Table of Contents Page

Introduction 2

Current Year Activities:

Professional Staff Workshop Opportunities

DCC Professional Staff Development Workshops 3

Academic Affairs Programs 4

DCC In-service Computer Training Courses 4

Human Resources Management Programs 5

Tuition Support

DCC Tuition Reimbursement 6

SUNY Tuition Waiver 7

DCC Tuition Waiver 7

DCC Credit Courses Audited 7

DCC Credit-free Course Attendance 7

Grant Support

Improvement of Instruction Grants 8

Publishing/Royalties 9

C. B. Schmidt Award ('95-'96) 9

DCC Foundation Mini-grant Awards ('95-'96) 10

Individual Professional Fund Allowance 13

Encouraging External Grants 13

External Grants 14

Professional Leave Support

Conference Attendance 15

Sabbatical Leaves

Faculty ('95-'96) 16

Administrators ('95-'96) 16

Professional Staff Recognition

Length of Service 17

Faculty Promotions and Tenure 18

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service 19

Administrative Three Year Term Appointments / Renewals 19

NTE Promotions 19

Next Year Preview:

Grant Support

C. B. Schmidt Award ('96-'97) 20

DCC Foundation Mini-grant Awards ('96-'97) 20

Professional Leave Support

Sabbatical Leaves and Leaves of Absence

Faculty ('96-'97) 21


Commitment to the development of all the professional staff at Dutchess Community College is a continuing goal of the institution. This Professional Development Report shows not only the diversity and quality of activities undertaken by the professional staff, but also the willingness of the College to commit time, personnel and financial resources to support these activities. DCC is recognized by other colleges as a leader in professional development.

n The Office of Academic Affairs administers Tuition Reimbursement, SUNY Tuition Waivers, DCC Credit-free course attendance, conference attendance, Improvement of Instruction Grants, contact hour release time, faculty sabbaticals and leaves, faculty promotion & tenure, the C. B. Schmidt and DCC Foundation Mini-grant Awards, and the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service.

n The Office of Human Resources Management administers the DCC Tuition Waiver, the Length of Service Awards, and administrative staff sabbaticals, promotions and term appointments.

n The Office of the Registrar administers audits of DCC credit courses.

n The Business Office coordinates with the principal authors of external grants.

n The Computer Center conducts regular in-service computer training.

n The Professional Staff Development Committee, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, coordinates a program of staff development workshops.

n The Office of Human Resources Management also coordinates a program of staff development workshops.

Many people provided information used in this report. Special thanks go to Delores Blauvelt, Nancy Clark, Paul Higgins, Alice Kelleher, Ron Kupin, Cathy McCue, Barbara Pesano, Kelly Smith and Chris Turner.

This is the fourth annual Professional Development Report. The Office of Academic Affairs is pleased to present this summary of professional development at Dutchess Community College for 1995 - '96. We hope you share in the continuing pride we feel for the fine accomplishments of our colleagues and ourselves.

Additional copies of this report may be obtained from the Office of Academic Affairs.

Madison K. Finley, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs


DCC Professional Staff Development Workshops

The Professional Staff Development Committee, in conjunction with the Office of Academic Affairs, sponsored the following professional development programs this year:

Professional Development Keynote Workshops, August 1995

Judith Dorney: "Solutions"

John Kellermeyer: "Technical Fields"

Fall Semester

Encouraging Student Success - Strategies for Learning

Professional Development Week, January 1996

Where to Turn (Academic Support Services)

Impact of Current Trends in Reading

Earth, Wind and Fire - A Ceramic Experience

DCC Library Open House

National Issues Forum Workshop

Spring Semester

Images of Beijing

Professional Development Week, May 1996

DCC Internet Tools

Meeting Another Challenge: AIDS Update

Copyright: Instructional and Technology Issues

Critical Thinking and the Teaching Process

Scanning and Digital Imaging

Mediation/Alternative Dispute Resolution

The Poughkeepsie Institute

Vassar College Guided Historical Tour

Mapping Professional Staff Development at DCC

China Adventure

Internet and the Curriculum/U.S. Satellite Laboratory Seminar

Decameron V on Esopus Island


Academic Affairs Programs

The Office of Academic Affairs conducted the following professional development programs this year:

Academic Affairs /Division Retreat

Adjunct Faculty Orientation

Departmental Affairs Council Retreats

First-year Faculty Roundtable Discussions

New Full-time Faculty Academic Orientation

Orientation for New Full-time Members of the Professional Staff

Promotion and Tenure Workshop

Writing Center Roundtable Lunch Series

DCC In-service Computer Training Courses (offered each semester)

The Computer Center sponsored the following professional development programs this year:

Introduction to Personal Computers & DOS 3 hours

Introduction to Networking 3 hours

WordPerfect Office 3 hours

Introduction to WordPerfect 5.1 9 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Intermediate Course 9 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Advanced Course 9 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Specifics (COLUMNS) 3 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Specifics (GRAPHICS) 3 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Specifics (MERGE) 3 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Specifics (TABLES) 3 hours

WordPerfect 5.1 Problems / Tricks 2 hours

WordPerfect Macros 2 hours

Introduction to Lotus 1-2-3 9 hours

Lotus 1-2-3 (Intermediate) 9 hours

IMPRESS & UMI Periodical Abstracts 3 hours

Scanner operation 1 hour

The Internet 4 hours

E-mail 2 hours

Student Registration using COCO 2 hours

Introduction to Windows 3.1 3 hours

n Special training for individual departments also can be arranged. Contact the Computer Center.


