Office Address: Department of Sociology
University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 275993210
9199621007 (Dept. of Sociology)
Home: 919 967-6003 Fax #9199627568
B.A. (Physics), HarvardUniversity, 1958
Ph.D. (Sociology), ColumbiaUniversity, 1962
Languages Spoken: French, German, Hungarian
Professional Employment
1962 66 Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of California at Los
1966 73 Assistant to Associate Professor of Sociology, YaleUniversity
1973 80 Professor of Sociology, VanderbiltUniversity
1980 02 Professor of Sociology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
2002 - Emeritus professor
Grants, Fellowships
Grant from the Concilium on International Studies, YaleUniversity. To undertake
research in Uganda, 1966. at MakerereUniversity
Recipient of SSRC and NSF grants, and a Ford Foundation Faculty Fellowship to study
"Social Structure and Innovation: A Study of African Entrepreneurs in Zambia".
1970-71. at University of Zambia
Guggenheim Fellow, 197576. Working on formal models in social exchange theory,
and affiliated with G.E.M.A.S., C.N.R.S., Paris.
IDRC (Canada) grant. To study the demographic impacts of agricultural modernization
in Zambia, Summer 1982.
Grant by Volkswagen Foundation for Research on the History of Probability Theory in
the Sciences, 1983. at BielefeldUniversity
University of North Carolina Research Council grant. To study the New Religious and
Political Right in North Carolina, 198283.
Fulbright Lectureship to the People's Republic of China, 198586. atBeijing Foreign
Fulbright award for Lectureship in Hungary funded by USAID and the Presidential
Initiative for Eastern Europe, 199192, at BudapestUniversity of Economic Sciences
Grant by the National Council for Soviet Union and East European Research for
"Privatization of Hungarian Agriculture: Building Post-Communist Institutions,"
March 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996.
Grant from United States Institute of Peace, “Ethno-national conflict and its prevention 1998.
Grant from National Science Foundation, “Cooperation and Conflict: Encounters
between Europeans and Non-Europeans,”1998-1999.
Fulbright New Century Scholars Program, 2003, grant for research on “shared sovereignty in deeply divided societies”, at University of Ulster.
Empirical Social Research in Germany. The Hague: Mouton, 1965. New York: Basic
Books,1966. German translation and publication, 1995
The Establishment of Empirical Sociology, New York: Harper and Row, 1972.
Editor and Author of two chapters:
"The sociological study of the history of social research," pp. 114.
"The institutionalization of American sociology," pp. 187251.
Social Conflict and Social Movements, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1973.
African Businessmen and Development in Zambia, coauthored with Andrew Beveridge,
Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1979.
Social Movements: Ideologies, Interests, and Identities. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Books, 1993.
Conflict and Peacebuilding in Divided Societies. Responses to Ethnic Violence, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2007
“Vojislav Seselj’s nationalist propaganda: contents, techniques, aims and impacts, 1990-1994” an expert report for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia” pp.54, plus an appendix of 254 records
Visual Media
"Privatization in Hungarian Agriculture," (1996) 28 minute video cassette documentary
produced for the U.S. Agency for International Development.
Articles and Chapters (since 1990)
"The 1960 SitIns: Protest Diffusion and Movement TakeOff, " in Research in Social
Movements, Conflict, and Change, Vol. 11, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1989, 31-53.
"Incentives, governance, and development in Chinese collective agriculture," in Michael
Hechter, KarlDieter Opp, and Reinhard Wippler, eds, Social Institutions: Their emergence,
maintenance and effects, Chicago, Aldine De Gruyter, 1990, 265-289.
"Rational Choice in Collective Protests", in Rationality and Society, 6(1) Jan. 1994, pp 79
"Protest Demonstrations and the End of Communist Regimes in 1989," in Research in
Social Movements, Conflict, and Change, 17, 1994, 1-24. JAI Press.
"Rules, Norms, Morality: Their Emergence and Enforcement," Angewante Sozialforschung
18(3)1993-94, pp133-154.
"Opportunities and Framing in the East European Revolutions of 1989," Mayer Zald, Doug McAdam and John McCarthy, Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements, 1996, New York, CambridgeUniversity Press, 93-121.
"Regles, Normes, Morale," in Annee Sociologique,14, 1994, 357-384.
With Hyo Jung Kim. "Identity and Action," in Mobilization, 1(1), 1996, 63-86.
"The great transition: China, Hungary and Sociology Exit Socialism into the Market," Am. Jo. of Soc. 101(4), Jan 1996, 1028-1041.
"The Breakup of Yugoslavia," in Frederick Weil ed. Research on Democracy and Society, 3, 1996, 355-377, JAI Press.
"The End of Yugoslavia," Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, 18(3), 1996, 78-105.
