Do the Math

Review the table on the following link shows how much you can receive for each year that you earn a 2.5 GPA. You will save this document as Do the Math.


Create a spreadsheet and chart showing how much KEES money you would make, based on your current grades, if you were in high school.

1.Go to Start, Programs, and open Microsoft Excel.

2.Start in cellA3going to cell C3type the following headings: Year in School, GPA and Amount. Type one heading in each cell.Hint: if some of your text goes into the next cell, move your curser or mouse up to the line between the letters and double click to auto fit the cells to the text.

3.In cell A4 down column A, type your years in school: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. Total

4.In column B starting with B4, under the GPA heading, type in 3.1 for freshman, 3.4 for sophomore, 2.1 for junior, and 2.9 for senior.


5.Use the table (How much can I receive for each year to determine how much money you would have earned for your grade point average if you were in high school. Record that amount in column three under the Amount heading. Click on the letter C at the top of the amount column and click on format, cells, number, and currency and change the decimal places to zero, this time. Make sure the $ symbol displays. Click OK.

6.Use a function to total the scholarship you "earned" during your years in high school. Put your curser at the bottom of the Amount column and type an = sign in cell C8, then click on the formulas tab and find sum and total the column.

7.Hint: don't forget to format your columns for decimals and currency.


8.Add another GPA column and Amount column; call it PredictedGPA in cell D3and PredictedAmount in cell E3.

9.Increase your GPA by using a formula. I suggest referencing a cell and adding the .5 to the predicted GPA in cell D4 and fill this down the column to D7.

10.You will need to look up the correct $'s earned at the higher GPA

11. Use a function to total the scholarship for "predicted" during your years in high school. Put your curser at the bottom of the Predicted Amount column and type an = sign in cell E8, then click on the formulas tab and find sum and total the column.

Hint: don't forget to format your columns for decimals and currency.

12.How much more per year of college, could you make? Please post your formula in cell A9 and this should be a positive number.

13.All of the cells highlighted in yellow or gray need to have data.


14.Create a column chart to show your information. Highlight Column A starting with Year in School down to Total, hold Ctrl highlight column C starting with Earned Amount, hold Ctrl highlight Column E.

15.Click on the Insert tab. Select a column chart.

16.Change the chart layout to number 9. The chart should have a title, horizontal/vertical axis and a legend.

17.Give the chart a title“Earned and Predicted GPA Scholarship”. Label X axis as years in high school and the Y axis as Amount. Click Next.

18.Save as Do the Math


Check your formulas and function and make sure they match.