Human Resources Management Programs

The Office of Human Resources Management offered the following staff development workshops this year:

Supervision and Management Development

Effective Management

Leadership in a Quality Environment

Team Leadership Development

Budget Management

Managing Conflict

Organizational Skills

Communication Skills

Effective Listening

Quality Student/Customer Contact

CQI Tools

The Role of the Supervisor in a CQI Environment

The Use of Quality Tools and Techniques

Personal/Career Development

Time Management

Assertiveness Training

Sexual Harassment Training

Career Exploration for Classified Staff

Is Early Retirement for Me?

Retirement Planning for Classified Staff

Humor in the Workplace

Health and Safety

Stress Reduction


Right to Know Law

Health Insurance Update


DCC Tuition Reimbursement (Account #5113)

Thirty-seven faculty and administrators received support totalling $18,759.

Seemin Ahmad

Gloria Ayala-St. Charles

Domenica Bellacicco

Shaun Boyce

Julett Butler

Bruce Cassel

Mette Christiansen

Pat Delessio

Mary Lou Della Guardia

Toni Doherty

Pam Duda

Chaneta Duhart

Sondra Giordano

Jackie Goffe-McNish

Roy Gross

Ingeborg Grutzner

Johanna Halsey

Martin Hochhauser

Karen Ingham

Larry Johnson

Kathy King

Susan LaFosse

Deborah Langenau

Linda LaRou

Maryann Longhi

James Miller

Patria Mestey-Perez

Deborah Most

Victoria Passikoff

Nestor St. Charles

George Stevens

Regina Tramantozzi

Joanne Tucker

Mareve VanVoorhis

Wendy Walker

Francis Whittle

Tony Zito

All applicants are encouraged to file in the fall for available funds. Second and third opportunities to apply for remaining funds occur prior to the spring and summer semesters.


SUNY Tuition Waiver

Five members of the professional staff used SUNY Tuition Waivers totalling $3,000:

Toni Doherty

Pamela Duda

Chaneta Duhart

Linda LaRou

James Miller

DCC Tuition Waiver (Account #5701)

Members of the professional staff used the DCC Tuition Waiver for themselves and/or their immediate family members to take DCC credit courses at no charge. As of August 1, 1996, the total amount of the College contribution to this benefit for the 1995 - '96 year was $19,736.

Semester: Waivers:

Fall 1995 14

Spring 1996 15

Summer 1996 15

DCC Credit Courses Audited

Two members of the professional staff audited DCC credit courses.

DCC Credit-free Course Attendance

Thirty-one approvals were issued for DCC professional staff to take job-related credit-free courses, with a total tuition amount of $2,117, as of August 1, 1996.


Improvement of Instruction Grants (Account #5704)

Thirty-four faculty and administrators received support as of August 1, 1996 totalling $20,935.

Tom Andrew

Jackie Appeldorn

Mary Biasotti

Mickey Bashoff

Jim Brazee

Dorothy Decker

Elisabeth Deran

Karen Desmond

Joel Diemond

Toni Doherty

Matt Finley

Sondra Giordano

Johanna Halsey

Gail Hermosilla

Martin Hochhauser

Henry Horwitz

Larry Johnson

Mario Johnson

Barbara Kaelber

Susan LaFosse

Pat Lamanna

Anne Landry

Barbara Liesenbein

Mark McConnaughhay

Jim Miller

Debbie Most

Joseph Norton

Richard Reitano

Diana Staats

George Stevens

Judy Tavel

Leigh Williams

Bob Wills

Tony Zito


C. B. Schmidt Award, 1995 - '96

Until his death in 1968, C. B. Schmidt served as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Dutchess Community College. His ten years of service to the college guided it during a period of rapid growth. He was actively concerned with the expansion of Dutchess' curriculums as well as its physical facilities. Mr. Schmidt's contributions as Chairman of the Board were recognized by the professional staff with the establishment of a development fund in his name.

The criteria for awards has been the "anticipated contribution to the development of the DCC professional staff."

