Morgan County Primary School

School Governance Team

April 12, 2017


Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:02pm by Megan Morris. In attendance: Holly Copelan, Lisa Daniel, Nicole Harris, Barbara Ingram, Melissa Martin, Megan Morris, Katie Sadler-Stephenson and Shasta Tillery. All members were present.

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda – A motion to approve the agenda was made by Holly Copelan with a second provided by Barbara Ingram.

Approval of Minutes – A motion to approve the March minutes was made by Nicole Harris with a second provided by Holly Copelan.

Principal’s Report – Mrs. Daniel provided an update on Track Day which was a huge success thanks to Coach Brown and the Rec department. The following upcoming dates were noted: Field Day will be May 18th and Second Grade Goodbye Day will be May 25th.

School Operations – All SGT members received school-issued email addresses with a starting password that will need to be updated.

Finance – The 2017-2018 Operation and Innovation budget was reviewed and approved, with a motion made by Katie Sadler-Stephenson and with a second by Nicole Harris.

Two Innovation Grants were reviewed and approved at the SGT level with a motion made by Melissa Martin and a second by Katie Sadler-Stephenson. The first was for Chrome Books totaling $35,000 and the second was for Operation Graduation to continue next year with salary and training totaling $74,895.

Personnel – Mrs. Daniel reported that at present time all positions are filled for next year.

Curriculum and Instruction/School Improvement Goals – Attendance and discipline data was reviewed. Title I Parent Involvement Survey and Title IIA Teacher Survey was reviewed to be discussed at the May meeting.

Policy Review – The BOE is still eliminating out of date policies. School-Parent-Student Compact information needs to be updated for the 2017-2018 school year. SGT members received a copy of the compact.

Old Business – SGT will have three openings next year. Information regarding the nominating process will go home in Thursday folders this week.

New Business- None

Executive Session- None

Adjourn – A motion to adjourn was made by Katie Sadler-Stephenson with a second by Nicole Harris.

*Minutes were submitted by Melissa Martin

The mission of Morgan County Primary Charter School (MSPCS) is to maximize the personalization of instruction by supporting and challenging students as they develop their academic and social potential.