Statistical Tests:

Two methods can be used to test the serial correlation. They are:

(a) Durbin-Watson test:

Let be the correlation between and , for example, as

correlation between and .

We want to determine whether there exists correlation between the observations. That is, testing vs .

Note: the other hypothesis equivalent to this above hypothesis is

’s are uncorrelated vs ,

where and is independent of and .

That is,

’s are uncorrelated vs ’s are autoregressive residuals with log 1.

Durbin-Watson statistic:

The Durbin-Watson statistic for testing




Properties of Durbin-Watson statistic:

l  :

Since , thus




(very strong positive correlation), .

(very strong negative correlation), .

(no correlation), .

[Heuristic Justification:]

Suppose and

as is small compared to . Thus,



, ,

Primary Durbin-Watson Test:


where and are some critical values which can be found in table 7.1.

(Draper & Smith, pp. 184~192).

Note: in table 7.1, sample size, number of covariates.




Suppose the following are the residuals from the model


/ / / / ... / /
0.12 / 0.66 / 0.72 / -0.32 / … / -0.64 / -0.68


Then, if we want to test , we obtain

(by table 7.1). Since , we reject . That is, we conclude there exist serial correlation in residuals.

Note: the inconclusive feature of the tests above is not attractive.

A Simplified, Approximate Durbin-Watson Test:




(b) Run test:

Motivating Example:

Suppose we have the following 5 residuals:

-1.5 / -2.1 / 0.4 / -0.7 / -0.6 / 1.8

The signs of the above residuals are

(- -) (+) (- -) (+),

total 4 runs. Intuitively, a very small number of runs imply that the residuals might have positive serial correlation, for example, for only one run, (+ + + ...)

. On the other hand, a very large number of runs (a very large number of sign switches) imply the residuals might have negative serial correlation, for example, (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-)....

For 6 residuals, suppose there are 2 positive residuals and 4 negative residuals. Then, the following sign arrangements are possible:

Arrangements / Number of runs
(+ +) (- - - -) / 2
(+) (-) (+) (- - -) / 4
(+) (- -) (+) (- -) / 4
(+) (- - -) (+) (-) / 4
(+) (- - - -) (+) / 3
(-) (+ +) (- - -) / 3
(-) (+) (-) (+) (- -) / 5
(-) (+) (- -) (+) (-) / 5
(-) (+) (- - -) (+) / 4
(- -) (+ +) (- -) / 3
(- -) (+) (-) (+) (-) / 5
(- -) (+) (- -) (+) / 4
(- - -) (+ +) (-) / 3
(- - -) (+) (-) (+) / 4
(- - - -) (+ +) / 2

There are totally combinations. The distribution of runs is

Runs / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Frequency / 2 / 4 / 6 / 3
Empirical probability / / / /
Cumulative Empirical Probability / / / / 1

As we want to know if too few runs occur with , then, the hypothesis is


If we have 6 observations, then 6 residuals could be obtained. Suppose the number of runs of 6 residuals is 2. Thus, we would conclude too few runs since


On the other hand, if the number of runs of the 6 residuals is greater than 2, then we would not reject . As we want to know if too many runs occur with , then, the hypothesis is


Suppose the number of runs of 6 residuals is 5. Thus, we would conclude too many runs since


On the other hand, if the number of runs of the 6 residuals is smaller than 5, then we would not reject .

Run Test:

Let be the sample size, be the number of positive residuals, be the number of negative residuals and be the number of runs.

(I) Small sample size, :

The p-values for the run test can be found in tables 7.5 and 7.6 (pp. 196~197).


Suppose we fit a regression model. 20 residuals, 10 positive and 10 negative, were obtained. Suppose the runs of signs are 5. Is this an unusually small number at level??


(by table 7.5). We conclude there are too few runs.

(I) Large sample size, :

As the sample size is large, it is convenient to use a normal approximation, , where and . Thus,

as the residuals are uncorrelated and testing for too few runs.

as testing for too many runs.





Suppose we fit a regression model. 27 residuals, 15 positive and 12 negative, were obtained. Suppose the runs of signs are 7. Does the arrangement of signs appear to have “too few runs”?



too few runs!!