1. Name : Dr. Ramananda Rajbongshi

2. Father’s Name : Late Golok Rajbongshi

3. Mother’s Name : Late Purnima Rajbongshi

4. Department and Institution : Department of Statistics, Arya Vidyapeeth College,


5. Current Designation : Associate Professor

6. Email :

7. Date and Place of birth : 01.02.1958, Gohpur, Assam

8. Sex : Male

9. Marital Status : Married

10. Nationality : Indian

11. Present address : Birubari Professor Colony, House No 24, P.O. Gopinath

Nagar, Guwahati- 781016, Phone No- 9435349980

12. Research Degree(s) : Ph.D

13. Title of Degree : A Statistical Analysis of Cause Specific Mortality with Special Reference to Occupational Risk of Death Among Pensioners in Assam.

14. Participation in the corporate life of the institution:

(a) Prof-in-charge of Music & Cultural Affairs of college student body for 10 years(from 1990 to 2000)

(b) Prof-in-charge of Student Union and Student Welfare for 10 years (from 2001 to 2011)

(c) Convenor of College Admission Committee for the sessions 2004-05 and 2005-06

(d) Returning Officer of the Elections of Arya Vidyapeeth College Students Union for 7 years (from 2004 to 2011)

(e) Treasurer of the Arya Vidyapeeth College Alumni Association (Registered Society)

(f) Convenor of the Sub-committee of Volunteers, Golden Jubilee Celebration of the College

(g) Secretary of the Arya Vidyapeeth College Sanchay Aru Rindan Samabai Samity Ltd. (Registered Society) for

(h) Present Coordinator of the Steering Committee of B.Com course of the College

15. Period of teaching experience (in years): 30 years

16. Research Experience (in years): 5 years (excluding Ph.D works) (Two M.R.P. completed and one M.Phil degree awarded)

17. Details of research guidance: One student awarded M.Phil degree under my guidance in the year 2008 from Periyar University, Tamil Nadu, India

18. Administrative experience (in years): 15 years

(a) Superintendent of Arya Vidyapeeth College Boys’ Hostel for 5 years (1989-1994)

(b) Co-ordinator of the 3rd shift of TDC classes opened newly in the college.

(c) Assistant Officer-in-charge of College and University Examinations for 9 years (1989-1992, 1996-1999 and 2004-2007)

(d) Assistant Zonal Officer of TDC examinations (Arts, Science, Commerce) under Gauhati University: Zone-A (Sc), 1997, Zone-G (Arts), 1998, Zone-G (Com), 1999, Zone-G (Com), 2000

(e) Head of the Department of Statistics from September 2012 to October 2015

19. Research papers published:

1. A study of cause specific mortality for persons at ages 40 years and above in Guwahati city: 1991 and 2001; Demography India, Vol. 35, No. 2 (2006), pp. 319-336.

2. Risks and differentials of occupational mortality among pensioners after retirement in Assam, 1985-95; Assam Statistical Review, Vol. 18, No. 1-2 (2004), pp. 165-190.

3. The impact of some major causes of death on the life expectancy in Assam, 1991-95; Contributions to Applied and Mathematical Statistics; Vol. 2 (2004), pp. 112-122.

4. Cause specific mortality in Assam- estimation and analysis; 1981-85 and 1991-95; Dynamics of population and reproductive health, Vol-1, No. 1 (2003), pp. 213-229

20. Research projects carried out:

Sl No. / Title / Sponsored Agency / Period / Grant/Amount mobilized (Rs. In Lakh)
1 / Differential Risks of Mortality and Morbidity Among Pensioners After Retirement In The State of Assam, 1985-95 / University Grants Commission, NERO / 2000-2003 / Rs. 50,000.00
2 / Mortality Trend and Health Status in Rural Population of Assam, 1991-2000 / University Grants Commission, NERO / 2004-2006 / Rs. 90,000.00
21. Presentation of papers in Seminars/Conferences/Workshops etc:
Sl No. / Title of paper presented / Title of conference/seminar / Organized by / Level of workshop/seminar
1 / Risks of Differentials of Occupational Mortality Among Pensioners After Retirement in Assam, 1985-95 / International Conference on Recent Trends in Probability and Statistics / Jointly by Department of Statistics, Gauhati University and ISI, Kolkata
(Dec 31,2002and Jan 1-2,2003 / International
2 / A Study of Cause Specific Mortality for Persons at Ages 40 Years and Above in Guwahati City: 1991 and 2001 / National Seminar on Population and Development in North East India / Jointly by IIPS, Mumbai and Departments of Geography and Economics, NEHU, Shillong
(Feb 25 - 27, 2004) / National
3 / Cause Specific Mortality in Assam- Estimation and Analysis / North Eastern Regional Workshop on Population and Health: Towards Achieving National Population Policy, 2000 Goal / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University and IASP
(Nov 26 - 28, 2001) / Regional

22. Participation in Conferences/Seminars/Workshops etc:

Sl No. / Title of Conference/Seminar / Organized by / Level of workshop/seminar
1 / Workshop on Statistical Techniques in Health Sciences / Jointly by Department of Statistics, Gauhati University and ISI, Kolkata
(March 23 - 25,2002) / State
2 / National Seminar on Higher Education Development in the North Eastern States: Towards an Action Plan / University Grants Commission, NERO
(Nov 14-15,2003) / National
3 / Seminar on Statistics and Operation Research: Their Applications to Diverse Fields / Jointly by Department of Statistics and Computer Science, Gauhati University
(Dec 30-31,1995) / Local University
4 / Seminar on Statistics: Understanding Our Universe / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University
(July 1,2010) / Local University
5 / Faculty Development Programme on SPSS 16.0 / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University
(Nov 14-15,2008) / State
6 / International Conference on Recent Trends in Probability and Statistics / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University
(Dec 31,2002) / International
7 / National Seminar on Population and Development in North East India / Jointly by IIPS, Mumbai and Departments of Geography and Economics, NEHU, Shillong
(Feb 25-27,2004) / National
8 / North Eastern Regional Workshop on Population and Health: Towards Achieving National Population Policy, 2000 Goal / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University
(Nov 26-28,2001) / Regional
9 / North-East Region Workshop on Demographic Surveys in Rural India: State of the Art / Jointly by ISI, Kolkata and Department of Statistics, Arya Vidyapeeth College
(Jun 16-18,2012) / Regional
10 / National Seminar on Recent Trends in Statistics and its Applications / Jointly by Department of Statistics, Dibrugarh University and Department of Statistics, Arya Vidyapeeth College
(Feb 3-4,2012) / National
11 / International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Statistics and its Applications in Applied Sciences / Jointly organised by ISI, Kolkata and Dept. of Statistics, Gauhati University
(Dec 31,2012 and Jan 1-2,2013) / International

23. Invited Lectures in Conferences/Symposia as Resource Person:

Sl No. / Title of Lecture/Academic Session / Title of Seminar/Conference / Sponsored by / Organized by / Level of seminar/conference
1 / Optimization Techniques / Training Programme on Research Methodology and Data Processing Using SPSS (February 21-27, 2012) / ICSSR, New Delhi / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University / National
2 / Schedule, Interview, Data Collection: Primary and Secondary / Training Programme on Computer and Statistical Methods in Social Science Research (April 18-27, 2013) / ICSSR, New Delhi / Department of Statistics, Gauhati University / National
3 / Methods of Forecasting of Demands / Training Programme on Inventory Control and its Applications (Oct 5-10,2015) / DST, Govt. Of India / Department of Statistics, Arya Vidyapeeth College / Regional
