17 January, 2017 7pm

Hotel K&K George

  1. With attendance and apologies and proxies counted, the meeting was declared quorate and called to order by Chair, Linda Wade.
  2. Minutes of AGM Sept15, 2015 were approved. Followup items from last AGM discussed briefly
  • Mobile mast – nothing further heard from residents, is this still an issue?
  • Thames Water Survey– showed that north of Penywern Road there were only 2 reported problems but south of there, 125 reported issues of low pressure. Any further feedback, please direct to Linda Wade.
  • Conservation Area Statement- will be re-evaluated. If there are particular aspects residents wish to make sure are included, please communicate them as there will be a meeting and walkabout with the Conservation Officer.
  • Closure of Post Office on Earl’s Court Road – despite huge public outcry, the facility was closed and service consolidated into Kensington High Street branch. Several attendees noted that the Ken High Street branch sometimes seems overloaded and wait times can be high.
  • Licensing – Ping has closed and a Chinese restaurant will open in the space, their request to provide karaoke withdrawn. A small win for the residents who live above and nearby.
  • West Cromwell Rd – re-landscaping will now go ahead as will the Zaha Hadid hoarding.
  1. Accounts – Treasurer Sandra Yarwood sends Apologies but did provide a Statement of Balances of £639.37 at 30-9-16.
  1. Elections – The following were approved: Andrew Miles – Committee - Representative from Nevern Place, Roger Nixon – NSCARA Treasurer, Sandra Yarwood – NSCARA Secretary.
  1. Police Report Back
  • Andrew Clough introduced Danny Wright, who is replacing Ben Palastanga. He explained that the Ward has been merged with Abingdon, north of the Cromwell Road, so resources are reduced to one Sergeant, two dedicated Officers, and one PCSO for the combined area. This is consistent with boroughs merging elsewhere in London.
  • Fortunately, our area is not a high crime environment. He provided some statistics for Nevern Square where there were 55 reportable crimes last year. There was an upturn in burglaries around Christmas.
  • Much police time was spent on anti-social behavior issues, with the half-way houses and semi-detention facilities in the area accounting for much of it. RBKC has been more proactive in finding accommodation for rough sleepers so their numbers have declined.
  • RBKC’s ASB Coordinator, Rachel Merriman can provide support for the perpetrators of the objectionable behaviour and works with the police on issues where support is preferred to enforcement.
  • There are officers in the Tardis on Earl’s Court Road Thursday to Saturday, providing a visible police presence in the area.
  • The Earl’s Court Ward Panel on Safer Neighbourhoods meets four times per year and would welcome a member from NSCARA as John Walker has recently resigned. Jill Dain, a NSCARA Committee Member, is a member of the Panel but sent her Apologies for tonight. The Committee will liaise with Jill to see if she can be a more active liaison with John’s departure.
  1. Earls Court Exhibition Centre Report Back
  • CapCo reports that the first phase of the project is done, namely demolition. Those living near the site suggest that jackhammers are still pounding away, all day. Night work is required to move 61 beams across the tracks. More details on the project from CapCo have been uploaded to the website.
  • Much concern was expressed over the reports that CapCo will apply to increase the density of the site, to 10,000 flats. The original applications were two interdependent (LBHF, RBKC) documents and material changes in the project should require new applications. It appears CapCo is working with the Mayor, Sadiq Khan to incorporate the intensification of the site within the revised London Plan.
  1. Maintaining the Conservation Area Look
  • The tree boxes on Warwick Road, installed for the Olympics in 2012, have become eyesores. Warwick Rd is the remit of TfL and Linda will liaise with John Parker on the issue.
  • The barriers at the end of Nevern Road have bee taken away and residents want them reinstated to reduce the illegal traffic and dumping which takes place now.
  • The telephone boxes continue to be a problem, sheltering drug dealers and fostering other ASB. While BT apparently has a statutory right to locate phones in the area, perhaps they can be persuaded not to have boxes but a single phone with a small shelter over it. There is already a initiative underway by TfL as some of the offending boxes are on TfL land. Linda will apply additional pressure on behalf of residents.
  • Finally, the problem of pigeon feeders never resolves, even with the demise of one of the known culprits. Residents have identified two more women who are feeding the pigeons, often leaving food atop cars which are then soiled by the birds. One of the women has carers whom she sends out to do her bidding and they will be approached directly to stop the feeding as they are council-paid service providers.

All present expressed their gratitude to the Hotel K&K George for providing the venue for the AGM. We will investigate hiring space, perhaps in the garden terrace, for the summer party. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8pm.