Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung by the

chimney with care

In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

When down in the kitchen I heard such a clatter

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.

And what to my wondering eyes

should appear

But a happy, healthy Santa with

his little reindeer.

He was neither chubby nor plump as you often have heard

And he looked so healthy, I give you my word.

His face was glowing

Because he never gets sick.

And I found myself asking,

"Could this be St. Nick?”

As I gazed 'round the corner to see what was the fuss

I saw why Santa looked so healthy & trim --

It was "Juice Plus+"!!

He did pushups and sit ups and

ran a few laps

Then he pulled out three bottles

and opened their caps.

Out of the bottles, the fresh produce came,

and he whistled and shouted

and called them by name.

"Spinach and Broccoli

And Parsley and Cherries,

Carrots and Peaches and Grapes & Berries

Red & orange, yellow and green,

Orchard and Garden is really keen!

But now we have Vineyard the purples & blues

The full spectrum of color, all the rainbow hues!

Apparently Santa had gotten the word

That not eating better is really absurd.

Since diet alone may not give you enough

Conveniently packaged, there's an option ---"Juice Plus+"!

Eating Juice Plus+ is so easy and quick

It is food for everyone.-.even St. Nick!

Still, though, I wondered: Could it be true?

That St. Nick had started eating Juice Plus, too?

But then I heard him exclaim,

as he drove out of sight

"Take three in the morning and three more at night!"



How you can stay healthy, jolly and feeling great over the holidays!

Are you tired of sniffling through this happy season, feeling stressed and no energy? If you’d like some practical tips on making healthy choices and how to live a life of vitality so you can enjoy future holiday seasons, join us for a


[Healthy holiday snacks served, of course!]


November 16th, 2010


Hosted by Santa’s Helpers:

Ken & Dr. Carol Watson RN, ND

808 Montezuma Express Dr, Greenfield 46140

Call for RSVP & directions:317-318-9003