Bene GmbH, Schwarzwiesenstrasse 3, A-3340 Waidhofen / Ybbs

Phone +43-7442-500-0, Fax +43-7442-500-3380


Company: BENE GmbH Legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (private limited company) Headquarters: Waidhofen/Ybbs
Commercial Registry Number 444783v Place of jurisdiction: Landesgericht St. Pölten DPR: 0006203 1 / 2


Bene GmbH, Schwarzwiesenstrasse 3, A-3340 Waidhofen / Ybbs

Phone +43-7442-500-0, Fax +43-7442-500-3380



World’s first 3D office opens – interior design by Bene

Waidhofen an der Ybbs, 16/06/2016: The world’s first ever office building produced using a 3D printing process was opened at a glamourous ceremony yesterday evening in Dubai in the presence of about 50 invited guests and partners, including His Excellency Mohammed Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs & the Future in the Federal Government of the United Arab Emirates, Mr. Saif Al Aleeli, CEO of the Dubai Future Foundatin, and other prestigious guests. Bene was responsible for the interior design and concept development at the “Office of the Future”. The international office furniture expert furnished the building at the invitation of the Dubai government, with innovative furniture and a futuristic innovation area, the BENE IDEA LAB.

The “Office of the Future” is the first major project by the Dubai Futures Foundation, a government initiative aimed at promoting pioneering and innovative projects and partnerships. The project forms part of a comprehensive strategy that presents novel solutions to meet the challenges of the 21st Century, and which places the future of real estate, construction and design at the heart of its research activities.

Bene was able to win the client over as a partner for the interior design of the ambitious building with an innovative concept that precisely met the client’s requirements, is futuristic and promotes completely new work processes. The furnished premises will be used as a temporary office for the team at the Dubai Futures Foundation during the construction of the “Museum of the Future”. Bene therefore also placed teamwork and communication at the centre of its office concept. The Bene IDEA LAB forms the centrepiece of the building as a workshop room with intelligent media technology that promotes creative processes. The building also provides space for exhibitions and events.

Bene scored points with the strength of its innovation in this exciting project and was able to make a statement in the interior with essential design features“, says Michael Fried, Managing Director for Sales, Marketing and Innovation at Bene regarding the high level of appreciation shown by the government in Dubai, adding: “With our contribution to the Office of the Future, Bene has once again positioned itself as an international provider of inspiring office and working environments, and shown that investments in futuristic and innovative working environments can have a decisive influence on a company’s economic success.“

As the world’s first building produced using 3D printing, the Office of the Future is a fully functional building featuring electricity, water, and telecommunications and air-conditioning systems. The model was printed over a period of just 17 days using a printer that was 6 metres high and 45 metres long. His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai summarises the significance of the 3D printing as follows: “We view this project as a reference point in the development of 3D technology, which will be of major significance for governments, as well as for international research and development centres. We are documenting our experiences with 3D printing over the course of the project and want to build on our experiences so that we can develop the technology even further.”

About Bene

The international office expert specialises in the design and furnishing of modern offices and working environments. Bene defines the office as a living space, and its concepts, products, and services turn this philosophy into reality. The Bene Group is a globally active company with its head office and production facilities in Waidhofen an der Ybbs/Austria. Development, design and production along with consulting and sales are thereby united under one Austrian roof. As a significant market player in Europe, Bene stands for innovative concepts, inspiring offices, and high-quality design, and develops and produces customised solutions for all company sizes – from one-person companies to SMEs and global corporations.

For questions and more information:

Juergen Loeschenkohl, Director Sales MEA_India_Far East & Australia
Telephone: +43-(0)7442-500-0 Mobile: +43-676-8151 4049

Photo: © Office-of-the-future©Bene-GmbH

© Bene GmbH, no charge for printing. Sample copy requested

Photo: © Office-of-the-future-opening©Bene-GmbH

© Bene GmbH, no charge for printing. Sample copy requested

Photo: © Office-of-the-future-2©Bene-GmbH

© Bene GmbH, no charge for printing. Sample copy requested

Photo: © Office-of-the-future-IDEA-LAB©Bene-GmbH

© Bene GmbH, no charge for printing. Sample copy requested

Company: BENE GmbH Legal form: Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (private limited company) Headquarters: Waidhofen/Ybbs
Commercial Registry Number 444783v Place of jurisdiction: Landesgericht St. Pölten DPR: 0006203 1 / 2