With Zsuzsa Hanto, "A piacgazdaság születése," in Zoltán Kárpáti, ed. Társadalmi és Területi Folyamatok, 1997, Budapest, HTA. (English title: Birth of the market economy)
"Theories and Realities of Ethnic Violence: Bosnia," in Sociological Analysis 1(3), Sept. 1998
"Why False Beliefs Are Believed: The Little Rascals Child Sex Abuse Prosecutions," in Essays in Honor of Raymond Boudon, Paris, PUF, 2000, 296-309.
"Collective Violence in Bosnia," Journal of Social Science, 2 and 3 (1), Pp 1-15, (Orissa, India), 1998.
"Rational Choice and the Empirical Analysis of Action," in Paul Lazarsfeld, 1901-1976, ed. Lautman, Jacques and Bernard Lecuyer. Paris, L’Harmattan, 383-398. 1998.
“Shared Sovereignty: Cooperative Institutions for Deeply Divided Societies”, Sociological Ananlysis 2 (5), 1999, 71-78
"From ethnic cooperation to violence and war in Yugoslavia," in Daniel Chirot and Martin Seligman, eds. Ethnopolitical Warfare, Washington,D.C., ASA Press, 2001
"Bosnia: What now?" In Bozider Jaksic, Tolerance, Belgrade 1999, 179-189.
"Paul F. Lazarsfeld" International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, Oxford, Elsevier
"Action, collective" International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2001, Oxford, Elsevier
“Social Movements and the Transition to Democracy”, 2001, in Todd Eisenstadt ed. Democratization 7 (3) , 25-45
"Privatizing Socialist Farming in Hungary: Interest, Efficiency, and Equity," in Rationality and Society, 12 (1), Feb. 2000, 5-24.
"How to Prevent Genocide," Contemporary Sociology, 29 (1), Jan.2000, 1-12
“The manipulation of ethnicity: from cooperation to violence and war in Yugoslavia”, Ethnic andRacial Studies 23 (6) Nov. 2000, 982-1001
“The theory of collective action versus the Dodo” in Angewante Soziologie 22 (1/2), 2001, 74-80, 88-90
“Debalkanizing the Balkans: Prospects for peace and democracy in Southeast Europe” in Fatos Tarifa and Max Spoor eds. Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, 2001
with Zsuzsa Hanto, “Birth of a market economy: Hungarian agriculture after socialism” in Kevin Leicht ed. The Future of Market Transition:Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, vol 19, 2002, 77-102
“Terrorism: the collective action approach” in Sociological Theory 22:1 March 2004,
“Max Weber” in Encyclopedia of Social Measurement, Vol.3 (2005) Elsevier, pp.963-966
with Michael Seidman, “Food Coercion in Revolution and Civil War: who wins and how they do it”, in Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2005, pp.372-402
with Ken Palmer, “The Failure of Moderate Politics: the case of Northern Ireland” in Ian O’Flynn and David Russell, eds. New Challenges for Power Sharing. Institutional and SocialReform in Divided Societies, 2005, London, Pluto Press
“An Empirical Assessment of Weber’s ‘Objectivity of Social Science Knowledge’” in Laurence McFalls ed. Max Weber’s “Objectivity” Revisited, 2007, Toronto, Toronto UP.
“The historical roots of public opinion research”, in Wolfgang Donsbach and Michael Traugott, Handbook of Public Opinion Research, Sage, 2007
“Conflict and Conciliation Dynamics” in Adrian Bejan and Gilbert Merkx, eds. Constructal Theory of SocialDynamics, 2007, New York, Springer, 169-182
“The New Social Science,” Review of Sociology (Budapest), 13(2007) 1, 89-95
“Conflict Theory” in Craig Jenkins ed. Handbook of Politics: State and Society in Global Perspective, (2010), chapter 10, Springer Verlag
“How democracies fight insurgents and terrorists” Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict 1 (2), July 2008, 107-141
“Post Trauma Ethnic Cooperation and Separation” Sociological Analysis 2 (Autumn 2008) 29-42
Sage Encyclopedia of Political Science, 2010, “Political Mobilization”
“How Democracies Should Fight Insurgents and Terrorists”, in Mohamed Cherkaoui and Peter Hamilton eds., Raymond Boudon. A Life in Sociology, vol.4, 2010, Bardwell Press, Oxford
“Memory, Historical Responsibility, Truth and Justice,” 2010, Corvinus Journal of Sociology, Budapest, Corvinus University
“Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing”, The Routledge Companion to Race and Ethnicity, 2010 edited by Charlton McIlwain and Maynard Caliendo
“Ethnic Cleansing” Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization, 2010, ed. George Ritzer,
“The two state solution: wrong goal or wrong leaders?” Ethnopolitics 10 (3 and 4) 2011 pp457-459
“Introduction” Zsuzsa Hanto, Banished Families, 2011, Budapest Maghar Haz, pp9-13
“Propaganda, Hate Speech and Mass Killing” in Predrag Dojcinovic ed. Propaganda, War Crimes Trials and International Law: From Speaker’s Corner to War Crimes, 2011, Abingdon, Routledge
Note: Short vita omits book reviews, conference presentations and other papers and talks, membership and position in professional associations and other professional activities.