects we teach was discussed in our last faculty meeting when President Clark explained that scholarship informs our teaching. This proposed professional development leave would allow me to study and deepen my understanding of language and culture in today’s China. As Marion G. Romney has said:
“I believe in study. I believe that mean learn much through study. As a matter of fact, it has been my observation that they learn little concerning things as they are, as they were, or as they are to come without study.” (Learning for the Eternities, 1977, p. 72)
Having this opportunity to study and better understand China would inform my CHIN and FDINT instruction, making me better able to engage my students and enhancing their ability to learn from both their peers and me.
Because research isn’t required of faculty, I think we forget just how beneficial it is for faculty and students alike. This project has directly informed my teaching this semester. I think scholarship should be required of faculty at BYU-Idaho. We would immediately see an improvement in the scholarship of learning and teaching.