Members of the 1995 C. B. Schmidt Awards Committee were David Schmidt (family member), Lynette Mckinney, Sandra Giordano, Leigh Williams and Madison Finley (Chairperson). After careful consideration, the Committee recommended the following award:

Gail Hermosilla, Director of Planning and Institutional Research, will receive an award of $1000 to learn the Geographic Information System (GIS) computer system. The professional staff will benefit by having a resource to analyze and compare data from unrelated databases that was previously not feasible without the use of this sophisticated computer system. One objective of this project is to enhance the ability of the College to identify target markets for recruiting efforts.


DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards, 1995 - '96

All applications were considered. Priority was given to projects that address one of the two college objectives for this year:

Improving Student Recruitment and Retention, or

Promoting Cultural Diversity

Members of the 1995 DCC Foundation Mini-Grant Awards Committee were Jackie Appeldorn, Rita Banner, Lois Stewart, Barbara Liesenbein, Lowell Butler, Seemin Ahmad and Madison Finley, (Chairperson). After careful review of the twenty applications, the Committee recommended the following distribution of awards, totalling $20,997:


Tanya Marcuse $1,052 High school multicultural recruiting project

Loretto Canfield $225 High school Biology pilot newsletter

Deborah Weibman $1,100 Co-curricular history form

Susan Mead $750 Purchase START software

Howard Himelstein $1,110 ASSET testing, third year

Howard Himelstein $3,000 Recruiting video

Mary Biasotti $900 Purchase COMPASS software

Dana vanderHeyden $2,250 Activities of PSO ad-hoc Advising Committee

Camilo Rojas $2,962 'Learning in Progress'

Camilo Rojas/Steve Wymore $2,968 Communications recruiting video workshop

Johanna Halsey $2,145 Coordinate with math high school teachers

June Pierson $1,500 Presenter at U.N. women's conference - China

Leigh Williams $1,035 Host workshop to explore Teaching Center

Aaron Rand $500 Sponsor High School Architecture Competition

Some projects received partial funding. A summary of each funded project follows:

Tanya Marcuse

$1,052.00 This is the second year of a successful project. Area minority high school students are exposed to the opportunities and facilities for photography at DCC. The project increases cultural diversity within the DCC Visual Arts Program and strengthens ties to community organizations by a series of photography workshops with the Poughkeepsie YMCA's Teens in Action Program.

Loretto Canfield

$225.00 This project increased recruitment of local high school students into DCC science and technology programs. The grant provided funding for a pilot issue of a newsletter to area science teachers featuring articles by DCC science and technology faculty and by local science teachers.

Deborah Weibman

$1,100.00 This project provided full funding to create a scannable version of the Co-Curricular History and Interest Form given to freshmen applicants. The scannable form is easier for students to fill out and easier for the Registrar's Office to handle. It will enable coaches, musical directors and club advisors to receive listings and mailing labels for recruiting purposes.

Susan Mead

$750.00 This project provided full funding to purchase S*T*A*R*T (Student Aid Research Through Technology) software and 1000 data forms. The software will enable DCC to improve its recruitment and retention of students by providing them additional sources of possible financial aid. The S*T*A*R*T software was made affordable through a special agreement with SUNY Central.

Howard Himelstein

$1,110.00 This project continues and expands the successful project of last year to test high school juniors using the ASSET tests and provide feedback to area high school students and guidance staff. The new schools are Roosevelt and Beacon. Preliminary data has shown that this Mini-grant project is having a positive effect on student retention.

Howard Himelstein

$3,000.00 This project funded the production of a video tape that will increase the recruitment rate of students who take our ASSET test but who have not yet decided to matriculate. The tape will also be shown at Parent's Night and College Night. The tape should increase the perception of quality of the DCC experience among potential students and their parents.

Mary Biasotti, Rita Weber-McKee and Howard Himelstein

$900.00 This project purchased COMPASS software, the computerized diagnostic version of ASSET. Use of COMPASS will allow for recruitment of students who do poorly on ASSET and who could benefit from a more thorough analysis of their specific areas of weakness.

Dana vanderHeyden for the Ad-Hoc Committee on Advisement

$2,250.00 This project provided full funding that enabled the Committee to send two representatives to the annual conference of the National Academic Advising Association in Nashville, and to sponsor the visit of a nationally-known consultant to our campus to assess D.C.C.'s academic advising program. The Committee's deliberations culminated in a comprehensive report to the Professional Staff Organization which included an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of our current practices, in addition to detailed recommendations for revising the current system of advisement.

Camilo Rojas

$2,962.00 This project continues to be visible to the entire community over the weekly TV program, "Learning in Progress" on Saturday afternoons on Channel 42. The award provided full funding for travel, video and audio tapes and will promote cultural diversity through its programming. DCC Communications students won first prize in the documentary category of the national competition sponsored by the Community College Association for Instruction and Technology.

Camilo Rojas and Steve Wymore

$2,968.00 This project provided full funding for a video and audio competition open to area high school students who are potential Communications majors. The most promising students were encouraged to attend DCC through their participation in a four-week media workshop.