Great Lakes Bengal Rescue, Inc.

Phone #: (260) 672-2204

Fax #: (260) 672-2204



Name of Cat: Color/Pattern:

Sex: XFemaleX MaleXAltered

DOB (May be approximate):Adoption Fee: $150.00



Address:City, State, Zip:

Phone #:Cell #:


GLBR accepts Paypal, cashiers check, money order, personal check, or cash. Pre-payment for Paypal address is: . Personal checks are accepted – we use a service call ReSubmitIt to secure payment for checks that “bounce”. By paying with a check, you agree to the following terms: In the event your check is dishonored or returned for any reason, you authorize us to electronically (or by paper draft) re-present the check to your bank account for collection of the amount of the check, plus any applicable fees as permitted by state law.

The Adopter agrees to the following Terms of Placement

Remember, you are his/her FOREVER provider and protector and this constitutes a lifetime committment. Under no circumstances will this cat be sold, or given away. Should Adopter be unable to keep said cat, GLBR, as outlined above, is to be notified prior to new placement. This Contract will stay in force and will be required to be signed by the GLBR representative as outlined above, and any New Adopter.

This cat will be kept indoors and not be allowed to roam freely outside.

As this cat is a “Rescue”, it is understood that papers may not be available.

This cat is being adopted/placed as a companion animal.

If cat is found to be neglected or mistreated, Adopter will surrender said cat to GLBR, as outlined above, unconditionally.

This cat will be given appropriate climbing trees, condos, sisal rope scratching boards/posts and “toys” as required to maintain its health and happiness.

Full adoption contributions are required to hold cat for more than 7 days.If moniesare not received to hold specified cat, the cat will be offered for adoption to another home after 7 days. (This is resulting from adopters ‘holding’ a cat, then not actually adopting the cat, after we have turned away several other homes that could have adopted the cat.)

There are no guarantees given on future health. This cat is placed as a “Rescue” and, therefore, health cannot be guaranteed. There will be no cash refunds

Adopter has three working days to have a Veterinary examination and/or blood tests on this cat for FELV, FIV, etc., should the Adopter so desire. However this cat has had the following prior to adoption:

  • Up To DateRabies and Vaccinations
  • De-wormed/flea/ear mites
  • FELV/FIV Neg.
  • Altered.
  • Current health records will be given with adoption.

Medical procedures such as vaccinations and surgeries can have adverse effects on animals that are stressed (such as relocating to a new home) or not in the best of health. Please refer to the Bringing Your New Rescue Bengal Home guidelinethat will allow your cat the best opportunity for a healthy adjustment to your home.

All vaccinations are current as shown on medical records provided. Any additional vaccinations, as needed, will be the responsibility of the Adopter. This cat is due for its next booster and/or rabies (1) YEAR WITHIN LAST NOTED ADMINISTERED DATE.

ANY LEGAL FEES incurred in upholding this Contract will be paid by the Adopter. Venue is in the State of Kentucky. Adopter agrees Owner/Foster as outlined above, and the Bengal Rescue Network, are free of any liabilities associated with the placement of this “Rescue”.

If this cat is not already declawed, I agree that I will never declaw this cat. ______(Initial)





GLBR RepresentativeDate

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