Higher Physical Education

Key Word Checklist

Area of Analysis – Key Concepts / Key Words
Preparation of the Body
Fitness assessment in relation to personal performance and demands of activities. / Standardised procedures, regular monitoring of performance, test norms
Application of different types of fitness in the development of activity specific performance. / Performance review, conditioning training
Physical, skill related and mental aspects of fitness. / Speed endurance, strength endurance dynamic strength local muscular endurance, flexibility, reaction time, agility, balance, movement anticipation, co-ordination, level of arousal, rehearsal, managing your emotions.
Principles and methods of training / Specificity, progressive overload, intensity, duration, frequency, combined skill and fitness training programmes, adaptation, reversibility
Planning, implementing and monitoring training. / Identifiable goals, short and long term goals periodisation, peaking for performance, tapering down, phases of training, training cycles, monitoring performance
Skills and Techniques
The concepts of skill and skilled performance / Fluent controlled movements, selecting correct options, skills which reflect experience and ability, information processing, learning loop, decision making, open and closed skills, simple and complex skills, serial continuous and discrete skills, variations in technique
Skill/technique improvement through mechanical analysis or consideration of movement or consideration of quality. / Force, body levers, planes of movement, preparation action recovery, managing effort factors in performance, personal and technical qualities.
The development of skill and the refinement of technique / Preparation, practice and automatic stages of learning, solo/group/shadow/partner practice, opposed/unopposed practice, repetition/drills practice, massed/distributed practice, conditioned/small sided games, whole/part/whole, work to rest ratios, progression, internal motivation, goal setting, external motivation, concentration, forms of feedback, knowledge of results, effect of boredom and fatigue.
Structures and Strategies
The structures, strategies and/or compositional elements that are fundamental to activities / Tempo, deception, design form and style with a composition,
Identification of strengths and weaknesses in performance in terms of roles and relationships, formations, tactical or design elements and choreography / Support, continuity, pressure, improvisation, cohesion, width, depth, mobility, systems of play, positive team/group ethos, interpreting stimulus, timing
Information processing, problem solving, and decision making when working to develop and improve performance / Adapting and refining, individual and group decision-making, dynamics and relationships, effective decision making under pressure.